Yu Hong‐Yi, Leon (Xiangjun) Feng and Yu Ran
A basic pansystems scientific view about the physical world is presented. The principle and methodology of pansystems GuanKong technology are introduced. Simple metrics for the…
A basic pansystems scientific view about the physical world is presented. The principle and methodology of pansystems GuanKong technology are introduced. Simple metrics for the quantization of information, risk and gain by comparison (GBC) are established and discussed, and the practical and simple membership function which realizes the transformation from qualitative to quantitative order are given, and an example showing the pansystems GuanKong in detail is also given.
Xuemou Wu, Xiangjun Feng and Dinghe Guo
A new expression of the philosophy framework of pansystems theory is stated. Some generalized quantification formulae are developed. Concrete contents include: new forms of…
A new expression of the philosophy framework of pansystems theory is stated. Some generalized quantification formulae are developed. Concrete contents include: new forms of panderivative and pansymmetry, meta‐equation, eight‐counter methodology, pansystems relativity, dialectical logic, panbox principle, complex systems, systems engineering, analytic hierarchy process, general living systems, economy‐sociology, clustering, topology, morphology, master equation, approximation‐transforming theory, equivalence theory of dynamics of electromagnetic media, etc.
People have been led objectively to the directions of delusion and confusion since Einstein published his special relativity in 1905. Basically, Einstein's special relativity is…
People have been led objectively to the directions of delusion and confusion since Einstein published his special relativity in 1905. Basically, Einstein's special relativity is against the truth of the universe – The cause effect law. The fatal mistake of Einstein was, as the “collapse of the wave function” in modern quantum theory, not separating the physical reality from the observation of instruments and human being. This paper attempts to bring back science from inside the “Ha–Ha” mirror to the common senses and rational study. This paper reflects some important viewpoints of International Pansystems School.
This study aims to analyze the subsequent investment success of EMNCs after their strategic asset-seeking foreign direct investments (FDIs), while internationalization…
This study aims to analyze the subsequent investment success of EMNCs after their strategic asset-seeking foreign direct investments (FDIs), while internationalization trajectories of multinational corporations from emerging economies (EMNCs) have been extensively studied, Post-internationalization investment success of EMNCs is defined as extensive technological knowledge access and transfer for knowledge combination. This paper focuses on EMNC explicit knowledge access and transfer.
This study analyzes US patents granted between 2000 and 2014 to leading innovation-oriented EMNCs from China and India as well as to their key competitors from mature industrialized countries (MMNCs). Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test is used to compare the explicit technological knowledge access and transfer patterns of EMNCs and MMNCs. With MMNCs as the benchmark, the comparison allows to imply the patterns and extent of technological knowledge access and transfer of EMNCs.
While subsidiary reverse knowledge transfer is largely missing, EMNCs adopt a parent-centric approach in which the parent directly accesses and transfers explicit knowledge from the external environment of host locations. In doing so, EMNCs at least partially achieve the knowledge access and transfer goals of strategic asset-seeking FDIs.
This study contributes to an in-depth understanding of EMNCs by empirically testing key predictions in extant EMNC literature, namely, the strategic asset-seeking in host locations and the systematic integration of accessed knowledge and resources with home country activities. This study also pioneers the use of the US patent and citation data to empirically study EMNCs.