AS a result of the rather conflicting information available concerning the effect of stabilizing and stress relief heat treatment upon welded 18‐8 stainless steel, the Ryan…
AS a result of the rather conflicting information available concerning the effect of stabilizing and stress relief heat treatment upon welded 18‐8 stainless steel, the Ryan Aeronautical Company Laboratory has recently concluded a series of investigations on this subject. These tests were designed to determine the particular benefits, if any, which might be imparted by these processes to 18‐8 type 321 and type 347 stainless steels for use on exhaust manifolds. Benefits which would be reflected in greater serviceability of the aircraft exhaust manifolds manufactured from this steel were of prime importance to this inquiry.
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda or the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda or the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and publications of other similar Research Bodies as issued
Social scientists have recently turned their attention to the important consequences of industrial districts or so-called agglomeration economies on economic growth and firm…
Social scientists have recently turned their attention to the important consequences of industrial districts or so-called agglomeration economies on economic growth and firm performance. This paper explores an important but unanswered question involving agglomeration economies: does geographic location within an agglomeration affect firm performance? I assess this question by examining the effects of different geographic office locations (by zip code) on the failure rates of all corporate law firms located in Silicon Valley from 1969 to 1998. Empirical estimates reveal that Silicon Valley corporate law firms benefit from the increased volume of client referrals that comes from being near mutualistic firms that offer a different range of legal services, the lower labor costs and more specialized division of labor that come from being near a large joint supply of lawyers, and the increased business that comes from being near important clients (i.e. venture capital firms).
In addition, corporate law firms that locate in certain municipalities of Silicon Valley, including Palo Alto, San Jose, and Santa Clara, have significantly increased failure rates, even controlling for many firm-specific differences. Younger corporate law firms (under the age of 11 years) are helped disproportionately by being near important environmental resources and harmed disproportionately by being in certain perilous areas of Silicon Valley. All told, a law firm’s office location within Silicon Valley has significant consequences for its survival.
Maria Cadiz Dyball, Wai Fong Chua and Chris Poullaos
The aim of the paper is to argue that accounting practices in colonial systems of government can help to construct the identity and “competency” of colonised communities.
The aim of the paper is to argue that accounting practices in colonial systems of government can help to construct the identity and “competency” of colonised communities.
The approach was a historical analysis of the colonial political and economic policies of the USA in the Philippines from 1898 to 1924. The role of accounting practices was demonstrated by focusing on the case of the Philippine National Bank from 1916 to 1924. The bank was created by a wholly‐Filipino Legislature when Americans were actively promoting “home rule” by the Filipinos as a prelude to independence. Using Weber's theoretical distinction between modern and traditional societies, primary documents on the bank and secondary references of the policies of the USA during the period of study were examined.
It was found that the Americans used controls over government moneys to express their modernity, efficiency and goodness, while the Filipinos resisted them to perpetuate traditional social arrangements in the context of a “modern” Philippine state. The controls “failed” under the stress of such tensions. The Americans concluded that the Filipinos were unable to manage government moneys “properly”, thus denying them their independence.
Research limitations/implications
Weber's theorization of traditional and modern societies should be applied to understand interactions between coloniser and colonised in cases other than the Philippines.
This paper will be valuable to academics and policy makers because it shows that accounting need not be an active agent by colonisers/administrators to appropriate spoils from its colony.
Nda Muhammad, Mohd Shalahuddin Adnan, Mohd Azlan Mohd Yosuff and Kabiru Abdullahi Ahmad
Sediment measurement is usually accessible on a periodic or distinct basis. The measurement of sediment (suspended and bedload), especially in the field, is vital in keeping…
Sediment measurement is usually accessible on a periodic or distinct basis. The measurement of sediment (suspended and bedload), especially in the field, is vital in keeping essential data of sediment transport and deposition. Various techniques for measuring sediment have been used over time each with its merits and demerits. The techniques discussed in this paper for suspended sediment include bottle, acoustic, pump, laser diffraction, nuclear and optical. Other techniques for bedload measurement are; River bedload trap (RBT), CSU/FU bedload trap, Helley–Smith, Polish Hydrological Services (PIHM) device, pit and trough, vortex tube, radioactive traces and bedload–surrogate technologies. However, the choice of technique depends on multiple factors ranging from budget constraint, availability of equipment, manpower and data requirement. The purpose of this paper is to present valuable information on selected techniques used in sediment measurement, to aid researchers/practitioners in the choice of sediment measurement technique.
This paper presents a general review of selected field techniques used in sediment measurement (suspended and bedload). Each techniques mode of operation, merits and demerits are discussed.
This paper highlights that each technique has its peculiar merits and demerits. However, two techniques are generally preferred over others; the bottle sampling and the Helley–Smith sampler for measuring suspended and bedload sediment. This is because the applicability of these techniques is quite widespread and time-tested.
This review paper provides an in-depth description and comparison of selected existing field sediment measurement techniques. The objective is to ease decision-making about the choice of technique, as well as to identify the suitability and applicability of the chosen technique.
Reports that have reached us of the installation of Sir Philip R. Morris as President of the Library Association on January 28th assure us of the contribution he may make to the…
Reports that have reached us of the installation of Sir Philip R. Morris as President of the Library Association on January 28th assure us of the contribution he may make to the Association. As the retiring President, Mr. Oldman said, and as we know, his main interest has always been education and, as the Association has many projects in that field and some problems yet unsolved, he welcomed Sir Philip especially in that direction; but our new President has much experience of libraries in spite of his disclaimer of qualifications in our direction. He is a Carnegie Trustee and, unofficially, he connects us again with the body to which our profession owes so much and, as for lack of experience, one who has been Director of Education for Kent and therefore the ultimate official chief of the great County Library system there, cannot lack it. From what we hear of this speech—which we hope will be published in its complete but all too short length in the L.A. Record—we look ahead with confident pleasure to the Address he will give us at the Southport Conference in September.
THE engineering laboratory of the American Ryan Aeronautical Co. operates on two broad paths: analytical control and research. It controls the standards for all materials and…
THE engineering laboratory of the American Ryan Aeronautical Co. operates on two broad paths: analytical control and research. It controls the standards for all materials and processes used in manufacturing. Incoming stocks of metals such as corrosion‐resistant steels, aluminium alloys and magnesium must be carefully analysed to see that they are chemically correct and modified by heat‐treating and other processes to meet their specialised use in aircraft applications. All processes such as welding, plating, pickling, anodising, heat‐treating and degreasing are developed by the laboratory and remain under the surveillance of laboratory technicians.
Elizabeth A. Mannix and Stephen J. Sauer
Within the organizational literature, the emphasis on group performance has tended to overshadow issues of group composition and structure. In this chapter we urge group scholars…
Within the organizational literature, the emphasis on group performance has tended to overshadow issues of group composition and structure. In this chapter we urge group scholars to turn their attention to the topic of hierarchy in organizational groups. We focus on hierarchy as defined by both status and power. We propose that understanding how organizational groups resolve conflicts, make decisions, and ultimately perform, must stem from an understanding of the hierarchical structure in the team. Hierarchy imposes constraints on group interactions and should therefore be more central in our frameworks, theories, and research. We look at three areas that could benefit from bringing a hierarchical perspective to the forefront: (1) Information exchange and discussion biases in group decision making, (2) The study of conflict management and negotiation, and (3) Creativity and effectiveness in diverse teams.
More and more students are majoring in business in colleges and universities today and need access to legal materials. Undergraduate libraries are feeling pressure from these…
More and more students are majoring in business in colleges and universities today and need access to legal materials. Undergraduate libraries are feeling pressure from these departments to build basic legal collections. This is an awesome responsibility because legal publications are very expensive to purchase initially and must be kept up‐to‐date. Since library literature provides little guidance for the librarian in this endeavor, I would like to pass on to others the knowledge I have gained by building a legal collection in an undergraduate library.