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Publication date: 1 December 1995

Jack A. Lesser and William T. Kirk

An unprecedented number of syndicated and custom research firms are compering for differential advantage within the marketplace to provide corporate information. As a result…



An unprecedented number of syndicated and custom research firms are compering for differential advantage within the marketplace to provide corporate information. As a result, numerous forms of research are available to the business community. The proliferation of methods and findings is potentially important to decision‐making. Such diverse offerings can provide corporate planners with a detailed understanding of consumers' concerns and aspirations.


Management Research News, vol. 18 no. 12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0140-9174

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Publication date: 1 August 1998

Jack A. Lesser, Lakshmi K. Thumuluri and William T. Kirk

Attempts to understand consumer behaviour through a study of the physiological brain functioning processes. Refers to literature on physiological psychological theory. Provides a…



Attempts to understand consumer behaviour through a study of the physiological brain functioning processes. Refers to literature on physiological psychological theory. Provides a brief description of the nervous system and brain centre functions. Tests three models of psychological variables dealing with shopping – the hypothesized developmental state model, hypothesized disposition model, and hypothesized danger model – then integrates these models into one and tests the new model. Tests the models against data gathered during interviews with shoppers in a US shopping mall. Finds some support for Hilgard’s “neodissociationistic theory” of behaviour. Recommends further investigation of the brain’s mechanisms should be carried out.


Management Research News, vol. 21 no. 7/8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0140-9174




Documents on and from the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-84663-909-8

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Publication date: 1 May 1911

The Board of Agriculture has received from the Principal of the Somerset House Laboratory a report on the examination of samples of milk taken by an inspector in connection with…



The Board of Agriculture has received from the Principal of the Somerset House Laboratory a report on the examination of samples of milk taken by an inspector in connection with an inquiry into methods of sampling milk.


British Food Journal, vol. 13 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

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Publication date: 1 January 1910

Very much more might be done to improve the quality of our food supplies by the great organisations that exist for the avowed object of furthering the interests of traders in…



Very much more might be done to improve the quality of our food supplies by the great organisations that exist for the avowed object of furthering the interests of traders in foodstuffs. It is no exaggeration to say that these organisations claim, and rightly claim, to speak in the aggregate on behalf of great commercial interests involving the means of livelihood of thousands of people and the most profitable disposal of millions of money. The information that they possess as to certain trade methods and requirements is necessarily unique. Apart from the commercial knowledge they possess, these organisations have funds at their command which enable them to obtain the best professional opinions on any subjects connected with the trades they represent. Their members are frequently to be found occupying positions of responsibility as the elected representatives of their fellow‐citizens on municipal councils and other public bodies, where the administration of the Food Laws and prosecutions under the Food and Drugs Acts are often under discussion. Such organisations, then, are in a position to afford an unlimited amount of valuable help by assisting to put down fraud in connection with our food supply. The dosing of foods with harmful drugs is, of course, only a part of a very much larger subject. It is, however, typical. Assuming the danger to public health that arises from the treatment of foods with harmful preservatives, the continued use of such substances cannot but be in the long run as harmful to the best interests of the traders as it is actually dangerous to public health. The trade organisations to which reference has been made might very well extend their sphere of usefulness by making it their business to seriously consider this and similar questions in the interests of public health, as well as in their own best interests. It is surely not open to doubt that a great organisation, numbering hundreds, and perhaps thousands of members, has such a membership because individual traders find it to their interest, as do people in all walks of life, to act more or less in common for the general advantage ; and, further, that it would not be to the benefit of individual members that their connection with the organisation should terminate owing to their own wrong‐doing. The executives of such trade organisations hold a sufficiently strong position to enable them to bring strong pressure to bear on those who are acting in a way that is contrary to the interests of the public generally, and of honest traders in particular, by adulterating or misbranding the food products that they gain their living by selling. It should also be plain that such trade organisations could go a long way towards solving many of the very vexed questions that arise whenever food standards and limits, for example, form the subject of discussion. These problems are not easy to deal with. The difficulties in connection with them are many and great; but such problems, however difficult of solution, are still not insoluble, and an important step towards their solution would be taken if co‐operation between those who are acting in the interests of hygienic science and those who are acting in the interests of trade could be brought about. If this could be accomplished the unedifying spectacle of alleged trade interests and the demands of public health being brought, as is so often the case, into sharp conflict, would be less frequent, and there can be no doubt that general benefit would result.


British Food Journal, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

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Publication date: 1 March 1995

Michael Kirk‐Smith and William Gault

Business start‐ups and enterprise development are supported by the UK Government through Local Enterprise Agencies (LEAs) with the provision of managed workspaces and ancillary…



Business start‐ups and enterprise development are supported by the UK Government through Local Enterprise Agencies (LEAs) with the provision of managed workspaces and ancillary facilities. Local Enterprise Agency managers may not have business or marketing backgrounds. The extent of use of marketing concepts and practices by staff in LEAs was investigated. A questionnaire was sent to a sample of 30 LEA managers (10% of all LEAs) covering their understanding of LEAs' market ‘positioning’, promotional activity and client targeting. The findings show that the application of formal marketing approaches is weak, even among LEA managers who possess marketing qualifications. It seems unlikely that potentially successful entrepreneurs are seen as a target market by LEA staff or are actively attracted to take advantage of the facilities and services available. Local Enterprise Agencies emphasize the importance of capabilities in business planning, in their clients. However, entrepreneurs are, in general, notably weak in this business function and LEAs may therefore be de‐selecting entrepreneurs in their selection procedures. These findings suggest a weakness in LEA operations. It is recommended that training in marketing specifically tailored to the LEAs' task should be given to LEA managers.


Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 2 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1462-6004

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Publication date: 1 July 1924

OUR readers will, we trust, appreciate our double souvenir number issued in connection with the Library Association Conference at Glasgow. Special features are the articles on the…



OUR readers will, we trust, appreciate our double souvenir number issued in connection with the Library Association Conference at Glasgow. Special features are the articles on the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 1874–1924, by a member of the staff, Mr. J. Dunlop, and one on the Burns Country, by Mr. J. M. Leighton, of Greenock Public Library. We printed the provisional programme in our July issue and as we go to press have little to add to the particulars there given, except to compliment the Library Association and the Local Reception Committee on the excellent programme arranged for the occasion, from both the professional and social point of view.


New Library World, vol. 27 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4803

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Publication date: 1 July 1923

THE fact that the forthcoming conference of the Library Association is to be held at Eastbourne this year should provide it with an additional official interest, as it is here…



THE fact that the forthcoming conference of the Library Association is to be held at Eastbourne this year should provide it with an additional official interest, as it is here that the Association Hon. Solicitor and Legal Adviser holds the important office of Town Clerk. Mr. Fovargue is the authority on Library Law in all its aspects, and is the author of several books on this important subject. We are particularly happy in being able to print an article from his pen in our special Conference number. The programme of the proceedings is by now, no doubt, in the hands of our readers, and will be found to be less crowded, but no less useful for that, than in previous years. Apart from the usual business programme, which should prove full of interest, the social side has been fully catered for and delightfully arranged. Several interesting motor trips are to take place, and delegates will be afforded an opportunity of enjoying the charms of the beautiful county of Sussex as well as those of one of our most favoured of seaside resorts.


New Library World, vol. 26 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4803

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Publication date: 1 November 1904

It is apparently becoming the fashion among certain types of self‐sufficient persons in this country to endeavour to bring discredit upon the scientific expert, and—whenever the…



It is apparently becoming the fashion among certain types of self‐sufficient persons in this country to endeavour to bring discredit upon the scientific expert, and—whenever the practice can be indulged in with impunity—to snub and to insult him as far as possible. While this course of procedure is particularly to be observed when the expert is called upon to give evidence in a Court of Law, or to explain technical points before some highly inexpert body, it is not only in these circumstances that he is subjected to misrepresentation, discourtesy, and downright insult. Whenever a case occurs which appears to afford pabulum capable of being twisted into shape for the purpose, certain newspapers— generally, we are glad to say, of the lower class—are invariably ready to publish cheap sneers at science and scientific men, frequently accompanied by insulting suggestions. Other journals of a better class do not indulge in abuse and insulting suggestions, but confine themselves to lecturing the expert or experts with all that assurance which is characteristic of blatant ignorance. Accusations of incompetence and of culpable negligence are common in the gutter Press and in some so‐called Courts of Justice. Even suggestions of bad faith and of failure to honourably discharge duties undertaken are sometimes to be met with. It cannot be supposed that the reason for all this is to be found in the conduct of some very few persons who, in the eyes of all right‐thinking people, have brought discredit on themselves by appearing as “ advocate‐witnesses ” to defend the indefensible. At any rate, the conduct of such individuals affords no justification for tarring everybody with the same brush. The hostile, acidly‐cantankerous, and frequently grossly insolent attitude adopted by certain persons and in certain quarters towards those experts whose duties are of a public character and connected with legal or semi‐legal proceedings, is due to a reason which is not far to seek. It is due, in the first place, to the disgraceful ignorance in regard to scientific matters, even of the most elementary kind, which unhappily pervades all classes of the community;' and, secondly, to that form of jealousy peculiar to the small and mean mind which detests and kicks at anything and everything beyond its power of comprehension. When apparently contradictory evidence is given by scientific witnesses—appearing on opposite sides in a case—it is obviously far more easy and satisfactory to shriek about the “ differing of doctors ” than to admit that one's own miserable ignorance prevents one from seeing the points and from ascertaining whether there is any real contradiction or not. It is far more convenient to suggest that the public analyst, for instance, does not know what he is about, has made some absurd mistake, or has been guilty of scandalous negligence, than to admit that one does not understand his certificate owing to one's own defective education or inferior intellectual capacity.


British Food Journal, vol. 6 no. 11
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

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Publication date: 1 January 1934

EVERY method employed by librar ns to bring books to the notice of readers may be justified It is thus desirable to devote an occasional issue of THE LIBRARY WORLD to this…



EVERY method employed by librar ns to bring books to the notice of readers may be justified It is thus desirable to devote an occasional issue of THE LIBRARY WORLD to this attractive subject. Our writers take differing views, but there is always a single aim in their work: to bring right book and reader into acquaintance. We might have to meet the challenge, which indeed one of our writers implies, that such book display may deflect the Library from its original, rightful purpose. Until these terms are defined such a challenge is a begging of the question. Often we have mentioned the question, For what public is the public library working? Was it intended to serve as an auxiliary, and then an extension, of the official education system? It has always indeed been more and less than that. Our founders were able to argue that libraries would withdraw men from beer and ill‐company, but from the first they probably failed to do that, and made their appeal to the intelligent elements in the community. As they developed and public education waxed, there grew up an enormous literature, available in early years in small quantity, the aim of which was entertainment only, and there survived—there survives still—a notion which was based on an earlier conception of books, that to read was somehow educative and virtuous, whatever was read. Librarians hold this notion in some measure to‐day, although the recent success of twopenny libraries which are mainly devoted to the entertainment type of literature must have made them revise the view somewhat.


New Library World, vol. 36 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4803

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