William Lowe Boyd and Robert L. Crowson
Building on and reconsidering previous research on organizational models of education, the authors argue that while many administrators in education are still trying to manage…
Building on and reconsidering previous research on organizational models of education, the authors argue that while many administrators in education are still trying to manage ambiguous, and occasionally “anarchic” organizations effectively, the ambivalences of both loose and tight structures are today better understood than 25 years ago. In a development paralleling the evolution of organizational thinking in corporate management which no longer posits a “one‐best‐system hierarchy”, developments in education theory and practice point to the emergence of hybrid models of organization that capture the advantages of centralization and coordination produced by hierarchy while attempting to harness the advantages of more decentralized organizational structures.
Are education and efficiency antithetical? Does the pursuit of efficiency in education inevitably lead to misguided practices and measurement attempts that distort the character…
Are education and efficiency antithetical? Does the pursuit of efficiency in education inevitably lead to misguided practices and measurement attempts that distort the character and purposes of education? Despite legitimate fears about misguided efforts at efficiency, history shows that efficiency and enlightened educational leadership can be combined beneficially. Indeed, if we want to use educational resources as wisely and effectively as possible, to benefit as many students as possible, we must evaluate the efficiency of alternative policies and practices. This article explores the issues involved, and steps required, for a balanced and appropriate pursuit of efficiency that preserves educational values and avoids the dangers of the “cult of efficiency.”
Describes attributes of Donald J. Willower from the viewpoint of a fellow professor at Pennsylvania State University. Identifies Willower as a leader in the field of educational…
Describes attributes of Donald J. Willower from the viewpoint of a fellow professor at Pennsylvania State University. Identifies Willower as a leader in the field of educational administration and as an outstanding teacher and researcher. Willower’s fame helped establish and maintain Pennsylvania State University as a leading institution in the USA. Notes also Willower’s continuing support for the scientific approach to research in the field.
The main emphasis of nutritional study, until within comparatively recent years, was placed on a consideration of the energy or calorie value of a diet. A diet was considered…
The main emphasis of nutritional study, until within comparatively recent years, was placed on a consideration of the energy or calorie value of a diet. A diet was considered sufficient or otherwise depending on the number of calories it contained. The modern trend in nuitrition, however, has tended to follow an opposite direction—the quantitative aspect has been relegated to a subsidiary position, and the quality of the diet is now considered as of supreme importance. In this qualitative assessment vitamins have been placed in the forefront, and there has been a tendency to overstress the nutritional importance of these essentials to the exclusion of perhaps as important dietary constituents.
THE best professional progress of recent times is indicated by a paragraph in the Council Notes of the L.A. which seems to suggest that the Association of Assistant Librarians may…
THE best professional progress of recent times is indicated by a paragraph in the Council Notes of the L.A. which seems to suggest that the Association of Assistant Librarians may soon become united to the L.A. A successful meeting has been held between representatives of both bodies at which difficulties have been smoothed away. We hear that the Birmingham and District Library Association is also coming in and the attitude of the other still unattached associations is such that there is every hope of their adherence.