Na Hao, H. Holly Wang, Xinxin Wang and Wetzstein Michael
This study aims to test the compensatory consumption theory with the explicit hypothesis that China's new-rich tend to waste relatively more food.
This study aims to test the compensatory consumption theory with the explicit hypothesis that China's new-rich tend to waste relatively more food.
In this study, the authors use Heckman two-step probit model to empirically investigate the new-rich consumption behavior related to food waste.
The results show that new-rich is associated with restaurant leftovers and less likely to take them home, which supports the compensatory consumption hypothesis.
Practical implications
Understanding the empirical evidence supporting compensatory consumption theory may improve forecasts, which feed into early warning systems for food insecurity. And it also avoids unreasonable food policies.
This research is a first attempt to place food waste in a compensatory-consumption perspective, which sheds light on a new theory for explaining increasing food waste in developing countries.
Amritkant Mishra, Ajit Kumar Dash and Purna Chandra Padhan
This pragmatic investigation examines the dynamic nexus between crude oil prices and food inflation from South and Southeast Asian perspectives.
This pragmatic investigation examines the dynamic nexus between crude oil prices and food inflation from South and Southeast Asian perspectives.
This study investigates the asymmetric effects of global crude oil prices on food inflation using a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model with monthly data covering the period from May 2012 to April 2022.
The empirical evidence reveals that international crude oil has a substantial impact on food prices in the majority of countries. Additionally, the relevant outcome documents that the asymmetric effect of global crude oil on food inflation applies to Sri Lanka and Vietnam, while in the other countries, it is symmetric.
Research limitations/implications
Considering the optimistic outcomes, this empirical investigation is certain to have important shortcomings. Initially, the conclusions drawn from the above findings were based only on detailed assessments of the aforementioned variables' data over a 10-year period. The current scholarly analysis investigates the existence of an asymmetric impact of crude oil on food inflation, limited to six Asian countries. On the other hand, considering a greater number of Asian economies could enhance the analysis’s robustness and precision.
The current research aims to contribute to the existing literature on food inflation and global oil prices in the following ways: First, this study investigates the nexus between global crude oil and food inflation in a novel way, considering the nonlinear relationship between the variables. To figure out the nonlinear relationship or uneven effect of the global oil shock on food prices, we use the nonlinear ARDL model. Secondly, as food inflation is one of the major issues for the South and Southeast Asian economies, this empirical investigation broadens the analysis by incorporating a perspective from South and Southeast Asia, an area largely overlooked by previous researchers. Finally, we are very optimistic about the phenomenal contribution of current analysis to comprehending the conception of oil and food price dynamics from a broader perspective to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which aims for a sustainable resolution to end hunger in all its forms by 2030 and to accomplish food security, especially in emerging economies.
The purpose of this study is to analyze short- and long-run market-sensitive drivers of housing affordability. The study highlights an ongoing housing affordability crisis in an…
The purpose of this study is to analyze short- and long-run market-sensitive drivers of housing affordability. The study highlights an ongoing housing affordability crisis in an emerging market context by also providing an empirical tool to combat the crisis.
To investigate determinants of uniquely constructed effective housing affordability index and house price to income ratio index, the author uses a bound testing approach to cointegration and error correction models, besides causality tests, variance decompositions and impulse response functions. This study uses Turkish data for the period of 2007 M06 and 2017 M12.
The evidence suggests that the housing affordability crisis is mainly driven by credit expansion, rent and construction costs. A sensible housing policy response would target these variables. This evidence suggests that housing affordability mostly depends on housing market dynamics rather than policies because of the exogeneous/cyclical natures of the drivers.
Research limitations/implications
Data constraints shape the study. A regional or an aggregate-level panel study cannot be developed because of a lack of data. This limitation inevitably results in the exclusion of relevant socio-economic/political factors and is also the main reason for the lack of comparative analysis in a cross-country setting.
Practical implications
This study argues that dependency on neoliberal housing market practices seems the underlying reason for the lack of efficient policy answers and the ongoing affordability crisis. From a policymaking perspective, the study suggests that necessary policy measures to resolve the housing affordability crisis may give a specific emphasis on housing rent, housing credit volume and construction costs as the major components of the crisis.
This study develops a novel measure and presents a new conceptual framework by combining quantitative research methods and policymaking in housing affordability. In this respect, to the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first work to comparatively investigate the determinants of uniquely developed monthly housing affordability measurements.
This paper aims to offer an extensive empirical case study analysis by investigating housing affordability in Turkey as a whole, and in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir over the period…
This paper aims to offer an extensive empirical case study analysis by investigating housing affordability in Turkey as a whole, and in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir over the period of 2006 and 2017 and its sub-periods.
This paper develops a theoretically informed model to assess affordability using complementary methodologies in quantitative analysis. This study seeks to help outline the nature of the problem in aggregate level and in the cities; it also seeks to offer lessons about how to address measurement and modelling challenges in emergent market contexts by constructing aggregate-/city-level housing cost-to-income (HCI) ratio, adjusted HCI (AHCI) ratio, housing affordability index (HAI) and effective HAI sensitive to multiple calculation methodologies and alternative data set involving income distribution and poverty tranches.
HCI, AHCI, HAI and EHAI models generally suggest the parallel results: housing is not affordable in Turkey and in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir except for the highest income groups. The evidence implies that besides macroeconomic instabilities, distorted interest rates and short average mortgage maturity, poverty and unequal income/wealth distributions are the main reasons of the Turkish housing affordability crisis specifically heightened in metropolitan areas such as in Istanbul.
Research limitations/implications
The evidence provides an insight on housing affordability problems in Turkey. However, small sample size and short observation period create a limit for generalisation of the findings. Further analysis would be required to illustrate how housing affordability changes in different cities of Turkey in a longer period.
Practical implications
By using empirical approaches, this paper helps to understand how serious housing affordability problems of Turkey in aggregate and urban levels. This evidence helps to explain declining ownership ratio in low-income groups and in urban areas. Reliable explanations on existing housing crisis of Turkey also help to develop affordable housing policies.
Social implications
Declining housing affordability and homeownership ratio may translate as the rising housing inequality and insecurity among Turkish households. Moreover, better affordability values of higher income groups suggest that existing inequality, economic/social segmentation, and hence social tension between high and low income groups, may further increase. In this respect, the authors suggest socially important policies such as reducing income/wealth inequalities and increasing affordable housing supply.
This study offers a detailed empirical case study analysis that can be used as an exemplar of how to overcome data constraints in other evolving housing market contexts. This study sets out an approach overcoming the challenges of measurement. This study also combines existing methodological approaches with the modified variables to provide a more realistic aggregate-/urban-level housing affordability picture. The authors calculated some parts of housing affordability ratio and index series using discretionary income, minimum wage and effective minimum wage to show the variations of different measurement approaches. Some constructed series are also sensitive to income distribution and poverty thresholds. Collectively, this empirical approach, developed by using emerging market data, provides a contribution to the literature.