Yujuan Zheng, Shan Liu, Wei Huang (Wayne) and James Jiunn-Yih Jiang
The purpose of this paper is to formulate and test a theoretical model to explain inter-organizational cooperation behaviors among suppliers in automotive new product development…
The purpose of this paper is to formulate and test a theoretical model to explain inter-organizational cooperation behaviors among suppliers in automotive new product development (NPD) projects. This study aims to investigate the effects of cost and benefit factors on trust and inter-organizational cooperative behaviors among suppliers in automotive NPD projects from the perspective of social exchange theory (SET).
The structural equation modeling method is applied to test the proposed model, which is based on the analysis of survey data from 272 product managers of automotive part suppliers.
Knowledge sharing and coordination effort influence inter-organizational cooperation indirectly through trust. Specially, trust is negatively influenced by coordination effort but positively affected by knowledge sharing. Requirement uncertainty moderates the relationship between cost–benefit factors and trust differently. Specifically, requirement uncertainty increases the negative influence of coordination effort on trust but also strengthens the positive effect of knowledge sharing on trust.
This study provides a relatively comprehensive cost–benefit framework for further understanding the formation mechanism of inter-organizational cooperation among suppliers. It also contributes to SET by incorporating the contextual factor to explain the moderating effect of requirement uncertainty on the relationships between cost–benefit factors and trust in the context of automotive NPD projects.
Yuting Rong, Shan Liu, Shuo Yan, Wei Wayne Huang and Yanxia Chen
Lenders in online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms are always non-experts and face severe information asymmetry. This paper aims to achieve the goals of gaining high returns…
Lenders in online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms are always non-experts and face severe information asymmetry. This paper aims to achieve the goals of gaining high returns with risk limitations or lowering risks with expected returns for P2P lenders.
This paper used data from a leading online P2P lending platform in America. First, the authors constructed a logistic regression-based credit scoring model and a linear regression-based profit scoring model to predict the default probabilities and profitability of loans. Second, based on the predictions of loan risk and loan return, the authors constructed linear programming model to form the optimal loan portfolio for lenders.
The research results show that compared to a logistic regression-based credit scoring method, the proposed new framework could make more returns for lenders with risks unchanged. Furthermore, compared to a linear regression-based profit scoring method, the proposed new framework could lower risks for lenders without lowering returns. In addition, comparisons with advanced machine learning techniques further validate its superiority.
Unlike previous studies that focus solely on predicting the default probability or profitability of loans, this study considers loan allocation in online P2P lending as an optimization research problem using a new framework based upon modern portfolio theory (MPT). This study may contribute theoretically to the extension of MPT in the specific context of online P2P lending and benefit lenders and platforms to develop more efficient investment tools.
Xiaosong (Jason) Wu, Wei (Wayne) Huang, James Jiang, Gary Klein and Shan Liu
Two challenges faced by automotive component design projects within contracted design agencies are (1) specification changes requested by the manufacturers and (2) product…
Two challenges faced by automotive component design projects within contracted design agencies are (1) specification changes requested by the manufacturers and (2) product information or core technology knowledge leakage to external actors. We examine the effects of targeted boundary activities that address these challenges under the contingencies of environmental uncertainty and project complexity.
Based on Boundary management theory, a bidirectional model of boundary buffering was conceptualized in the context of design agency teams developing automotive components. A survey is derived from the proposed model. Regression analysis is performed using empirical data from 234 auto component design projects in Chinese design agencies.
Boundary buffering activities that strengthen outside-in boundaries and inside-out boundaries directly improve the final design quality. Further, the magnitude of effect for outside-in buffering on design quality is enhanced under environmental uncertainty, while the impact of inside-out buffering on design quality is enhanced under project complexity.
Research limitations/implications
Boundary activities should consider differences in boundary targets, directional flow of information, and context of scope.
Practical implications
Automotive component design agents should attend to both outside-in and inside-out boundary buffering, especially under conditions of environmental uncertainty or project complexity.
The proposed bidirectional view on boundary buffering adds perspective to team boundary management theory. Specific contingencies include common risk elements of project complexity and environmental uncertainty not typically associated with the need for buffering activities.
Debalina Sengupta, Yinlun Huang, Cliff I. Davidson, Thomas F. Edgar, Mario R. Eden and Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi
Sustainable manufacturing may be defined as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are…
Sustainable manufacturing may be defined as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities and consumers. Recently, there have been several industrial and governmental endeavors to launch sustainable manufacturing initiatives. To support such initiatives and to prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers, academic institutions have a responsibility to introduce educational programs and tools in the area of sustainable manufacturing. The purpose of this paper is to report on the approach, progress and contributions of a US National Science Foundation-sponsored project titled: “The Sustainable Manufacturing Advances in Research and Technology Coordination Network (SMART CN)”.
The project aims to bridge the gap between the academic knowledge discovery and industrial technology innovation for sustainable manufacturing. Toward this goal, various research and educational activities have been undertaken to introduce Sustainable Manufacturing Case Studies for use by academic instructors to a diverse group of undergraduate, graduate and industry professionals.
In this paper, the need for education on sustainable manufacturing has been focused upon, followed by approaches toward addressing these needs, concluding with examples of case studies developed through the SMART-CN project framework.
This work provides the engineering community with structured modules for introducing the topic of sustainable manufacturing in the curriculum.
Wayne Huang, Taowen Le, X. Li and S. Gandha
To propose an assessment framework that can be used to categorise and assess commercial web sites from the perspective of web‐technological features and functions and to…
To propose an assessment framework that can be used to categorise and assess commercial web sites from the perspective of web‐technological features and functions and to demonstrate its usefulness.
Drawing on prior relevant research and successful web site design experiences of industrial experts in the field, an assessment framework that can be used to categorise and assess web features and functions is proposed, and 252 commercial web sites of listed Australian companies were randomly sampled and assessed to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed assessment framework.
The proposed assessment framework provides valuable insights. While different companies normally use different web‐technological features and functions on their web sites, certain features and functions have been more commonly used in designing commercial web sites than others, and certain differences in the use of web features and functions on commercial web sites exist across different industries.
Research limitations/implications
This research studied commercial web sites of Australian companies. Possible differences in the use of web features and functions on commercial web sites across different countries remain to be explored.
Although various approaches have been proposed in previous studies to evaluate commercial web sites, no prior research could be found to assess commercial web sites from the perspective of web‐technological features and functions. This research proposed an assessment framework that can be used to categorise and assess commercial web sites from the perspective of web‐technological features and functions and demonstrated its usefulness. It also provided valuable insights to commercial web site owners and designers.
Hongyun Zhang, Tan Zhang, Haili Cai, Yahui Li, Wayne Wei Huang and Dongming Xu
The purpose of this paper is to help enhance the scholarly conversation about the essential nature of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) construct, its dimensionality and…
The purpose of this paper is to help enhance the scholarly conversation about the essential nature of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) construct, its dimensionality and measurement. The authors focus on how EO was defined and measured in various contexts, which is the basis for the proposed five-dimensional EO scale (FDEOS).
Survey was conducted in design industry in China. A pilot test was conducted with 20 Chinese firms. Questionnaires were sent to 1,200 firms. A total of 408 complete and valid questionnaires were received.
It was found that a behavior aspect of EO as a second-order reflective model had a greater degree of agreement among scholarly community. As a result, a new FDEOS was proposed from behavioral perspective. Data were collected from 408 firms of design industry in a big developing country.
While five-dimensional EO construct is a well-recognized concept in the literature on entrepreneurship, little is known about its measurement. The research reported in this paper provides support for this assertion and develops a new scale, FDEOS, that designed to be neutral with regard to industry context and type of organization.
Nakayima Farida, Ntayi Joseph, Namagembe Sheila, Kabagambe Levi and Muhwezi Moses
This study investigates how asset specificity, relational governance and firm adaptability relate with supply chain integration (SCI), considering selected food processing firms…
This study investigates how asset specificity, relational governance and firm adaptability relate with supply chain integration (SCI), considering selected food processing firms (FPFs) in Uganda.
This study applies a quantitative research methodology. This research draws on a sample of 103 FPFs that have been selected from a population of 345 FPFs located in Kampala district. Hypothesis testing was done using Smart PLS version 3.
Asset specificity has a significant positive relationship with SCI, and firm adaptability partially mediates this relationship. Also, there is a full mediation impact of firm adaptability on the relationship between relational governance and SCI.
Research limitations/implications
This study focused on perceptual measures to get responses from managers on the level of integration with key suppliers and customers, yet firms deal with a number of suppliers and customers.
This study contributes to existing literature on SCI by applying the transaction cost theory. The study focuses on the influence of asset specificity, relational governance and firm adaptability on SCI in the food processing sector. Literature on relational governance in supply chain using the transaction cost theory remains scanty. Few studies have also focused on firm adaptability as a mediator in the FPS with specific focus on Uganda, yet the sector is highly faced with uncertain events. The uncertain events in the sector and in developing countries call for adaptive strategies. Additionally, this study is the first to use firm adaptability to mediate the influence of asset specificity and relational governance on SCI more so in a developing country like Uganda where the FPS is one of the most important in the economy.
Monika Agrawal and Ritika Mahajan
The purpose of this study is to provide an integrative review of work–family enrichment literature.
The purpose of this study is to provide an integrative review of work–family enrichment literature.
The study is based upon 206 peer-reviewed papers derived from systematic search in the Scopus database. The review ascertains its relevance by analyzing the publication trends, research designs, data analysis techniques, sample characteristics, measures and findings of selected articles.
The study notes a rising trend of publication activity in the Asian region on this topic. Empirical research using regression is the most popular research design in this field. Most of the research studies have targeted samples based on family type and/or gender. The majority of the studies include directionality to measure work–family enrichment. Notably, work-related antecedents and consequences have received the most attention from the research community. Crossover models have concentrated on spousal dyad samples.
As per the authors' knowledge, the study is a primary attempt to integrate the extant literature on this subject. Additionally, the study presents the gender role ideology as a potential moderator and provides future research directions along with managerial implications.
Francis J. Yammarino, Minyoung Cheong, Jayoung Kim and Chou-Yu Tsai
For many of the current leadership theories, models, and approaches, the answer to the question posed in the title, “Is leadership more than ‘I like my boss’?,” is “no,” as there…
For many of the current leadership theories, models, and approaches, the answer to the question posed in the title, “Is leadership more than ‘I like my boss’?,” is “no,” as there appears to be a hierarchy of leadership concepts with Liking of the leader as the primary dimension or general factor foundation. There are then secondary dimensions or specific sub-factors of liking of Relationship Leadership and Task Leadership; and subsequently, tertiary dimensions or actual sub-sub-factors that comprise the numerous leadership views as well as their operationalizations (e.g., via surveys). There are, however, some leadership views that go beyond simply liking of the leader and liking of relationship leadership and task leadership. For these, which involve explicit levels of analysis formulations, often beyond the leader, or are multi-level in nature, the answer to the title question is “yes.” We clarify and discuss these various “no” and “yes” leadership views and implications of our work for future research and personnel and human resources management practice.
This study aims to (1) validate the efficacy of contractual and relational governance in enhancing operational performance and (2) explore the influence of product complexity on…
This study aims to (1) validate the efficacy of contractual and relational governance in enhancing operational performance and (2) explore the influence of product complexity on the effectiveness of these governance mechanisms, thereby determining the optimal approach for varying levels of product complexity.
By utilizing a comprehensive theoretical framework encompassing transaction cost economics, social exchange theory and contingency theory, this research explores the intricate interplay between governance mechanisms, product complexity and operational performance, drawing insights from a dataset comprising 246 responses within Mainland China’s manufacturing sector. To rigorously test the proposed hypotheses, this study employed a hierarchical regression analysis.
The findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) while both contractual governance and relational governance have a significant impact on operational performance, relational governance is found to be more effective than contractual governance in enhancing operational performance; and (2) the moderation effect of product complexity is evident, as it weakens the impact of contractual governance while simultaneously enhancing the positive influence of relational governance on operational performance.
The study uncovers a moderation effect of product complexity on the relationship between governance mechanisms and operational performance. This finding adds an original contribution to the literature by highlighting how product complexity can interact with governance strategies, providing practical insights for industries dealing with varying levels of product complexity.