To analyze and find a model design of Adiwiyata environment-based management for schools built on wetlands.
To analyze and find a model design of Adiwiyata environment-based management for schools built on wetlands.
The research approach used is qualitative descriptive research, which provides complex details about a phenomenon or situation that has not been expressed through direct observation. The research was conducted at State Senior High School in Dumai city, which has participated in Adiwiyata program. Objects in the study are school communities including educators, education personnel, learners, cleaning personnel, and canteen management. Sampling was done randomly (simple random sampling). Students sample taken were from X, XI, and XII grades for both schools. Number of the population in SMA Negeri 2 (Public Senior High School 2) were 1,006 people. SMA Negeri Binaan Khusus (Binaan Khusus Public Senior High School) were 594 people. The number of samples eligible in the study was 30–500 people. Data collection techniques were conducted by using observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation performed in both schools. Data analysis used qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a simple statistical approach in the form percentage.
Public Senior High School 2 and Binaan Khusus Public Senior High School have school plans on activities related to environment-oriented education school management. Planning is outlined in school programs and school development planning programs by fulfilling infrastructure facilities supporting school activities with environmental insight. Programs are made by both schools, some are carried out in accordance with the plan. Nevertheless, some of the programs are not yet realized. For example, Public Senior High School 2 planning in building a greenhouse. Binaan Khusus Public Senior High School's fishpond plan was abandoned.
The originality of this research appears in the novelty of the use of built models that involve all school communities to be able to change and instill caring behavior and attitudes toward the environment in order to realize Adiwiyata-program-based environment-oriented education school management. But, there is no Adiwiyata program implementation model; therefore, the model in this study does not include the components of Environment–Based Curriculum Implementation