The justification for integrated management is known and accepted among most management scholars. Physical distribution offers a unique opportunity for instituting a systems…
The justification for integrated management is known and accepted among most management scholars. Physical distribution offers a unique opportunity for instituting a systems approach to functional areas of the firm. Its three sub‐functional areas of purchasing, transportation and storage incorporate great opportunity for cost trade offs.
There is need for a new, more precise, more integrated system for logistics costing. The integration of purchasing, transportation (traffic) and storage operations throughout the…
There is need for a new, more precise, more integrated system for logistics costing. The integration of purchasing, transportation (traffic) and storage operations throughout the vertical stream, from source of materials to the consumer is discouragingly complex. It cannot be accomplished by departmentalising logistics functions, performing average and joint commodity costing, and dealing primarily with direct costs. The volume of records may be representative, but there is a very apparent lack of costing systems to facilitate logistics planning. The volume of shipment is the key to logistics cost analysis, just as volume of production is the independent variable in conventional economic analysis. Logistics costs vary with changes in the volume of shipment. Cost per hundredweight is the unit for cost analysis under the Cellular Flow Planning System. It is measured on a specific commodity, between specific points. Purchase price, transport rate, linear increasing costs, constant and single payment decreasing costs are the five classes of costs used to compare competitive volumes of shipment. All significant logistics costs can be so classified. This article presents only the rationale behind the unit for cost measurement, the classification of costs, and the means of comparison.
The Register of Current Research in the field of Physical Distribution Management has been compiled from the response to a request for such information made to Universities in 23…
The Register of Current Research in the field of Physical Distribution Management has been compiled from the response to a request for such information made to Universities in 23 countries throughout the world. The last register was published in 1972 in this journal.
Martin McCracken and Mary Wallace
Revisits the literature on strategic human resource development (SHRD) in the context of Garavan’s work on the characteristics of SHRD. A conceptual framework is constructed that…
Revisits the literature on strategic human resource development (SHRD) in the context of Garavan’s work on the characteristics of SHRD. A conceptual framework is constructed that redefines SHRD stressing a shaping rather than supporting role for HRD in relation to corporate strategy. The concept of strategic maturity in HRD is examined linking the work of Garavan; Lee and McCracken; and Wallace. The resulting model of strategic maturity is then analysed empirically using data from a major questionnaire and interview survey. A new model of strategic partnerships in HRD is then proposed.
Cherif Guermat, Ismail U. Misirlioglu and Ahmed M. Al-Omush
This study aims to examine the long-term effects of adopting economic value added (EVA) as a compensation tool on managers’ behaviour.
This study aims to examine the long-term effects of adopting economic value added (EVA) as a compensation tool on managers’ behaviour.
The authors extend the sample used in prior studies both in the time and the cross-section dimensions.
The study conclusions are distinct from those offered by existing studies. The authors show that EVA adopters, relative to non-EVA adopters, increase the working capital cycle, use their assets less intensively and decrease their payouts to shareholders via a decrease in dividends and share repurchases. In investing decisions, the authors find a decrease in new investments, but no change in asset dispositions after the adoption of EVA compensation plans.
The study results highlight that the EVA adoption provides more incentives to reduce the total cost for capital rather than increasing operations and maximising shareholder wealth. The results also have implication for corporate management, particularly in the area of management compensation scheme design.
The subject of part‐time work is one which has become increasingly important in industrialised economies where it accounts for a substantial and growing proportion of total…
The subject of part‐time work is one which has become increasingly important in industrialised economies where it accounts for a substantial and growing proportion of total employment. It is estimated that in 1970, average annual hours worked per employee amounted to only 60% of those for 1870. Two major factors are attributed to explaining the underlying trend towards a reduction in working time: (a) the increase in the number of voluntary part‐time employees and (b) the decrease in average annual number of days worked per employee (Kok and de Neubourg, 1986). The authors noted that the growth rate of part‐time employment in many countries was greater than the corresponding rate of growth in full‐time employment.
The literature suggests that women are less committed to and less successful in their careers than men because of family responsibilities. I examine whether mothers practicing law…
The literature suggests that women are less committed to and less successful in their careers than men because of family responsibilities. I examine whether mothers practicing law are less committed to their legal careers than other women. Mothers acknowledge that they violate certain time and career norms associated with practicing law and work in different settings, which may be interpreted by others as indicators of their lack of career commitment. The survey results reveal that, despite these violations, mothers report greater career commitment than other women in law. I conclude by examining possible explanations for these findings.
Jeremiah Clabough and Mark Pearcy
The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of angry political rhetoric employed by George Wallace and Donald Trump. The authors start by discussing the civic thinking skills…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of angry political rhetoric employed by George Wallace and Donald Trump. The authors start by discussing the civic thinking skills stressed within the C3 Framework, specifically the ability to analyze politicians’ arguments. Then, the focus shifts to look at angry political rhetoric within the US history. Next, the authors discuss the parallels of the angry political rhetoric employed by both Wallace and Trump. Finally, two activities are provided that enable students to grasp the convergences with the angry political rhetoric utilized by both Wallace and Trump.
In this paper, the authors explore angry rhetoric in American politics. The authors designed two classroom-ready activities by drawing on the best teaching practices advocated for in the C3 Framework. To elaborate, both activities allow students to research and analyze arguments made by George Wallace and Donald Trump. This enables students to engage in the four dimensions of the Inquiry Arc in the C3 Framework.
The authors provide two activities that can be utilized in the high school social studies classroom to enable students to dissect American politicians’ messages. These two activities can be adapted and utilized to enable students to examine a political candidate’s messages, especially those that draw on angry rhetoric. By completing the steps of these two activities, students are better prepared to be critical consumers of political media messages.
In this paper, the authors explore the role of angry political rhetoric in American politics. The authors examine the parallels of political style between George Wallace and Donald Trump. Two activities are provided to help students break down the angry political rhetoric employed by these two controversial figures.