Surface coatings are applied to magnesium alloys against the destructive attack of salt spray or marine exposure, industrial atmospheres, etc. Most of these alloys contain…
Surface coatings are applied to magnesium alloys against the destructive attack of salt spray or marine exposure, industrial atmospheres, etc. Most of these alloys contain aluminium and minute amounts of impurities which reduce the corrosion resistance of magnesium, whereas manganese improves its corrosion resistance. This article describes the various methods of treatment and painting used to preserve magnesium alloys, extensively used nowadays in castings where lightness is essential.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH, WHITEHALL, S.W. 28th August, 1922. Sir, I am directed by the Minister of Health to draw the attention of the Council to the Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act…
MINISTRY OF HEALTH, WHITEHALL, S.W. 28th August, 1922. Sir, I am directed by the Minister of Health to draw the attention of the Council to the Milk and Dairies (Amendment) Act, 1922, the provisions of which, except section 3, will come into operation on the 1st September, 1922.
WE seem to be immediately facing a drive for much more technical education and for many more technical colleges and schools to produce it. In the condition of the world today this…
WE seem to be immediately facing a drive for much more technical education and for many more technical colleges and schools to produce it. In the condition of the world today this is an inevitable, an indispensable, process. The reasons are loudly proclaimed and patent to every librarian, and the library must come strongly, as it always has, into the picture but perhaps now more universally and with greater intensity. Dr. Chandler, who is proceeding at a rare pace to specialize his departments, has created a new local council to unify the information work that has already been done at Liverpool. Every technical book costing over five shillings is bought, and the usual collections of periodicals and other material of technical and industrial interest are being increased and a bulletin of additions is being issued soon after the end of each month. The Technical library is one that combines lending and reference activities, telephone and postal services; in fact all the orthodox activities that have been standard in the larger towns since Glasgow began them in 1916, and possibly new and extended ones. The William Brown Library which was destroyed in Air Raids is being reconstructed and the enlarged Technical Library will be developed in it. This is one city only; every large city reports some increase in the services rendered, for example the Telex service is now available at Manchester. It is essential that public libraries everywhere realize the part they may play; if they do not, the suggestion made recently that the lending of technical books should become an activity of the Technical Colleges may become a reality.
A TECHNICAL library ought to be regarded as essential by all progressive firms, yet only too often it is notable only for its absence. Concerns will readily spend many thousands…
A TECHNICAL library ought to be regarded as essential by all progressive firms, yet only too often it is notable only for its absence. Concerns will readily spend many thousands of pounds on new plant and machinery to be installed in costly buildings. Yet how rarely do they give any thought to providing and making available to their staff those modern books that teach the latest techniques in their particular industry.