Valdemir Colares Pinto, Vitor Branco and Denio Ramam Oliveira
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the influence of the position of openings around L cross-section columns in reinforced concrete flat slabs through a…
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the influence of the position of openings around L cross-section columns in reinforced concrete flat slabs through a nonlinear computational analysis compared to experimental results.
Tests on four reinforced concrete flat slabs of 1800 x 1800 x 120 mm3 were carried out under symmetrical punching; one slab was referenced (without hole) and three had square holes of 100 x 100 mm2 close to columns and with centroid on the critical perimeter at 0.5 d and 2.0 d of the loaded area. A nonlinear analysis of the slabs was performed to aid the interpretation and preview of the experimental results, and to estimate the ultimate loads and failure modes. These estimates followed recommendations of ACI 318, Eurocode 2, NBR 6118, MC 2010 and critical shear crack theory.
The results showed that the presence of holes in the analyzed regions does not influence significantly the behavior of the slabs, leading to conservative structural design once the ultimate load estimates are low, while the computational results adequately estimated the slabs’ behavior.
Research limitations/implications
A few limitations were observed on how to implement the correct modeling system for computational nonlinear simulation.
Practical implications
All design codes underestimated failure loads and the theoretical method was not much better. The nonlinear computational simulations were satisfactory, presenting results close to experimental ones (97 per cent accuracy). Computational simulation also showed that the presence of holes does not significantly influence the load-vertical displacement behavior or failure loads.
Social implications
Structural and civil engineers and designers can observe with better details the punching phenomenon and make take secure decisions to building projects. They can preview accurate cases that are not cited in design codes and literature.
This is a very rare subject in literature that interests the entire scientific community and especially reinforced concrete designers. Presenting a new methodology to nonlinear flat slab with openings modeling to punching shear provoked by L cross section columns, case that is not cited in literature and design codes.
Vitor Branco Oliveira and Clara Raposo
This paper aims to examine the relationship between regulation, market discipline and banking distress.
This paper aims to examine the relationship between regulation, market discipline and banking distress.
To address the empirical question put forward above, a multivariate logit model is applied to an international sample of 586 banks from 21 European countries in the period between 2000 and 2012. To give robustness to the results, different variables have been used to test the role played by market discipline and regulation as well as an alternative methodology known as duration/survival analysis.
It can be found that market discipline is a good indicator in signalling banking distress, that is, market discipline has penalized more banks with a higher likelihood of being in distress. Nonetheless, as broadly acknowledged, market discipline was not sufficient per se to avoid banking distress in Europe. With regard to regulation, this paper evidences that the adoption of other regulatory measures beyond the simple transposition of changes occurred in the EU Directives such as borrower-based measures and limits on pre-emptive exposures’ concentration, have contributed toward reducing the probability of distress of EU banks, showing that the introduction of this kind of measures was necessary and relevant. In addition, in this paper, it can be found that the NPL ratio, size, capital (including the well-known regulatory capital ratio, as well as the novel leverage ratio which discards the risk weights present in the former one) and liquidity are good indicators of banking distress which lead us to conclude that the new regulatory framework known as Basel III is on the right path to mitigate the probability that a new banking crisis similar to the last one takes place again.
Research limitations/implications
The first limitation regards the period of time chosen, that is, from 2000 to 2012, empirically neglecting, to some extent the important regulatory changes occurred after the aforementioned period. Nonetheless, as mentioned in the Data and Methodology section, the period ends in 2012 because it is difficult to flag a reasonable number of banks’ bailouts afterwards, to properly run the type of model used in this paper. The second limitation is the fact that the possible changes in the risk management and risk assessment by institutions and in the behaviour of investors, acknowledge as weak and inappropriate before the on-set of the global financial crisis, albeit very relevant, are not in the scope of this paper.
Practical implications
Despite the welcomed changes performed by regulators so far, some aspects are not complete yet and new areas deserve more empirical work and attention by the regulators and supervisors. Some of them stem directly from the results obtained from this paper such as the enhancement and a close monitoring of the current Pillar 3 framework the increase of the adoption of more targeted tools, in a more preemptive way, to counter the build-up of risks and the implementation of the leverage ratio.
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the identification of leading indicators signalling emerging risks to the banking system has become a major priority to central banks and supervisory authorities. As a consequence, several studies have formulated the aim of analysing predictive characteristics of a set of macroeconomic variables, such as GDP Growth, Credit-to-GDP, Inflation, M2-to-GDP, among others. Other studies take a different perspective and complement the analysis with bank-specific risk indicators. Nonetheless the aforementioned studies do not consider the relationship between regulation and market discipline and banking distress. This is the gap the authors wanted to fill, and this assessment is the main contribution of this paper.
Behzad Bayat, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Joel Carbonera, Tullio Facchinetti, Sandro Fiorini, Paulo Goncalves, Vitor A.M. Jorge, Maki Habib, Alaa Khamis, Kamilo Melo, Bao Nguyen, Joanna Isabelle Olszewska, Liam Paull, Edson Prestes, Veera Ragavan, Sajad Saeedi, Ricardo Sanz, Mae Seto, Bruce Spencer, Amirkhosro Vosughi and Howard Li
IEEE Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Working Group were divided into subgroups that were in charge of studying industrial robotics, service robotics and autonomous…
IEEE Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Working Group were divided into subgroups that were in charge of studying industrial robotics, service robotics and autonomous robotics. This paper aims to present the work in-progress developed by the autonomous robotics (AuR) subgroup. This group aims to extend the core ontology for robotics and automation to represent more specific concepts and axioms that are commonly used in autonomous robots.
For autonomous robots, various concepts for aerial robots, underwater robots and ground robots are described. Components of an autonomous system are defined, such as robotic platforms, actuators, sensors, control, state estimation, path planning, perception and decision-making.
AuR has identified the core concepts and domains needed to create an ontology for autonomous robots.
Practical implications
AuR targets to create a standard ontology to represent the knowledge and reasoning needed to create autonomous systems that comprise robots that can operate in the air, ground and underwater environments. The concepts in the developed ontology will endow a robot with autonomy, that is, endow robots with the ability to perform desired tasks in unstructured environments without continuous explicit human guidance.
Creating a standard for knowledge representation and reasoning in autonomous robotics will have a significant impact on all R&A domains, such as on the knowledge transmission among agents, including autonomous robots and humans. This tends to facilitate the communication among them and also provide reasoning capabilities involving the knowledge of all elements using the ontology. This will result in improved autonomy of autonomous systems. The autonomy will have considerable impact on how robots interact with humans. As a result, the use of robots will further benefit our society. Many tedious tasks that currently can only be performed by humans will be performed by robots, which will further improve the quality of life. To the best of the authors’knowledge, AuR is the first group that adopts a systematic approach to develop ontologies consisting of specific concepts and axioms that are commonly used in autonomous robots.
Maria Anastasiadou, Vitor Santos and Filipe Montargil
Information systems (IS) play an important role in contemporary society, but critical questions remain on their potential use and impact on democracy. This study aims to…
Information systems (IS) play an important role in contemporary society, but critical questions remain on their potential use and impact on democracy. This study aims to contribute to the discussion on which technology can be adequate to which major challenge of democratic governance, through the identification and pairing of challenges of democratic governance with specific information technologies with the potential to be used in applications related to this challenge. This perspective can be considered positioned in the confluence between IS, political science and public administration.
Design science research, a research approach in IS, was used. The suggestion of a conceptual framework with pairs of challenges in democratic governance and information technologies was initially developed. In a subsequent phase, this framework was discussed and assessed through interviews with a panel of selected experts in e-government and IS, reaching a revised conceptual framework.
Results suggest that the conceptual pairing of challenges in democratic governance with IS’s solutions such as artificial intelligence, systems integration or blockchain technologies, for instance, if used in a critical, transparent and accountable way, can play a role in capacitating the delivery of better public services and contribute to encouraging citizen trust and political participation. These results may contribute to open a methodological agenda dedicated to the selection of adequate IS resources to address specific challenges of democratic governance, as well as to help in the development of public policies in the area.
Previous studies on digital government offer important insights on the impact of information and communication technologies-enabled public governance tools for government openness, public service efficiency and user-friendliness, and for citizen political participation and societal mobilization. But the literature still lacks a systematic conceptual framework mapping and assessing the role of distinctive IS instruments in democratic challenge-solving and specifying functional relationships between specific technology and democratic outcomes. This paper aims to contribute to filling this analytical gap.
Mariana Bailao Goncalves, Maria Anastasiadou and Vitor Santos
The number of candidates applying to public contests (PC) is increasing compared to the number of human resources employees required for selecting them for the Police Force (PF)…
The number of candidates applying to public contests (PC) is increasing compared to the number of human resources employees required for selecting them for the Police Force (PF). This work intends to perceive how those public institutions can evaluate and select their candidates efficiently during the different phases of the recruitment process. To achieve this purpose, artificial intelligence (AI) was studied. This paper aims to focus on analysing the AI technologies most used and appropriate to the PF as a complementary recruitment strategy of the National Criminal Investigation police agency of Portugal – Polícia Judiciária.
Using design science research as a methodological approach, the authors suggest a theoretical framework in pair with the segmentation of the candidates and comprehend the most important facts facing public institutions regarding the usage of AI technologies to make decisions about evaluating and selecting candidates. Following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology guidelines, a systematic literature review and meta-analyses method was adopted to identify how the usage and exploitation of transparent AI positively impact the recruitment process of a public institution, resulting in an analysis of 34 papers between 2017 and 2021.
Results suggest that the conceptual pairing of evaluation and selection problems of candidates who apply to PC with applicable AI technology such as K-means, hierarchical clustering, artificial neural network and convolutional neural network algorithms can support the recruitment process and could help reduce the workload in the entire process while maintaining the standard of responsibility. The combination of AI and human decision-making is a fair, objective and unbiased process emphasising a decision-making process free of nepotism and favouritism when carefully developed. Innovative and modern as a category, group the statements that emphasise the innovative and contemporary nature of the process.
Research limitations/implications
There are two main limitations in this study that should be considered. Firstly, the difficulty regarding the timetable, privacy and legal issues associated with public institutions. Secondly, a small group of experts served as the validation group for the new framework. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted to alleviate this constraint. They provide additional insights into an interviewee’s opinions and beliefs.
Social implications
Ensure that the system is fair, transparent and facilitates their application process.
The main contribution is the AI-based theoretical framework, applicable within the analysis of literature papers, focusing on the problem of how the institutions can gain insights about their candidates while profiling them, how to obtain more accurate information from the interview phase and how to reach a more rigorous assessment of their emotional intelligence providing a better alignment of moral values. This work aims to improve the decision-making process of a PF institution recruiter by turning it into a more automated and evidence-based decision when recruiting an adequate candidate for the job vacancy.
Vítor Hugo Vilar and João Simão
Corporate social responsibility became a core topic in the management and activity of banks. Being a bidirectional, permanent, updateable and universal access communication…
Corporate social responsibility became a core topic in the management and activity of banks. Being a bidirectional, permanent, updateable and universal access communication channel, the internet contributed to transform the way the organizations report social responsibility to stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to understand how the banks use their web sites to disclose their social responsibility concerns and activities.
The globe was divided in 11 regions, according to geographic and cultural criteria. Information was gathered from the corporate web sites of the ten major banks in each region, and their contents were analyzed. Geographic patterns and the correlation to universal development indicators were studied.
The banks disclose on their web sites information on environmental management and socioeconomic programs. Other recurrent themes are the support to education, fight against corruption, workers’ welfare, corporate ethics and the existence of codes of conduct. There are geographic patterns in the quantity and detail of the information provided, as well as in the themes mentioned. The banks located in Europe, the American continent, and Oceania, are those who disclose more information. This confirms that the disclosure of social responsibility by the banks is larger and more detailed according to the development indexes of the country where they operate.
The work studies the disclosure on the internet of information on social responsibility by the banks, being the first work to do it at the world level. This way, it provides a significant contribution to identify the themes that are more often disclosed and to establish comparisons between geographic areas.
Samille Souza Marinho, Armando Gomes Rego Neto, Reimison Moreira Fernandes, André Cristiano Silva Melo, Leonardo dos Santos Lourenço Bastos and Vitor William Batista Martins
This study aims to identify sustainability indicators in the energy sector through a literature review and validate them from the perspective and context of professionals working…
This study aims to identify sustainability indicators in the energy sector through a literature review and validate them from the perspective and context of professionals working in the sector in an emerging economy country, Brazil, considering the relationship of these indicators with the achievement of the targets set by the United Nations sustainable development goals (UN SDGs).
To accomplish this, a literature review on sustainability indicators specific to the energy sector was conducted. Subsequently, a research instrument (questionnaire) based on the identified indicators was developed and a survey was administered to professionals in the field. The collected data were analyzed using the Lawshe method.
The results revealed 20 indicators, distributed across environmental, economic and social dimensions. Among these, nine indicators were validated, including global impacts, local impacts, renewable energy production as a percentage of total production, greenhouse gas emissions, access to electricity, investment in the energy sector, installed capacity in the electricity sector, energy prices in the end-use sector and energy distribution and conversion efficiency.
Consequently, it was possible to determine which SDGs are directly impacted and provide a foundation for future actions that can contribute to the sustainable advancement of the energy sector in emerging countries.
Elhassan Kotb Abdelrahman Radwan, Zsuzsanna Győri and Antonella Russo
The study aims to evaluate and compare the quantity and quality levels of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) practices on the websites of the largest Islamic and…
The study aims to evaluate and compare the quantity and quality levels of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) practices on the websites of the largest Islamic and conventional banks worldwide.
Two indices were developed: the quantity index, consisting of seven categories, and the quality index, which includes eight characteristics, to adopt the quantitative content analysis of the global leading 94 Islamic and 100 conventional banks’ websites.
The results show that conventional banks have higher levels of CSRD quantity and quality on their websites than those of Islamic banks. The study found that the products and services category is the most disclosed by largest Islamic and conventional banks worldwide, while environment and energy information is the lowest for Islamic banks and employee and human resource information is less common for conventional ones. The analysis reveals low levels of CSRD quantity and quality on Islamic banks’ websites (43.69% and 54.56%) and high levels on conventional banks’ websites (70.84% and 73.26%).
Research limitations/implications
The study focuses on analyzing the quantity and quality of CSRD on English-accessible websites of the largest Islamic and conventional banks in 2022, focusing on English as a uniform language for data collection because it analyzed 194 websites from 48 countries with over 20 languages.
Practical implications
The results of this study are likely to be valuable to many interested parties because they inform investors about the status of CSRD practices on the largest Islamic and conventional banks’ websites worldwide and how they disclose such information. To ensure investor satisfaction and accurate investment decisions, these global banks should provide comprehensive and high-quality CSR information on their websites to show how they contribute to CSR activities. For scholars, its limitations may be helpful in their future research.
The originality of this paper derives from its focus on largest-world Islamic and non-Islamic banks, collecting primary data directly from their websites, and offering valuable theoretical, methodological and practical insights.