Vijay Kumar Polimeru and Arghadeep Laskar
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of two-dimensional (2D) cyclic softened membrane model (CSMM)-based non-linear finite element (NLFE) model in predicting…
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of two-dimensional (2D) cyclic softened membrane model (CSMM)-based non-linear finite element (NLFE) model in predicting the complete non-linear response of shear critical bridge piers (with walls having aspect ratios greater than 2.5) under combined axial and reversed cyclic uniaxial bending loads. The effectiveness of the 2D CSMM-based NLFE model has been compared with the widely used one-dimensional (1D) fiber-based NLFE models.
Three reinforced concrete (RC) hollow rectangular bridge piers tested under reversed cyclic uniaxial bending and sustained axial loads at the National Centre for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) Taiwan have been simulated using both 1D and 2D models in the present study. The non-linear behavior of the bridge piers has been studied through various parameters such as hysteretic loops, energy dissipation, residual drift, yield load and corresponding drift, peak load and corresponding drift, ultimate loads, ductility, specimen stiffness and critical strains in concrete and steel. The results obtained from CSMM-based NLFE model have been critically compared with the test results and results obtained from the 1D fiber-based NLFE models.
It has been observed from the analysis results that both 1D and 2D simulation models performed well in predicting the response of flexure critical bridge pier. However, in the case of shear critical bridge piers, predictions from 2D CSMM-based NLFE simulation model are more accurate. It has, thus, been concluded that CSMM-based NLFE model is more accurate and robust to simulate the complete non-linear behavior of shear critical RC hollow rectangular bridge piers.
In this study, a novel attempt has been made to provide a rational and robust FE model for analyzing shear critical hollow RC bridge piers (with walls having aspect ratios greater than 2.5).