The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the challenges faced in digitising copyright‐protected books and other materials within the National Library of Norway.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the challenges faced in digitising copyright‐protected books and other materials within the National Library of Norway.
Following a description of Bokhylla, or The Bookshelf, the paper outlines the strategies adopted within the National Library of Norway for digitising a range of materials, including books.
The National Library of Norway has negotiated a contract with Kopinor, an organisation that represents rights‐holders from about 30 different organisations, and this will enable users to access some 50,000 copyright‐protected books within the next three years.
Copyright presents challenges in any digitisation project. Norway has adopted a unique solution for enabling its citizens to gain digital access to materials deposited within the National Library.
Aims to outline the Norwegian National Library (NL)'s process of implementing a new organisational structure.
Aims to outline the Norwegian National Library (NL)'s process of implementing a new organisational structure.
Addresses the new model of the NL, the historical background that initiated the process and then focuses on the Repository Library from its establishment until present. Discusses some of the opportunities for the Repository Library and outlines the initial goals of the institution: to provide new legal deposited documents to the inter‐lending system and to store low demand and surplus documents from other libraries in Norway, thus freeing space.
The influx of material has been greater than expected and storing problems occurred. Equipping with moving shelves did not give enough space and eventually an automatic storage system was built and started operations in summer 2003.
In the digital area, the NL has developed advanced storage capacity. So far the repository has not used digital resources, but in the future it will offer this to its clients. This will include both documents of digital origin, and traditional documents transferred to digital format.