This article describes the background, design and conduct of a short programme on Staff Appraisal and Development which was held at Bhopal, India, during May 1976. It indicates…
This article describes the background, design and conduct of a short programme on Staff Appraisal and Development which was held at Bhopal, India, during May 1976. It indicates that when the identification of training needs is legitimised, subsequent support for a programme of development affects the learning process
Knowing what occurs at doctoral vivas is restricted to those who attend. Since 1998 the author has observed the transactions of doctoral vivas in the disciplines of applied…
Knowing what occurs at doctoral vivas is restricted to those who attend. Since 1998 the author has observed the transactions of doctoral vivas in the disciplines of applied sciences, education, environmental sciences and social science as either Chair, examiner or supervisor. With the agreement of participants the author’s participation in, and observation of, viva processes enabled him to collect data. Records were made of examiners’ questions, and the discussions that were held with participants. The evidence shows that patterns of generic questions transcend disciplines, and their respective types of questions reflect relationships between examiners. The evidence portrays how examiners approach, and explore, the nature of doctorateness. Questions asked in doctoral vivas follow discernible patterns, and specific clusters of questions are critical as examiners determine the outcome of doctoral viva examinations. Questioning by examiners follows different patterns in the natural and social sciences.
Christopher Molander, Mark Sheldrake and Vernon Trafford
During the past two years there have been a number of radical changes in the political, economic and social environment within which local authorities have had to operate. This…
During the past two years there have been a number of radical changes in the political, economic and social environment within which local authorities have had to operate. This has placed new pressures and demands both on managers and on local authority organisations which have inevitably affected the attitude towards management development. It is significant that for a period of many years most local authorities have been allowed to evolve a management structure and style within a relatively stable and predictable environment. Then two years ago, the major reorganisation of local government created 422 new local authority organisations (with the exception of London) creating changes in function, boundaries and personnel which were manifest in reorganised structures, policies, management styles, working groups, roles and relationships. Since the reorganisation there has been a series of significant changes in the environment which seems to be part of a continuing trend placing greater emphasis and demand on the individual's ability to manage change at all levels within the organisation.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
In a previous paper I pointed out how much richer was the Manchester area in research and industrial libraries than was another important region in the North. It is appropriate on…
In a previous paper I pointed out how much richer was the Manchester area in research and industrial libraries than was another important region in the North. It is appropriate on this occasion to enlarge upon that theme and attempt a survey of the several libraries and information departments which have been set up hereabouts by various bodies with the important aim of giving a quick and efficient service to industrial and commercial interests. With such a closely packed conurbation as exists around Manchester, it is difficult to set a precise boundary, but for the purpose of this survey I have elected to consider the area lying within a twenty‐mile radius of the city centre.
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields…
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields but who have a common interest in the means by which information may be collected and disseminated to the greatest advantage. Lists of its members have, therefore, a more than ordinary value since they present, in miniature, a cross‐section of institutions and individuals who share this special interest.
Community integration is considered as one of the integral components of tourism sustainability. This study analyzes the residents’ perceptions of the impact of tourism and…
Community integration is considered as one of the integral components of tourism sustainability. This study analyzes the residents’ perceptions of the impact of tourism and community integration in tourism planning in Costa Smeralda, a destination located in the island of Sardinia, Italy. The study suggests that residents recognize, even if slightly, the economic, environmental, and sociocultural benefits of tourism and would like to support its further development in their area. However, a low level of community integration was also found, suggesting that policymakers should run internal marketing operations based on the residents’ sociodemographic characteristics so that they feel involved and committed to tourism planning and place branding.
The purpose of this paper is to find the characteristics that determine the success of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in promoting economic development and specifically to…
The purpose of this paper is to find the characteristics that determine the success of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in promoting economic development and specifically to determine the long- and short-term public involvement.
A grounded theory approach is utilized, involving desk research and a review of the current literature, as well as examining case studies. This reduction in data collection was based on the availability of literature and case studies which can be assimilated to develop theoretically justifiable conclusions.
In less-than-developed countries (LDC), the lack of private investment capital severely hinders economic development. In developed countries it is often high risk factors and very large capital investment that slows economic development. In both cases, an input from the public sector is needed. The findings suggest that government involvement should be time limited, so that to achieve long-term success, a public sector exit strategy should be formulated. The length of time for public sector involvement varies but is generally longer in the LDC.
Research limitations/implications
While the current literature provides some conclusions regarding the effect of PPPs on economic development, there is a gap when examining the proper structure particularly for developing countries.
While the current literature provides some conclusions regarding the effect of PPPs on economic development, there is a gap when examining the proper structure. This paper also provides some guidance for participants to determine the optimum length of time that public involvement is needed. Both academics and practitioners should find this to be valuable information.
Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Bethnal Green, E. 18th November, 1916. To the Chairman and Members of the Public Health Committee. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, At a recent meeting…
Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Bethnal Green, E. 18th November, 1916. To the Chairman and Members of the Public Health Committee. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, At a recent meeting of the Public Health Committee, the Chief Sanitary Inspector reported upon legal proceedings which had been unsuccessful owing to the case of “Hunt v. Richardson” decided by a King's Bench Divisional Court of five Judges on the 2nd June, 1916, and I then reported upon the legal aspect of the case.
IN this issue we conclude our symposium on Modern Library Planning, and although it is not as complete as we could wish, it has certainly proved to be one of the most interesting…
IN this issue we conclude our symposium on Modern Library Planning, and although it is not as complete as we could wish, it has certainly proved to be one of the most interesting subjects we have been able to deal with in recent years. We regret that lack of space has prevented us from including some interesting details about new libraries, and that we have laid ourselves open to the criticism of over‐crowding. We hope, however, that we shall be able, from time to time, to add further material as the occasion warrants. We had hoped to obtain a description of the Central Library Extension of the Hull Public Libraries, but this has, unfortunately, proved impossible. Lancashire County Library, too, is constructing four new branch libraries, an account of which we should have liked to include. Plymouth may be mentioned as still another library of which the material was not ready in time for our symposium. Also, we are sorry to have had to omit some of the illustrations which librarians have been kind enough to offer us for reproduction. In spite of these omissions, however, we have been able to gather together much that is new and interesting in modern planning, and one of the points that is well worth notice is the willingness of librarians to experiment in new ideas, even if conservatively.