K.D.C. Vernon and Valerie Lang
In this paper we are concerned with two related topics—management literature and The London Classification of Business Studies. To understand the purposes and structure of the…
In this paper we are concerned with two related topics—management literature and The London Classification of Business Studies. To understand the purposes and structure of the Classification it is essential first to consider the scope and content of management literature. But management literature would not exist, certainly in its present form, without the business schools, and so it is appropriate to begin by attempting a very brief answer to the question—what is management education? This fine new building in which we are meeting, with its lecture theatres, seminar rooms, computing facilities, its important library, its excellent residential accommodation, helps to provide a visual answer. But it is necessary to consider a broader perspective.
K.G.B. Bakewell, Valerie Lang and K.D.C. Vernon
Previously in Aslib Proceedings, there appeared a short report of the proceedings of the first seminar for users of the London Classification of Business Studies (LCBS) and the…
Previously in Aslib Proceedings, there appeared a short report of the proceedings of the first seminar for users of the London Classification of Business Studies (LCBS) and the steps being taken to prepare a revised edition of the scheme. Since then there has been a considerable amount of progress: the Working Party set up as a result of the first seminar has held several lively meetings; a questionnaire has been sent to users (and some non‐users) of LCBS to obtain their views on its good and bad points and the direction which the proposed revision should take. There have been two further seminars for users, one at London in 1974 and the other at Oxford in 1976. Most important, a grant of £6,000 has been awarded by the Social Science Research Council to Ken Bakewell, who will act as Executive Editor of the revised edition working in close collaboration with the original authors and helped by a Research Assistant, David Cotton, who will have the important task of testing the revised schedules and visiting major users so that their views and amendments can be taken into consideration in the revision.
The London Classiffcation of Business Studies (LCBS) has now been published for 3 years and is used by at least 17 British and 11 overseas libraries. Twenty‐eight users might not…
The London Classiffcation of Business Studies (LCBS) has now been published for 3 years and is used by at least 17 British and 11 overseas libraries. Twenty‐eight users might not seem a great many, but for a specialist scheme it really represents a significant impact. The first impression of 400 copies was sold out within a year, and 200 copies of the second impression (June 1971) had been sold by the end of March 1973. It is reasonable to suppose that these 600 copies are having some influence on the organization of business literature throughout the world, and that more libraries are considering adopting LCBA than the six known to the London Business School.
MEMBERS of the Aslib Economic and Business Information Group heard something of the objects and activities of Counter Information Services (producers of ‘anti‐reports’ on rtz…
MEMBERS of the Aslib Economic and Business Information Group heard something of the objects and activities of Counter Information Services (producers of ‘anti‐reports’ on rtz, British Leyland, etc) in November. The scheduled speaker having had to withdraw at short notice, Mr Lepper manfully stepped in with a straightforward account of the origins of the organisation in a group of ‘like‐minded’ individuals with diverse backgrounds. No particular organisation was behind it, he said, and those backing it at any given time varied with the subject currently under investigation, as did the personnel—staff and volunteers— undertaking the research.
Clive Bingley, Edwin Fleming and Sarah Lawson
PROMPTLY UPON the ending of the seemingly interminable Christmas/New Year holiday—I just had to go back to work between the two, because another plate of…
PROMPTLY UPON the ending of the seemingly interminable Christmas/New Year holiday—I just had to go back to work between the two, because another plate of cold‐turkey‐plus‐cold‐Xmas‐pud would have driven me insane—there landed upon my desk the first issue of the LAR vacancies supplement, a sheet of job advertisements which is to be issued fortnightly while publication of the Times literary supplement Is suspended, and may even be continued thereafter on a permanent basis if demand warrants.
This article is concerned with services providing information about management (e.g. personnel practices, the use of management techniques) rather than the broader area of…
This article is concerned with services providing information about management (e.g. personnel practices, the use of management techniques) rather than the broader area of information for management. The manager's need for information services is examined by reference to actual enquiries put by managers in their daily work. The present state of documentation services (e.g. books, periodicals, abstracting and indexing services, guides to research) is examined, together with the various kinds of libraries providing information services on management. Finally, reasons for the non‐use of existing services by managers are examined and suggestions are made for the removal of these obstacles.
It would indeed be pleasant to be able to begin this paper with the relation of many striking and significant advances made since I last spoke on the topic to Aslib, at the 1965…
It would indeed be pleasant to be able to begin this paper with the relation of many striking and significant advances made since I last spoke on the topic to Aslib, at the 1965 Annual Conference at the University of Keele. Such, alas, is not possible; it would not be too much to say, of the social sciences as a whole, what R. B. Joynson has recently said of Psychology: ‘The present sub‐divisions of Psychology are not, for the most part, the fruit of any agreed and deliberate analysis. They are historical flotsam—a haphazard collection of topics … brashly inflated by a hand‐to‐mouth empiricism into one great blooming buzzing confusion.’ Although there are a few bright patches of orderliness, I fear that much of our subject presents something of the same confusion; while I am certain that the same hand‐to‐mouth empiricism is earnestly providing classification and indexing with more than its fair share of historical flotsam.
This is a longer version, with additional material, of the biography contributed to the Introductory Volume of the new (2nd) edition of the Bibliographic Classification, the first…
This is a longer version, with additional material, of the biography contributed to the Introductory Volume of the new (2nd) edition of the Bibliographic Classification, the first parts of which should appear this year. It goes into Bliss's private as well as his professional life and shows for the first time in print the reasons why he devoted himself first to librarianship, and later to a life of scholarship, particularly to the study of classification and the production of an entirely new general scheme.
Red Riding Hood is said to have been assembled from folktales that pre-date the collector Charles Perrault's 1697 re-telling and initial publishing (Dundes, 1989; Zipes, 1993)…
Red Riding Hood is said to have been assembled from folktales that pre-date the collector Charles Perrault's 1697 re-telling and initial publishing (Dundes, 1989; Zipes, 1993). Since then, it is a story that has been re-told and re-imagined many times in various media contexts, with Beckett suggesting that it is one of the most familiar icons of Western culture, and a ‘highly effective intertextual referent’ (Beckett, 2002, p. XVI). Even though this story has been generally regarded as a children's tale, adult themes of sexuality and transgression have been explored in modern re-conceptions. In this chapter, we examine the representation of gender and masculinity in commercial media output: the 2011 American film Red Riding Hood (Hardwicke, 2011) and the pilot episode of the NBC series Grimm (2011). In Red Riding Hood, a romantic horror film, the male characters may be regarded as satellites that cluster around the female protagonist, whereas in Grimm, through its generic fusion of police procedural and horror genres, the text plays upon strong established examples of traditional male roles alongside more nuanced and contemporary representations of masculinity. Our analysis explores themes of transformation and heteronormativity and the extent to which the texts challenge or conform to traditional tellings.
This paper seeks to conceptualize the field of child and teen consumption as a system of social practices at the cross roads of six strongly intermingled subsystems covering…
This paper seeks to conceptualize the field of child and teen consumption as a system of social practices at the cross roads of six strongly intermingled subsystems covering social, institutional, technological, narrative, economic, and political stakes. Children's and teens' consumption is shaped and transformed by a mix of managerial action, public policy, cycles of technological change, the evolution of related institutions like parenthood and schooling, changing cultural references, values, modes of socialization as well as by the actions of children and teens themselves.
Within such a framework, child and teen consumption appears as a complex arena of competing moral and ideological perspectives. In such a volatile context, forms of resistance to ideologies of unending consumption emerge, continuously calling into question the responsibility of business for unwanted long‐term effects.
The five papers included in this special issue shed light on the complexities of marketing to children by successively exploring the contradictions within the individual, managerial, professional, corporate, and institutional levels. As a direct consequence, the notions of “corporate social responsibility” and “corporate social responsiveness” towards childhood are also constantly evolving concepts which are quite difficult to grasp.
The paper attempts to design a transformative research agenda to promote socially responsible marketing practices and ethically embedded theoretical frameworks. It also stands as an invitation to deepen the indispensable dialogue – albeit often demanding for both sides – between marketing practitioners and social scientists aimed at constantly redefining the moving outline of corporate social responsibility in contemporary children‐oriented markets.