Konstantin Vodenko, Valentina I. Rodionova, Lyudmila A. Shvachkina and Maria P. Tikhonovskova
The purpose of this paper is to develop a model of management of cultural security of Russian society.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a model of management of cultural security of Russian society.
The methodological foundation of this research consists in comprehensive approach and activity approach, which make it possible to comprehend specific aspects of cultural security management as an element of the national security system. The research uses a riskologic approach, which reveals the nature of modern risks and threats to cultural security in the information society. A constructivist approach is used, from the perspective of which the interaction between cultural identity and historical memory of society is analyzed.
It has been found that historical memory is one of the factors that are able to ensure cultural security of society in the context of threats associated with the processes of cultural intervention, current geopolitical confrontation, during which information and psychological methods of destructive influence on the cultural identity of peoples are abundantly used. Therefore, in the system for managing cultural security of society, one should use a historical memory resource aimed at preserving the cultural identity of the people and transmitting it to the coming generations.
It has been substantiated that the growing geopolitical confrontation in the world and the crisis state of the spiritual realm of Russian society bring up the question of state responsibility for the cultural situation and the need to implement an effective national cultural policy. It has been established that only through the reliance on the cultural factor, crisis phenomena can be overcome and social stability and civil society consolidation can be achieved. The role of historical memory in the preservation of cultural identity of the people and ensuring cultural security of Russian society in the context of external and internal threats has been identified. In order to preserve and transmit historical memory, one should use all the structures responsible for the process of socialization of an individual: family, educational system, mass media, cultural establishments and leisure industry.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current problems and the main perspectives of the development of state regulation of the Russian system of higher education in the…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current problems and the main perspectives of the development of state regulation of the Russian system of higher education in the context of the provision of Russia’s national security.
The research of formation of the system of national security in Russia and the problems of the development of education is based on the methods of Russian and foreign Institutionalists (D. North, S.G. Kirdina, R.M. Nureev, Y.V. Latov, etc.). The research is also based on the theory of inequality in the system of education (D.L. Konstantinovsky), the idea of cultural aspects of social inequality (Pierre Bourdieu) and the theory that connects the problem of the development of the educational system with the system of national security and social inequalities (A.V. Vereshchagina, S.I. Samygina, etc.).
The modern state and perspectives of state regulation of higher education in the modern Russian conditions are analyzed in this paper. A complex analysis of risks of the modern state of Russia’s educational system is performed, and educational inequality as a risk to national security is studied in this paper. Perspectives of state regulation of higher education in view of the national model of socio-economic activities and principles of national security are viewed in this paper. The main directions of improving the educational system in the context of the provision of national security of the state are given in this paper.
Research limitations/implications
The results of the research could be used for correcting the main directions of Russia’s socio-economic policy in the long term. The central trend of this policy is the reformation of the development of the sphere of education as a factor of the formation of the system of Russia’s national security.
Practical implications
The results of the research could be used for correcting the main directions of Russia’s socio-economic policy in the long term. The central trend of this policy is the reformation of the development of the sphere of education as a factor of formation of the system of Russia’s national security.
Social implications
The ideas of the research could stimulate the reconsideration and harmonization of perspectives of the development of social policy of the state, which includes the interaction of the development of higher education and system of national security.
Originality of this paper consists in setting the problem of the implementation of social senses of the development of state policy in the sphere of higher education into the discourse of theoretical and practical consideration of the problems of national security.
Konstantin V. Vodenko, Irina V. Belasheva, Anna A. Zalevskaya, Irina N. Polshakova and Syuzanna A. Tleptserisheva
The purpose of this paper is to study the specifics of state management in the sphere of reproduction of the socio-professional structure of society.
The purpose of this paper is to study the specifics of state management in the sphere of reproduction of the socio-professional structure of society.
This paper is based on the provisions of neo-Marxism; structural and functional approach, ideas of the concept of constructing the cultural senses, neo-institutional approach, theory of institutional matrices. The paper uses the provisions of the theory of “path-dependence,” in which the effect of institutional inertia of society and its influence on the management institutes are studied. During the research of the specifics of the Russian model of state management of the process of formation and development of professional and qualification potential of the country, the provisions of the concept of power-property are taken into account.
The authors note that ineffectiveness of state management in the sphere of formation and development of professional and qualification potential of the Russian society is predetermined by historically established institutes of management and organization of life, which are peculiar for authoritarianism, bureaucracy, principles of redistributive economy, domination of the institutes of power-property and underdevelopment of the institutes of the civil society. This problem could be solved by modernizing the national model of state management based on well-balanced interaction of the basic and complementary socio-cultural institutes, which could increase the effectiveness of management of complex social processes.
It is substantiated the main principles of the modern state regulation of the sphere of training of professional and qualification personnel should be as follows: strategic approach to management, partnership approach to managing education, investments into human capital, supporting the development of institutes of the civil society, debureaucratization of the system of management and formation of favorable legal and economic environment for development of entrepreneurship.