A general description of a continuous (‐valued) logic is given, basic operations of the logic are defined, and some problems and particulars of their solutions are discussed…
A general description of a continuous (‐valued) logic is given, basic operations of the logic are defined, and some problems and particulars of their solutions are discussed. First, we define algebra of continuous logic and enumerate its basic unary, binary and ternary functions. All laws of continuous logic are compared with laws of discrete binary logic. We discuss how to enumerate all functions of continuous logic with specified number of variables and how to represent the functions in a standard form. Procedures of minimization of continuous logical functions and their decomposition into the functions with less clarity are exploited. The procedures are compared with their counterparts from binary logic. We also tackle problems of analysis and synthesis of continuous logical functions, and show that the problem of synthesis may not have a solution. Basics of differential and integral calculus are applied to continuous valued logic. We demonstrate that any continuous logical function has the points where a derivative does not exist. At the end of the paper we briefly discuss an incompleteness problem of continuous logic, application of continuous logic in mathematics, engineering and economy, give examples, draw a perspective of further development and supply extensive bibliography of Russian works in the field.
Outlines the basic results in the generalization of continuous‐valued logic. The survey is based on Russian publications. We consider an order logic, which is a generalization of…
Outlines the basic results in the generalization of continuous‐valued logic. The survey is based on Russian publications. We consider an order logic, which is a generalization of continuous‐valued logic where operations of maximum selection (disjunction) and minimum selection (conjunction) are substituted with operation of selection of rth order argument, following the values of the arguments. Shows that this new operation is expressed in a superposition of disjunctions and conjunctions of continuous‐valued logic. Various classes of logical determinants are considered; they are thought of as numerical characteristics of matrices, expressible in operations of continuous‐valued logic. Namely, investigates order determinants, which generalize order logical operation of several arguments in matrix form, and determinants with various constraints on subsets of matrix elements. Properties of all logical determinants are discussed, compared with properties of algebraic determinants; techniques of computation of logical determinants are supplied. Also investigates a predicate algebra of choice, which generalizes continuous‐valued logic in case of simulation of discontinuous functions; a hybrid logic of continuous and discrete variables; a logic‐arithmetic algebra, which includes, in addition to continuous‐logic operations, four arithmetical operations; a complex algebra of logic, where supportive set C is a field of complex numbers. A description of each algebra includes basic laws, which are compared with the laws of conventional continuous‐valued logic. Several generalizations of continuous‐value logic operations to operations over matrices, random and interval variables are discussed. Some applications of continuous logics are indicated.
Viktor P. Kuznetsov, Ekaterina P. Garina, Natalia S. Andryashina and Elena V. Romanovskaya
The chapter deals with the promotion of competitiveness of national producers as compared to the main leaders in the industry.
The chapter deals with the promotion of competitiveness of national producers as compared to the main leaders in the industry.
The system management of the process of creating and mastering the production of a new product is based on effective change management, development of organizational and technical management systems, business-to-business interaction systems, business solutions relating to product creation in the industry. Systemization of problems and identification of ways of development of theory and methodology of creation of a new product by the domestic manufacturing companies can be performed by means of implementation of continuous acquisition and life cycle support (CALS) systems.
Today, the fundamental conceptual basis for the formation of information space of an enterprise and application of miscellaneous information systems is the concept of continuous information support of products throughout the entire life cycle – CALS. According to this concept, one can single out the following major objectives which are essential for an enterprise and can be achieved through information technologies: the automation of production management which was conventionally achieved through the use of MICS systems, and today it is achieved due to the use of the so-called ERP/CRM/SCM systems; product data management and automation of design and engineering analysis of structures and processes (PDM/PLM, CAD/CAM/CAE-system); information support of operation and aftersales service, integrated logistic support of products. The information technologies at the present stage are a prerequisite for achieving a competitive advantage by an enterprise, particularly if the enterprise is specialized in the production of high-technology products. The major purpose of information technologies at the enterprise is the maximum effective support of design processes, production processes and other processes running at the enterprise, creation of the information basis which enables the management to take decisions which help the enterprise to achieve a dominant position in the industry sector. For Russian companies, the problem of implementation and effective employment of CALS-technologies as a means of cardinal improvement in quality and competitiveness of science-intensive products, discussed in the chapter, is extremely topical.
For many companies, the employment of these technologies largely determines the ability to survive in the context of an intensifying competitive struggle in the domestic market and can be considered as an indispensable condition for maintaining and expanding the sales of products on the international market.
An interdisciplinary approach for computing the point‐to‐point message delay, a measure of congestion in a computer communication network, is derived by the inclusion of a…
An interdisciplinary approach for computing the point‐to‐point message delay, a measure of congestion in a computer communication network, is derived by the inclusion of a queueing theory result in a probabilistic automaton model. This network model is structurally composed of the interconnection of two distinct repetitive probabilistic automatons. The formulation of the solution is based on the network probability transition matrix which represents the state transitions for the number of customers in the GI/G/1 queue at each computer node and the intranode and internode port routing.
This paper explores the attractiveness of TVET in Sierra Leone, a post-conflict West African country. It aims to unpack structural factors which contribute to the low repute of…
This paper explores the attractiveness of TVET in Sierra Leone, a post-conflict West African country. It aims to unpack structural factors which contribute to the low repute of TVET.
The paper uses qualitative interviews with employers, government and third sector organisations, focus group discussions with young Sierra Leoneans and analysis of key government policy documents. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data, and the empirical analysis is grounded in Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making and Social Cognitive Career Theory. The paper is interdisciplinary, drawing on literature from economics, psychology, political science and development studies.
The paper argues that TVET is in low repute in Sierra Leone owing to low prioritisation by the national government in terms of policy focus, budgetary allocations and provision of training facilities; the proliferation and continuation of a post-war style of TVET programmes by development partners which initially targeted ex-combatants and thus carry reputational baggage; and colonial legacies of preferences for university education and white-collar jobs.
The research contributes to the academic and policy discourse by providing new empirical insights from an under-studied country (and region), and arguably one where evidence-based policy is much needed.
Tarisai Kudakwashe Manyati and Morgen Mutsau
The sustainable skills that informal manufacturers use in volatile times remain poorly understood. This study explored the skills that the informal manufacturers used to navigate…
The sustainable skills that informal manufacturers use in volatile times remain poorly understood. This study explored the skills that the informal manufacturers used to navigate the uncertain business environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A total of 27 telephone interviews were conducted with informal entrepreneurs who were manufacturers of agricultural machinery at Mbare Magaba and Gaza home industry in Harare, Zimbabwe. Purposive and snow ball sampling were used to identify information rich sources. The authors used thematic analysis in identifying recurrent themes from this study.
The study results show that business agility motivated most informal manufacturers to restructure their business to sustain their operations. With the closure of formal companies, the informal manufacturers adopted slowing and narrowing loops through purchasing broken down agricultural machines for repairs or remanufacturing of durable machines for their low-income customer base. Most young and formally trained manufacturers adopted a prospector strategic behaviour as they used digital platforms to network with business associates for supplies, gathering market intelligence, making and receiving electronic payments and establishing virtual distant markets whilst the older manufacturers resorted mostly to a defender strategic behaviour of engaging their usual customers for repair jobs and a few referrals.
This study offers unique insights with respect to skills required for the sustainable and strategic management of small and medium enterprises during times of crisis.
Piotr Bialowolski, Ryszard Kowalski, Agnieszka Wałęga and Grzegorz Wałęga
The study aims to explore the discrepancy between the subjective and objective debt burdens across various household socio-demographic and debt characteristics. Additionally, it…
The study aims to explore the discrepancy between the subjective and objective debt burdens across various household socio-demographic and debt characteristics. Additionally, it seeks to establish an optimal debt service-to-income ratio (DSTI) threshold for identifying over-indebtedness.
This study utilized a sample of 1,004 respondents from a nationwide survey conducted among Polish indebted households. A discrepancy ratio (DR) measure was proposed to evaluate the divergence between subjective and objective over-indebtedness. Binary logistic regression was employed to estimate the probability of being subjectively and objectively over-indebted, as well as the discrepancy between the two measures of over-indebtedness. The study also employed numerical simulations to determine the optimal DSTI threshold for identifying over-indebted households in general and based on their socio-economic characteristics.
The study established a debt service-to-income ratio (DSTI) threshold of 20% to minimize the discrepancy between subjective and objective debt burden, which is lower than thresholds found in other studies aimed at identifying over-indebted households. Age, number of loans, self-perceived needs satisfaction and type of debt were identified as significant socio-economic and debt-related determinants of over-indebtedness. Household socio-economic and debt-related characteristics significantly influence the threshold for identifying over-indebtedness using DSTI. It can vary widely, ranging from as low as 11% for well-educated women with multiple loan commitments to 43.7% for young males with vocational education, high incomes and originating from households with four or more members.
The paper proposes a more comprehensive approach to debt burden analysis by introducing a new methodology for determining a debt service-to-income (DSTI) threshold that could serve as a measure of over-indebtedness based on the discrepancy between subjective and objective over-indebtedness. It also emphasizes the significance of socio-economic and debt-related factors in evaluating subjective and objective over-indebtedness.
Certain elements of Hayek’s work are prominent precursors to the modern field of complex adaptive systems, including his ideas on spontaneous order, his focus on market processes…
Certain elements of Hayek’s work are prominent precursors to the modern field of complex adaptive systems, including his ideas on spontaneous order, his focus on market processes, his contrast between designing and gardening, and his own framing of complex systems. Conceptually, he was well ahead of his time, prescient in his formulation of novel ways to think about economies and societies. Technically, the fact that he did not mathematically formalize most of the notions he developed makes his insights hard to incorporate unambiguously into models. However, because so much of his work is divorced from the simplistic models proffered by early mathematical economics, it stands as fertile ground for complex systems researchers today. I suggest that Austrian economists can create a progressive research program by building models of these Hayekian ideas, and thereby gain traction within the economics profession. Instead of mathematical models the suite of techniques and tools known as agent-based computing seems particularly well-suited to addressing traditional Austrian topics like money, business cycles, coordination, market processes, and so on, while staying faithful to the methodological individualism and bottom-up perspective that underpin the entire school of thought.
Noel Scott, Brent Moyle, Ana Cláudia Campos, Liubov Skavronskaya and Biqiang Liu
Alessandra Tanda and Daniela Vandone
This paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of debt advisory services and good practices in Europe.
This paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of debt advisory services and good practices in Europe.
The authors examine how debt advisory services are organised in different European countries and how they can be used to address the phenomenon of over-indebtedness.
Debt advisory services seem to be varied and fragmented. There are few good practices that stand out, whereas in some countries there are no services available at all.
This study provides an updated and comprehensive review of good practices and suggests some measures for evaluating the effectiveness of debt advisory services.