The object of this talk is to let you know what services are offered by the Patent Office to help people get at the technical information contained in patents. Since these…
The object of this talk is to let you know what services are offered by the Patent Office to help people get at the technical information contained in patents. Since these services largely arise from the official work performed in the Patent Office, it would seem logical to say something about this work: this I also intend to do. Finally, I shall be giving some background detail on current activities in the Patent Office concerned with information storage and retrieval as well as some thoughts on one or two possibilities for the future. In this way I hope to up‐date the last address made to Aslib by a Patent Office speaker.
October WED.25. Scottish Branch meeting. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 7 p.m. ‘The provision of a library/information service for/by newspapers,’ by Miss A. S. Brown.