The concept of information is an important issue both in the context of modelling the human mind and in the design of intelligent machines. This article discusses the meaning of…
The concept of information is an important issue both in the context of modelling the human mind and in the design of intelligent machines. This article discusses the meaning of “information” and how it is acquired and observed, and presents a simple intuitive model for information acquisition. It proposes the idea that information has two forms, “referential” and “non‐referential” or “thing” and “described‐thing”. This suggests that we should develop process‐and action‐oriented information theories instead of descriptive ones.
Autogenesis is an abstract theory of living systems and their evolution, recently developed by the authors. It is proposed that replication—an imperfect copying of a functional…
Autogenesis is an abstract theory of living systems and their evolution, recently developed by the authors. It is proposed that replication—an imperfect copying of a functional information, directed by the same information—characterizes the living organization. Autogenesis is the evolution of replicative systems, where replicative information develops, compartments are formed, and eventually an end state is reached. In this paper we introduce a computer model, the aim of which is to show the predicted phases and phenomena of autogenesis in a nontrivial way, and to make the main concepts of the theory more transparent.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez and Andri Georgiadou
This chapter of exploratory nature aims to provide an account of the reviewed literature and presents some empirical cases to come to conceptualize dogs as social actors with…
This chapter of exploratory nature aims to provide an account of the reviewed literature and presents some empirical cases to come to conceptualize dogs as social actors with different legitimate roles in the working, social, private, economic, and family life of human beings.
This chapter is the product of a research inspired by the great interest of the authors on rising awareness of the importance of dogs in human working lives. For this, a purposive literature review took place; we consulted scientific studies databases, and also gathered information from market research agencies, and other general media resources. To have a more comprehensive view, and to respond to a specific question on dogs at the workplace, a selection of cases is used to illustrate. For the case studies, secondary data research was used, and individual, structured interviews were conducted and analyzed.
This chapter reviews the relationship between humans and animals. It identifies attitudes and perception toward animals, highlighting the evolution of the intimate bond and the deep relationship between dogs and humans. It describes some cases of dogs as working beings at the service of human functions and dimensions of the pet care markets. Finally, it presents some cases of pet-friendly work environments.
The novel contribution of this chapter is putting dogs in the management of diversity academic literature. In this study, we find that the role, meaning, and purpose of dogs in people’s lives (and in many cases in organizations) are being underestimated. Including and making visible the presence of dogs in the personal, work, and well-being of people represents challenges to be addressed by managers. Additionally, it represents challenges to think about and investigate the welfare of dogs that interact with human beings in productive environments.
The purpose of this paper is to offer a new perspective for strategic foresight on the basis of nurture theory. Strategia Sapiens refers to the fact that strategic work needs to…
The purpose of this paper is to offer a new perspective for strategic foresight on the basis of nurture theory. Strategia Sapiens refers to the fact that strategic work needs to be foresight oriented, and foresight should be directly value driven.
The following areas of strategic foresight are offered for discussion: the content of a vision, its emergence process and the characteristics of strategic foresight in time and in space.
The interdisciplinary approach of this research creates a synthesis of and bases its findings on the empirical and theoretical findings of different scientific fields. The primary finding is that nurture theory offers new perspectives to refine and renew strategic foresight. One perspective is the existence of a value- and culture-driven way of life, and the other is the simultaneous self-realisation of individuals. The paper creates the following models on the basis of nurture theory: the system relations of strategic foresight, a complex model of development, the field and system of strategic foresight activities, the logistic life-cycle model and the field of force of social spaces.
This discussion and approach are highly useful for regional and national strategic practitioners, and they contribute to the discussion of the concept and measurement of development. The nurture theory approach strengthens the incorporation of cultural responsibility, as well as an intergenerational view of strategic foresight, which are both fundamental for a renewal of this field.
Examines the contemporary discourse on environmental sustainability,organizational change and transformational leadership in the largercontext of a shift from a dominator to a…
Examines the contemporary discourse on environmental sustainability, organizational change and transformational leadership in the larger context of a shift from a dominator to a partnership model of social and ideological organization. Traces the historic tension between these two models, and argues that this tension is coming to a head today because at our level of technological development a dominator model is not sustainable. Analyses some of the key themes in organizational change writings that address environmental sustainability, proposing that there is an implicit subtext in much of this literature relating to conventional gender roles and relations. Suggests that, as this subtext becomes more visible, appropriate changes in policy can be more effectively made.
What are the responsibilities of libraries, if there is any, in the personal process of constructing cultural identity? The purpose of this paper is to find answers to this…
What are the responsibilities of libraries, if there is any, in the personal process of constructing cultural identity? The purpose of this paper is to find answers to this question and pose several others such as: Can the author define a standard for creating group identity, for instance, by involving or integrating tools and experiences from the area of bibliotherapy? How can libraries support their patrons to work with their tradition, on their tradition, i.e. to create their own cultural identity?
The author provides with proposals to develop library services to meet new expectations that are raised by the increasing importance of bridging communities of different cultural backgrounds.
By expanding the scope of bibliotherapy, the author might assist in solving social problems and international tensions. The author should consider the possibility of running projects involving historians, culture experts and bibliotherapists to build a shared digital corpus and design specific tools for research and constructing common narratives. To find common cultural references in a multicultural environment is a challenge that requires openness in many fields. Public libraries are mainly at the frontline. There are some old responsibilities that need to be refined under the changing circumstances; new tasks and principals might emerge.
Despite the role of libraries in creating cultural identity is emphasized by a couple of relevant IFLA and UNESCO documents, there are no specific guides on methods to implement. A few ideas have been outlined in this paper about how libraries could contribute to bringing cultures together and challenge prejudices and stereotypes.
Christine Byrch, Kate Kearins, Markus Milne and Richard Morgan
The purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of sustainable development held by New Zealand “thought leaders” and “influencers” promoting sustainability, business, or…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of sustainable development held by New Zealand “thought leaders” and “influencers” promoting sustainability, business, or sustainable business. It seeks to compare inductively derived worldviews with theories associated with sustainability and the humanity‐nature relationship.
Worldviews were explored through a cognitive mapping exercise. A total of 21 thought leaders and influencers constructed maps of their understanding of sustainable development. These maps were analysed to reveal commonalities and differences.
Participant maps illustrated disparate levels of detail and complexity. Those participants promoting business generally emphasized the economic domain, accepting economic growth and development as the key to sustainable development. An emphasis on the environmental domain, the future, limits to the Earth's resources, and achievement through various radical means, was more commonly articulated by those promoting sustainability. Participants promoting sustainable business held elements of both approaches, combining an emphasis on the environmental domain and achievement of sustainable development by various reformist means.
Research limitations/implications
This study identified the range of worldviews expressed by 21 thought leaders and influencers across three main domains only – promoters of sustainability, business or both. Extending this sample and exploring how these and other views arise and are represented within a wider population could be the subject of further research.
Practical implications
Such divergence of opinion as to what connotes sustainable development across even a small sample does not bode well for its achievement. The elucidation of the worldview of promoters of sustainable business points to the need to consider more carefully the implications of environmentalism, and other aspects of sustainability, integrated into a business agenda.
This paper contributes to empirical research on environmental worldviews which has barely penetrated discussion of sustainability within the management and business literature. It shows cognitive mapping to be an effective technique for investigating the meaning of a conceptual theme like sustainable development.
Presents a systematic approach contributing to a better understanding of global problems and their solutions. The approach is based on a new theory of sociophysics which attempts…
Presents a systematic approach contributing to a better understanding of global problems and their solutions. The approach is based on a new theory of sociophysics which attempts to unify the social and natural sciences by forming systematic metaphors between them. Accordingly, it is the thesis of this work that empirical phenomena can best be explained by linking natural factors and social actions to human ideals. In order to support the thesis, focuses on the linkages between the real and ideal realms which connect empirical facts to human acts. Proceeds by comparing the domains of natural laws and cultural principles to human intentions; thus relating statistics, dynamics and dialectics to order, chaos and will. Concludes is that social change can best be directed by human intervention which links natural necessities and cultural desirabilities.
This paper seeks to apply a systemic approach to study human‐map‐space interactions that will benefit the design of a wayfinding map.
This paper seeks to apply a systemic approach to study human‐map‐space interactions that will benefit the design of a wayfinding map.
This paper presents a case study that was based on Van Bockstaele et al.'s sociocybernetic theory as a research framework to map study. Van Bockstaele et al.'s theory suggests that an individual's behaviour derives from a cognitive system that consists of latent (background thinking process) and patent (amplified language or action that communicates with the public) action. To observe and understand an individual's action, the observer must also consider cognitive systems. Applying this theory, the process of individuals using maps to solve wayfinding tasks within the City of Fremantle, Western Australia was observed. The study involved observing 30 international students who use three maps, each of which presents iconic, symbolic, and iconic and symbolic representations, to locate four destinations in the city.
Findings suggest that external systems such as maps and the actual environment affect an individual's latent and patent actions, while their behaviour affects the way they perceive the external systems.
Research limitations/implications
This paper addresses the complexity of systems involved in the process of an individual using maps to solve wayfinding tasks in the actual environment.
Practical implications
This study provides graphic and information designers with a substantial understanding of human‐map‐space interactions based on systemic perspectives.
The application of sociocybernetics is uncommon in map studies. This paper provides a link between the two disciplines.
Maurice Yolles and Gerhard Fink
Anticipating behaviour and responding to the needs of complexity and problematic issues requires modelling to facilitate analysis and diagnosis. Using arguments of anticipation as…
Anticipating behaviour and responding to the needs of complexity and problematic issues requires modelling to facilitate analysis and diagnosis. Using arguments of anticipation as an imperative for inquiry, the purpose of this paper is to introduce generic modelling for living systems theory, and assigns the number of generic constructs to orders of simplex modelling. An nth simplex order rests in an nth order simplex cybernetic space. A general modelling theory of higher orders of simplexity is given, where each higher order responds to every generic construct involved, the properties of which determining the rules of the complex system being that is represented. Higher orders of simplexity also explain greater degrees of complexity relatively simply, and give rise to the development of new paradigms that are better able to explain perceived complex phenomena.
This is Part 3 of three linked papers. Using principles that arise from Schwarz’s living systems set within a framework provided by cultural agency theory, and with a rationale provided by Rosen’s and Dubois’ concepts of anticipation, the papers develop a general modelling theory of simplex orders. They show that with the development of new higher orders, paradigm shifts can occur that become responsible for new ways of seeing and resolving stubborn problematic issues. Part 1 established the fundamentals for a theory of modelling associated with cybernetic orders. Using this, in this Part 2 the authors established the principles of cybernetic orders using simplex modelling. This included a general theory of generic modelling. In this Part 3 the authors extend this, developing a fourth order simplex model, and exploring the potential for higher orders using recursive techniques through cultural agency theory. The authors also explore various forms of emergence.
Cultural agency theory can be used to generate higher simplex through principles of recursion, and hence to create a potential for the generation of families of new paradigms. The idea of conceptual emergence is also tied to the rise of new paradigms.
Research limitations/implications
The use of higher order simplex models to represent complex situations provides the ability to condense explanation concerning the development of particular system behaviours, and hence simplify the way in which the authors analyse, diagnose and anticipate behaviour in complex situations. Illustration is also given showing how the theory can explain the emergence of new paradigms.
Practical implications
Cultural agency can be used to structure problem issues that may otherwise be problematic, within both a top-down and bottom-up approach. It may also be used to assist in establishing behavioural anticipation given an appropriate modelling approach. It may also be used to improve and compress explanation of complex situations.
A new theory of simplex orders arises from the new concept of generic modelling, illustrating cybernetic order. This permits the possibility of improved analysis and diagnosis of problematic situations belonging to complex situations through the use of higher order simplex models, and facilitates improvement in behavioural anticipation.