Vijay Kumar Shrotryia and Upasana Dhanda
Employee engagement has become a hot topic among the global workforce. Both academicians and practitioners tout engagement to have a positive impact on individual and…
Employee engagement has become a hot topic among the global workforce. Both academicians and practitioners tout engagement to have a positive impact on individual and organizational performance. However, despite the enhanced interest, the stagnant engagement levels worldwide pose a grave concern for the researchers. Numerous overlapping and inconsistent definitions of employee engagement lead to a conceptual chaos resulting in poor operationalization of the construct. The purpose of this paper is to develop a multi-dimensional measurement tool for employee engagement based on the evidences from the best companies to work for in India.
Interviews with the top management of the 15 best companies are used for the generation of items using grounded theory methodology. These items are then subjected to content validity assessment by six domain experts. The scale is administered to the middle-level employees of five companies (n = 332) through questionnaire for exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability assessment and initial evidences for convergent and discriminant validity.
The study aimed at developing and validating an employee engagement assessment instrument, which is well-grounded in theory and built on the conceptual framework proposed by both academicians and practitioners and rigorously tested for its psychometric properties to ensure the precise measurement of employee engagement. A 3-factor/16 item employee engagement measurement tool is the finding of this study, which attempts to bridge the incongruity between the academic and industrial view on employee engagement.
Looking at the dearth of measurement tools built in developing countries and with the intent of resolving the issues related with cultural differences in the application of western assessment tools, the developed scale made a notable contribution to engagement theory with prime focus in the Indian context. The three dimensions of employee engagement-alignment, affectiveness and action- orientation- are in a form and language, that is, comprehensible and consequential for practitioners enabling them to take a closer look at the critical engagement elements that align with the organization's human capital strategy and foster improved performance.
Vijay Kumar Shrotryia, Kirti Saroha and Upasana Dhanda
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the relationship between organizational commitment (OC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as mediated by employee…
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the relationship between organizational commitment (OC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as mediated by employee engagement (EE). The impact of different facets of OC (affective, continuance and normative) and EE (alignment, affectiveness and action-orientation) is examined with respect to OCB.
Insights from the literature underpin the hypotheses on how EE mediates the relationship between OC and OCB. Primary data using survey questionnaire were collected from 881 permanent employees of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in India. Hayes' model 4 has been used for the mediation analysis.
The analyses show that only one facet of OC- affective commitment and the alignment and action-orientation dimensions of EE positively affect OCB. The relationship between OC and OCB is fully mediated by EE.
Practical implications
The results imply that engaging employees is pivotal for effectively fostering citizenship behavior among employees. Organizations should be willing to implement strategies and interventions which enhance the emotional experience of employees to foster a sense of belongingness with the organization and engage them.
The paper draws on a unique data set of a prestigious organization in India to provide insights with substantial degree of generalizability into the relationship between OC, OCB and EE, whilst applying a comprehensive definition of these constructs. It is the first study to examine the inter-relationship among different facets of these constructs.
Upasana Dhanda and Vijay Kumar Shrotryia
Today, corporate sustainability is at a tipping point. With average lifespan of organizations shrinking, striving for corporate longevity and sustainability has become…
Today, corporate sustainability is at a tipping point. With average lifespan of organizations shrinking, striving for corporate longevity and sustainability has become indispensable in this fast-paced world. Despite the growing interest in this domain, companies are struggling to define sustainability in a way that is relevant to their business. This article attempts to synthesize the extant literature and provide a conceptual perspective on corporate sustainability and sustainable business models.
Thematic literature review was done to gain an understanding of the extant literature and the ongoing debates on organizational sustainability. As the literature in context of corporate sustainability was found to be in a fluid state, a thematic review was found suitable to systematize and disclose valuable insights that open avenues for addressing sustainability concerns.
The paper attempts to throw light on the journey of organizations towards sustainability and how the context of sustainability has changed for the organizations over time. The paper discusses how companies embarked on their sustainability revolution by shifting their focus from mere compliance and philanthropy to attaining a sustainability edge and also explicates the transformation from traditional business models to sustainable business models. Finally, the research gaps are identified to pave the way for future research in the domain of corporate sustainability.
The extant literature on corporate sustainability is in a shambolic state. This creates a need to investigate what has been done and how the context of corporate sustainability is being shaped. This paper contributes to the emerging literature on sustainability by providing a conceptual perspective and highlighting the research gaps which pave the way for future research on sustainability paradigm.
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.
This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context.
Sustainable business models are the key to organizations surviving, growing, and adapting in the new economic landscape.
The briefing saves busy executives, strategists and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.