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Open Access
Publication date: 14 May 2020

Bambang Eka Cahyana, Umar Nimran, Hamidah Nayati Utami and Mohammad Iqbal

The purpose of this study is to apply hybrid cluster analysis in classifying PT Pelindo I customers based on the level of customer satisfaction with passenger services of PT…




The purpose of this study is to apply hybrid cluster analysis in classifying PT Pelindo I customers based on the level of customer satisfaction with passenger services of PT Pelindo I.


Hybrid cluster analysis is a combination of hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis. This hybrid cluster analysis appears to optimize the advantages of hierarchical and non-hierarchical methods simultaneously to obtain optimal grouping. Hybrid cluster analysis itself has high flexibility because it can combine all hierarchical and non-hierarchical methods without any limits in the order of analysis used.


The results showed that 72% of PT Pelindo I customers felt PT Pelindo I service was special, while the remaining 28% felt PT Pelindo I service was good.


In total, 117 customers of PT Pelindo I were involved in a study using the non-probability sampling method.


Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, vol. 25 no. 50
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2077-1886


Publication date: 17 June 2020

Nurdin Sembiring, Umar Nimran, Endang Siti Astuti and Hamidah Nayati Utami

This study aims to examine the effects of emotional intelligence and organizational justice on job satisfaction and caring climate and its impacts on Criminal Investigation…




This study aims to examine the effects of emotional intelligence and organizational justice on job satisfaction and caring climate and its impacts on Criminal Investigation officers’ performance.


The population in this research was all criminal investigation officers, with people (2016 data) in all Polres and the Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya. The method used is path analysis. The path modeling was solved by using the partial least squares method. This research found that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and officers’ performance.


This research found that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction; organizational justice and job satisfaction; emotional intelligence and officers’ performance; organizational justice and officers’ performance job satisfaction and officers’ performance; caring climate and officers’ performance; organizational justice and caring climate; emotional intelligence and caring climate. In general, it has shown that emotional intelligence has a significant direct effect on performance, job satisfaction and caring climate. In addition, emotional intelligence has an indirect effect on performance through job satisfaction and caring climate.


There are some differences in the previous research results or methodological weaknesses. This research will develop the relationship between the emotional intelligence variable and the caring climate variable and the relationship between the organizational justice variable and the caring climate variable.


International Journal of Organizational Analysis, vol. 28 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1934-8835


Open Access
Publication date: 26 October 2020

Hamidah Nayati Utami, Bambang Eka Cahyana, Umar Nimran and Mohammad Iqbal

This research was conducted with the aim of examining and explaining the effect of strategic leadership, corporate governance, organizational culture, business infrastructure and…




This research was conducted with the aim of examining and explaining the effect of strategic leadership, corporate governance, organizational culture, business infrastructure and corporate alignment as determinants of corporate hospitality; testing and explaining the direct effects of corporate hospitality and corporate sustainability.


This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research population was all subsidiaries, branches and departments in PT Pelindo 1 (Persero). The sample size in this research was n = N = 61, which covered 5 subsidiaries, 17 branches and 39 directorates at PT Pelindo 1 (Persero). Data analysis was done with inferential statistics using WarpPLS analysis using the help of WarpPLS package computer programs.


There is a significant and positive direct effect between Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Corporate Governance, Business Infrastructure and Corporate Alignment on Corporate Hospitality which means higher Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Corporate Governance, Business Infrastructure and Corporate Alignment will result in a higher Corporate Hospitality. The analysis also shows that there is a significant and positive indirect effect between Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Corporate Governance, Business Infrastructure and Corporate Alignment on Corporate Sustainability through Corporate Hospitality which means higher Strategic Leadership, Corporate Culture, Corporate Governance, Business Infrastructure and Corporate Alignment will lead to higher Corporate Sustainability through Corporate Hospitality.


The originality of this research can be proven from the lack of research on hospitality. Some other research on hospitality, mostly doing research at airports, hospitals and hotels. However, this research was conducted at the port, where company friendliness is a discipline that includes many marketing studies.


International Trade, Politics and Development, vol. 4 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2586-3932




This study aims to determine the effect of personality on professionalism.


This research was conducted in Makassar Police Office in Makassar City. The reason for conducting the research in the police officer was the low performance of police officers in Makassar Police while the workload was very high. The population in this study were all 1,185 police officers in Makassar Police Office. Using the probability sampling technique, there were 299 police officers selected as respondents. Further, this study employs descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis using generalized structure component analysis (GSCA) as data analysis methods.


The result found that there is a significant effect of personality on professionalism and OCB. Different results are obtained on the effect of personality on performance, which has no significant effect. However, there is an indirect effect of personality on performance through professionalism and OCB as mediating variables. The results also found that there is a significant influence between Professionalism on OCB and performance, as well as a significant influence between OCB on Performance.


This study focus to determine the effect of personality on professionalism. It has never been done before, so this study will contribute a new empirical explanation on both relationships. In addition to differences in the use of constructs and measurements, this research is also different in terms of the analysis unit. This study examines the effect of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on the performance of members/employees. This research is different from previous researches which generally examine the effect of OCB with group performance such as performed by George and Bettenhausen (1990), Podsakoff et al. (1997), which both found a close association between OCB and group performance. This study examines the performance of individual members because the tasks of members of the police force require professional ability in individuals who are expected to give a good image to the police in general.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 39 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


Publication date: 20 February 2020

Ernawati and Nurdjannah Hamid

This study aims to know the effects of environmental characteristics and business partner relationships on improving innovation performance through the mediation of knowledge…



This study aims to know the effects of environmental characteristics and business partner relationships on improving innovation performance through the mediation of knowledge management practices (KMPs).


The population of this research was all manufacturing companies engaged in the food and beverage sector categorized into large industries. According to Jakarta’s Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan (social insurance administration body of employment), large industries are industries with a number of employees > 100. However, in this research, the total population did not reach 100 but only 89 companies. The analysis unit used in this research was the companies. Data collection for this research relied on questionnaires with closed questions. The questionnaires were then distributed to the sample companies by using enumerator services. In accordance with the hypotheses formulated, the data analysis used in this research was partial least square.


The three findings are the significant and negative effect of environmental characteristics on KMPs, the significant effect of business partner relationships on innovation performance and the insignificant effect of KMPs on innovation performance. The management of food sector manufacturing companies needs to support the activities of generating ideas carried out by employees and support their innovative ideas and creativity. Good cooperation between employees and management is highly needed in an effort to develop company innovation.


This research used the innovation diffusion paradigm and the combination of market-based and knowledge-based paradigms is expected to fill the previous research gap and become the uniqueness and originality of this research. The second originality is that this research examined the role of the KMP variable as the moderating variable. The third originality of this research is the focus on examining the effect of business partner relationships on innovation performance. These three originalities are rarely found in previous studies. Therefore, this research is expected to complete and expand the study of knowledge management and innovation performance.


VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, vol. 51 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2059-5891


Publication date: 30 October 2023

Rindawati Maulina, Wawan Dhewanto and Taufik Faturohman

To better understand the characteristics of Indonesian Muslims, this study uses cluster analysis to group upper-middle-class Muslims based on psychographic variables related to…



To better understand the characteristics of Indonesian Muslims, this study uses cluster analysis to group upper-middle-class Muslims based on psychographic variables related to participation in cash waqf for productive purposes.


This study used mixed methods to build and analyse the segmentation of upper-middle-class Muslims towards cash waqf and propose scenarios for a cash waqf model based on the findings.


This study identified six clusters for upper-middle-class Muslims related to the participation in cash waqf for productive purposes. All clusters show heterogeneous values of all factors. Although relatively few Muslims perform cash waqf for productive purposes, the high scores for the economic rational, family and community factors indicate great potential for the development of various cash waqf models for investment purposes. The next challenge will lie in reviewing the “one-fits-all strategy” in the development of program, education and socialisation. Based on the findings, this study proposes three scenarios of cash waqf participation: as wakif only (waqf donor), investor only (capital provider) and hybrid participation (waqf donor and capital provider).

Research limitations/implications

The limitation of this study is the location and object of the sample are only Muslims in Indonesia who are categorised as upper-middle class in terms of their monthly income. Based on this study’s findings, other Muslim-majority countries worldwide have the potential to develop a cash waqf model that is integrated with financial instruments and involves the role of Islamic banking and other Islamic commercial institutions in future research development. Researchers can also attempt to include a simulation or experiment method to construct and validate the proposed cash waqf model based on this study’s findings and to explore other factors that have not been addressed.

Practical implications

The findings of this study can contribute as a foundation for the development of a cash waqf model and business-marketing strategy to increase the participation of upper-middle-class Muslims.

Social implications

The findings of this study will support the acceleration of cash waqf collection for investment initiatives, which in turn will have a broader social and economic impact nationally.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study constitutes the first attempt to specifically investigate upper-middle-class Muslim segmentation toward cash waqf participation for productive purposes. This study’s knowledge is helpful for various stakeholders such as academia, the Islamic banking industry, regulators and the Muslim community about customer segmentation to Islamic banking products and services related to cash waqf.


Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1759-0817


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