The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of a workshop held to discover the performance measurement requirements deemed to be necessary by the management of higher…
The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of a workshop held to discover the performance measurement requirements deemed to be necessary by the management of higher education establishments and state authorities in Germany.
A workshop is held with representatives of university directorates and their libraries, members of the ministries for research and higher education at state level, experts on performance measurement for libraries, and representatives of the German Library association and BIX management.
The workshop provides answers regarding which issues a benchmarking system should cover, and what functional requirements the system should meet.
Practical implications
An agreed set of new performance measures is defined and agreed to be put into practice in the near future.
The workshop allows collaboration between the libraries who helped develop the BIX Library Index, and the HE authorities whose needs were fundamentally different, to reach common ground and understanding for data sets and metrics required for the future.
This paper offers a definition of the core of information science, which encompasses most research in the field. The definition provides a unique identity for information science…
This paper offers a definition of the core of information science, which encompasses most research in the field. The definition provides a unique identity for information science and positions it in the disciplinary universe.
After motivating the objective, a definition of the core and an explanation of its key aspects are provided. The definition is related to other definitions of information science before controversial discourse aspects are briefly addressed: discipline vs. field, science vs. humanities, library vs. information science and application vs. theory. Interdisciplinarity as an often-assumed foundation of information science is challenged.
Information science is concerned with how information is manifested across space and time. Information is manifested to facilitate and support the representation, access, documentation and preservation of ideas, activities, or practices, and to enable different types of interactions. Research and professional practice encompass the infrastructures – institutions and technology –and phenomena and practices around manifested information across space and time as its core contribution to the scholarly landscape. Information science collaborates with other disciplines to work on complex information problems that need multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to address them.
The paper argues that new information problems may change the core of the field, but throughout its existence, the discipline has remained quite stable in its central focus, yet proved to be highly adaptive to the tremendous changes in the forms, practices, institutions and technologies around and for manifested information.
Gustav Hägg and Jonas Gabrielsson
The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of how entrepreneurial education research has evolved with regard to pedagogy over the past decades.
The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of how entrepreneurial education research has evolved with regard to pedagogy over the past decades.
The authors employed systematic review methodology to enable an in-depth analysis of the literature in a process that was both replicable and transparent. Guided by the research purpose, the systematic review of 395 articles published between January 1980 and December 2018 was influenced by a configurative approach aimed at interpreting and understanding the phenomenon under study.
The analysis suggests that the scholarly discourse on pedagogy in entrepreneurial education research has developed over time from teacher-guided instructional models to more constructivist perspectives. A shift in the literature was also observed, where scholarly discussions moved from addressing the issue of teachability to a greater emphasis on learnability. Contemporary discussions centre on the theoretical and philosophical foundations of experience-based teaching and learning.
The study illustrates how entrepreneurial education has evolved into a distinct research theme, characterized by a practice-oriented research agenda that emphasizes the need to connect teaching to “real-world” environments. The practice-oriented agenda has led to continued societal interest in promoting entrepreneurial education, while at the same time creating low academic legitimacy.