Data are presented which indicate a need for improvement in thepersonnel skills of small business owners. A set of criteria is thenprovided for possible approaches to training…
Data are presented which indicate a need for improvement in the personnel skills of small business owners. A set of criteria is then provided for possible approaches to training small business owners in personnel skills. These criteria were developed from interview material acquired in a field study of small business owners. They include: research substantiation of overall effectiveness; face validity; degree of efficiency of time use; ease of access; relative cost; degree to which the method involves criticism of trainees; and effectiveness in skill development. The training approaches evaluated or these criteria are the lecture method, programmed instruction; business games/simulation; the case method, the role play method, sensitivity training; the conference method; and behaviour role modelling. Results suggest that most small business owners would derive the greatest benefits from behaviour role modelling, business games, and/or role play method and would benefit least from the lecture method and sensitivity training.