The authors describe the development of the role and function of aStudent Enterprise Manager under the Enterprise in Higher EducationInitiative. Chester College of Higher…
The authors describe the development of the role and function of a Student Enterprise Manager under the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative. Chester College of Higher Education was the first institution to adopt a “management model” rather than “representative model” of student involvement in their EHE programme. The article discusses processes of consultation, recruitment and selection which engaged students in the appointment of one of their own Graduates to the first, sabbatical post of Student Enterprise Manager. The authors summarise the problems and approaches to creating a totally new role and function which links students, staff and employer partners to initiatives outside the curriculum. The work and projects which characterised the first six months of operation are described. The authors reflect on the themes and issues to emerge from the first National Student Enterprise Network Conference, hosted by Chester College in January 1991. There is considerable potential for realising EHE goals through more effective structuring and networking between students in different institutions.