Looks at the issue of diversity and how it relates to the realities of the workplace.
Looks at the issue of diversity and how it relates to the realities of the workplace.
The paper takes a viewpoint approach, working through a brief case study in the HGV industry.
Whilst managers understand the theory behind diversity, they often fail to transfer this into the workplace. The author asserts that an inclusive approach will become a necessity in the future as workforces become more and more diverse.
Stresses the need to adopt an inclusive approach to workforce management.
Aims to explain why the genuine inclusion of workers, regardless of sex, race, age, religion or nationality, will become a business imperative in the years ahead.
Aims to explain why the genuine inclusion of workers, regardless of sex, race, age, religion or nationality, will become a business imperative in the years ahead.
Highlights the differences between diversity and inclusion, defines a truly inclusive organization and outlines the steps that must be taken to become one.
Contends that organizations that fail to put processes in place to encourage, train, motivate and give responsibility to employees from minority groups will find themselves at a serious disadvantage.
Practical implications
Demonstrates that becoming an inclusive organization covers not only hiring and firing, but also training and development, and has trade‐union and other contractual consequences.
Targets managers who seek to make their organizations more inclusive, but do not know how to go about it.
Mark Burnett and Tony Johnston
The purpose of this paper is to explore tourism scenario planning for an anticipated shock as viewed through the lens of Irish hospitality managers preparing for Brexit. The…
The purpose of this paper is to explore tourism scenario planning for an anticipated shock as viewed through the lens of Irish hospitality managers preparing for Brexit. The research appropriates a climate science framework to structure the study, situating preparations, or lack thereof, against the themes of volatility, exposure and resilience.
The research uses a qualitative, pragmatic approach to determine how senior Irish hospitality managers were preparing for Britain’s exit from the European Union. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data conducted with hotel management, industry federations and tourism policymakers.
Buoyancy of the industry, from an industry perspective, little foreseeable threat to the sector, has caused management to develop complacent tendencies, a myopic viewpoint and a head-in-the-sand mindset. Their “wait and see” and “ad hoc” approaches to planning for an anticipated shock suggest an industry that believes itself to be resistant to threats.
Practical implications
The findings suggest that although tourism has been resilient to economic shocks in the past, historical lessons learned have not been implemented in anticipation of the next shock. More proactive engagement and better strategic preparedness is necessary to mitigate the impacts of future shocks. Industry needs to acknowledge its role in developing resilience and reducing volatility and exposure. The government additionally needs to coordinate initiatives with industry to develop robustness.
The paper demonstrates areas of practice in the hospitality industry that could be improved to reduce volatility and exposure, enhance resilience and encourage rapid adaptability post crisis.
本研究通过爱尔兰酒店管理者为英国脱欧做准备的视角, 探讨了为预期的冲击所做的旅游场景规划。本文采用了气候科学的框架来搭建研究结构, 将准备工作或准备工作的缺失定位在波动、风险和恢复力的主题上。
本研究采用了一种定性的、务实的方法, 来探索爱尔兰酒店高级管理人员是如何为英国脱欧做准备的。英国脱欧对爱尔兰旅游业可能产生重大影响。本文采用半结构化访谈收集数据, 与酒店管理、行业联盟和政策制定者进行了访谈。
该行业现在正蓬勃发展, 而且从行业的角度看, 脱欧对该行业几乎没有可预见的威胁, 这导致该行业内的行动者产生了自满倾向、短视观点和逃避现实的心态。他们采取“观望”和“专门化”的办法来为预期的冲击做准备, 表明该行业相信自己能够抵御威胁。
调查结果表明, 尽管旅游业在过去一直能抵御经济冲击, 但积累的规划经验尚未为即将到来的下一个预期冲击付诸实施。为了减轻未来冲击的影响, 更积极的参与和更好的战略准备是必要的。行业需要认识到自己在增加恢复力、减少波动性和风险方面的作用。政府需要与行业协调行动, 以激发企业的活力。
本文展示了酒店行业的一些实践领域, 这些领域可以得到改善, 以减少波动性和风险, 增强弹性, 并鼓励危机后的快速适应。
El estudio explora la planificación de escenarios turísticos ante una crisis anticipada por el Brexit, desde la perspectiva de los gerentes hoteleros irlandeses que se preparan para ella. La investigación utiliza el marco de la ciencia climática para estructurar el estudio, confrontando los preparativos, o la falta de ellos, con la volatilidad, el riesgo y la resiliencia.
La investigación utilizó un enfoque cualitativo y pragmático para determinar cómo se están preparando los altos directivos hoteleros irlandeses para la salida de Gran Bretaña de la Unión Europea, un evento con un gran impacto potencial en el turismo irlandés. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a los gerentes hoteleros, las federaciones sectoriales y los responsables políticos.
Implicaciones prácticas
Los resultados sugieren que, aunque el turismo ha resistido las crisis económicas en el pasado, las lecciones aprendidas en la planificación no se han aplicado para prevenir el próximo impacto previsto en el horizonte. Es necesario un compromiso más proactivo y una mejor preparación estratégica para mitigar los efectos de las crisis futuras. La industria debe reconocer su papel en el desarrollo de la resiliencia y la reducción de la volatilidad y el riesgo. El gobierno necesita coordinar iniciativas con el sector para estimular su solidez.
En el documento se ponen de manifiesto las áreas de actividad del sector hotelero que podrían mejorarse para reducir la volatilidad y el riesgo, aumentar la resiliencia y fomentar la capacidad de adaptación rápida después de una crisis.
The extreme demographic misrepresentation of organisations is a key business and societal issue in South Africa (SA). The purpose of this paper is to provide organisations that…
The extreme demographic misrepresentation of organisations is a key business and societal issue in South Africa (SA). The purpose of this paper is to provide organisations that are committed to the creation of a diverse and inclusive environment with key considerations that need to be managed in order to create more diverse drive transformation.
This research uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques to gain an understanding of the elements that need to be managed to enhance perception of inclusion in the SA workplace.
The study finds that key inclusion elements that need to be transformed at an organisational level include “senior leadership”, “organisation climate”, “organisational belonging”, “communication” and “transparent recruitment, promotion and development”. At an interpersonal level or relational level, inclusion components include respect and acceptance, the “line manager/subordinate relationship” (which includes the subordinates experience of dignity, trust and recognition), “engagement” which includes decision-making authority and access to information, and finally the “individual's relationship with the organisation's vision and values”. Finally, at an individual level, factors which influenced inclusion, and therefore required attention in recruitment or management were “personality”, “locus of control”, self-confidence which includes self-esteem and “power”.
Research limitations/implications
While this research facilitated “deep” insight into the diversity and inclusion components, this study could have been enriched through exploring diversity and inclusion in other organisational contexts. Second, while the InclusionIndex™ survey provided a useful base measure of inclusion for this research, the use of a survey as the primary research tool might have been leading to the respondents. Third, because the InclusionIndex™ survey was used as the exploratory tool, and was the respondents’ first exposure to the diversity and inclusion terminology, the survey became the informal frame of reference for diversity and inclusion, and thus might have influenced the focus group discussion and semi-structured interview responses.
Practical implications
Using these diversity and inclusion considerations, leaders of pluralistic and multicultural organisations can focus their attention on developing inclusion areas that are weak and require more consideration. Second, this research aims to establish that inclusion extends beyond recruitment of diverse individuals to a process driven at organisational, interpersonal and individual levels.
These management considerations are important and valuable because they can be used to guide systemic change in organisations, driven at organisational, interpersonal and individual levels. This approach will help organisations to move beyond employment equity compliance, to a commitment to multicultural diverse and inclusive organisations.
Vanessa Kitzie, Travis Wagner and A. Nick Vera
This qualitative study explores how discursive power shapes South Carolina lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities' health…
This qualitative study explores how discursive power shapes South Carolina lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities' health information practices and how participants resist this power.
In total, 28 LGBTQIA+ community leaders from South Carolina engaged in semi-structured interviews and information world mapping–a participatory arts-based elicitation technique–to capture the context underlying how they and their communities create, seek, use and share health information. We focus on the information world maps for this paper, employing situational analysis–a discourse analytic method for visual data–to analyze them.
Six themes emerged describing how discursive power operates both within and outside of LGBTQIA+ communities: (1) producing absence, (2) providing unwanted information, (3) commoditizing LGBTQIA+ communities, (4) condensing LGBTQIA+ people into monoliths; (5) establishing the community's normative role in information practices; (6) applying assimilationist and metronormative discourses to information sources. This power negates people's information practices with less dominant LGBTQIA+ identities and marginalized intersectional identities across locations such as race and class. Participants resisted discursive power within their maps via the following tactics: (1) (re)appropriating discourses and (2) imagining new information worlds.
This study captures the perspectives of an understudied population–LGBTQIA+ persons from the American South–about a critical topic–their health–and frames these perspectives and topics within an informational context. Our use of information world mapping and situational analysis offers a unique and still underutilized set of qualitative methods within information science research.
G.W. Burnett and Muzaffer Uysal
Tourism, since it involves the movement of people from country to country and results in frequent economic, social and cultural exchanges, is likely to be a force contributing to…
Tourism, since it involves the movement of people from country to country and results in frequent economic, social and cultural exchanges, is likely to be a force contributing to world peace. In October 1988, scholars and practitioners from a variety of fields gathered in Vancouver, Canada, to consider this proposition for the first time (D'Amore and Jafari 1988). Their deliberations focused to an exceptional degree on the Third World, where most armed conflict has been conducted over the past four decades and where tourism is anticipated to improve weak economic performance and generate much needed foreign exchange.
Maria Vittoria Colucci D’Amato and Letizia Migliola
In post-normal times, when surprises and conflicts rule and the concept of normal is increasingly useless (Dufva & Rowley, 2022), leaders in organisations are faced with new and…
In post-normal times, when surprises and conflicts rule and the concept of normal is increasingly useless (Dufva & Rowley, 2022), leaders in organisations are faced with new and never-before-faced problems. That’s why it becomes crucial to focus on innovation leadership and its components. This chapter introduces Design2Be, a new methodology developed by Evidentia, a consulting firm, that changes the paradigm of leadership development. The very structure of Design2Be guides participants into an innovative experience of learning, no longer linear and sequential but circular and holistic, in which the goal is the development of an innovative self and team leadership mindset, by discovering and acting out a personal growth towards self-expression and fulfilment. We reflect on the development and application of this new approach, through a case story in a large Italian company with a group of (future) leaders testing and applying the new methodology. The chapter uses Paton’s (2001) reflective model to reflect on our roles as consultants, co-creating the approach with our client.
The Siege opens with news footage of the bombing of military dormitory barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (on June 25, 1996). Whatever the genesis of the screenplay may have been…
The Siege opens with news footage of the bombing of military dormitory barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (on June 25, 1996). Whatever the genesis of the screenplay may have been, the release of a film some two years after the actual event which inspired some of its story is remarkably quick by Hollywood standards (where the average development time of any project is three years). An interesting film on its initial release, it now screens like a premonition, or a blueprint. The fictional alleged perpetrator of the bombing – which was actually the work of Al Qaeda – Ahmed bin Talal is secretly kidnapped by U.S. forces, and taken to the U.S. The drama which then unfolds involves the operations of a network of terrorist cells – all trained by the CIA to destabilize Saddam Hussein – demanding bin Talal’s release through an escalating series of bombings in New York City culminating in the destruction of One Federal Plaza, the imposition of martial law in Brooklyn, and the detention of all Arab-American adult males in makeshift camps set up in sports stadiums.