The UK Z39.50 Pre‐lmplementors Group was set up at the beginning of 1992, with the aim of encouraging UK involvement in the development of search and retrieve standards and…
The UK Z39.50 Pre‐lmplementors Group was set up at the beginning of 1992, with the aim of encouraging UK involvement in the development of search and retrieve standards and contributing to international technical discussions and ballots. Participants come from a variety of backgrounds, including suppliers, libraries, UKOLN, the British Library and LASER. The main part of the article comprises of recent status reports from the main UK players.
The Internet has had an impact on the lives of millions of people. Manycould not work effectively without it. Over the past two or three yearsa variety of new and exciting…
The Internet has had an impact on the lives of millions of people. Many could not work effectively without it. Over the past two or three years a variety of new and exciting information services have appeared on the Internet, each with its own distinct characteristics. Users, and potential users, of the Internet need to appreciate the models on which these services have been built. Presents an overview of the Internet and an analysis of its information services. Explains the relationships between the services to help users make an informed choice.