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Publication date: 1 February 2002

Tom Petit

Recent trends in the plastic moulding industry that now mean it can be beneficial to apply six axis robots to tasks previously undertaken by simpler beam or Cartesian robots are…


Recent trends in the plastic moulding industry that now mean it can be beneficial to apply six axis robots to tasks previously undertaken by simpler beam or Cartesian robots are described. The six axis robots are also able to undertake many additional assembly and finishing tasks that could not be attempted by simpler robots. Also described are “Soft Float” and collision detection features now available on six axis robots.


Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 29 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Open Access
Book part
Publication date: 29 July 2019

Isabel Fróes



Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78756-705-4

Content available



Library Hi Tech News, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0741-9058

Publication date: 7 March 2018

Carmen Olsen and Anna Gold

Drawing on the literature from cognitive neuroscience and auditing research on professional skepticism (PS), this paper identifies new research questions, determinants, and…


Drawing on the literature from cognitive neuroscience and auditing research on professional skepticism (PS), this paper identifies new research questions, determinants, and theories that may resolve current problem areas in PS research. We identify the following PS research areas that neuroscientific perspectives can potentially improve: 1) theory, 2) trust, 3) trait and state skepticism, 4) deception/fraud detection, and 5) skeptical judgment and action. The paper concludes with a discussion of the critical question of whether integrating a neuroscientific perspective in PS research is worthwhile and provides further direction for future research.

Book part
Publication date: 22 October 2019

Jean Beaman

Based on ethnographic research in the Paris metropolitan region, I discuss how my identity as a Black American ethnographer was implicated in this urban ethnography. Specifically…


Based on ethnographic research in the Paris metropolitan region, I discuss how my identity as a Black American ethnographer was implicated in this urban ethnography. Specifically, I discuss the intersections of researcher identity with that of the “researched” and how I was simultaneously framed as an insider and outsider due to different facets of my own identity. I further argue that these insights were data in and of itself as they revealed how race and racism operate in a society that has long disavowed their existence.


Urban Ethnography
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-033-2


Open Access
Publication date: 22 November 2023

María A. Bretos, Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez and Carlos Orús

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how previous literature has analyzed the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in the field of tourism, distinguishing between…




The purpose of this paper is to investigate how previous literature has analyzed the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in the field of tourism, distinguishing between studies focused on one technology or the other as both have characteristics that profoundly differentiate them.


This study carries out a critical review to assess and synthesize the literature on augmented reality and virtual reality in tourism. Literature searches are conducted using various keywords, resulting in a selection of 84 articles (19 on augmented reality and 65 on virtual reality) from 39 indexed journals.


The research findings demonstrate an increasing scholarly focus on exploring the application of virtual reality and augmented reality within the realm of tourism. These results highlight a noticeable progression in recent years with respect to different matters, such as methodologies, used theories or considered variables, among others. Based on these results, it is proposed a future research agenda that seeks to establish a cohesive framework and drive the development of both augmented reality and virtual reality research in tourism.


By conducting an individual and comparative review of the literature on the application of augmented reality and virtual reality in tourism, this research helps elucidate the specific lines of research for each technology while providing a better understanding of how each technology can be used to generate effective tourist experiences.


El objetivo de este artículo es investigar cómo la literatura previa ha analizado el papel de la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual en el ámbito del turismo, distinguiendo entre estudios centrados en una u otra tecnología ya que ambas tienen características que las diferencian profundamente.


Este estudio realiza una revisión crítica para evaluar y sintetizar la literatura sobre realidad aumentada y realidad virtual en turismo. Se realizan búsquedas de literatura utilizando diversas palabras clave, que dan como resultado la selección de 84 artículos (19 sobre realidad aumentada y 65 sobre realidad virtual) procedentes de 39 revistas indexadas.


Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que existe un interés creciente en explorar la aplicación de la realidad virtual y la realidad aumentada en el ámbito del turismo. Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto una notable progresión en los últimos años con respecto a diferentes cuestiones, como las metodologías aplicadas, las teorías empleadas o las variables consideradas, entre otras. A partir de estos resultados, se propone una agenda de investigación futura que pretende establecer un marco cohesionado e impulsar el desarrollo de la investigación en el ámbito tanto de la realidad aumentada como de la realidad virtual en turismo.


Al realizar una revisión individual y comparativa de la literatura sobre la aplicación de la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual en el turismo, esta investigación ayuda a esclarecer las líneas de investigación específicas de cada tecnología a la vez que proporciona una mejor comprensión de cómo cada tecnología puede ser utilizada para generar experiencias turísticas efectivas.


本文旨在研究以往的文献是如何分析增强现实和虚拟现实在旅游领域的作用的, 并对侧重于其中一种技术或另一种技术的研究加以区分, 因为这两种技术都有深刻区别于其他技术的特点。


本研究通过批判性综述来评估和归纳有关旅游业中增强现实和虚拟现实技术的文献。通过使用各种关键词进行文献检索, 从 39 种索引期刊中筛选出 84 篇文章(19 篇关于增强现实技术, 65 篇关于虚拟现实技术)。


研究结果表明, 学术界越来越重视探索虚拟现实和增强现实在旅游业中的应用。这些结果突显了近年来在方法论、采用的理论或考虑的变量等不同方面的明显进步。在这些成果的基础上, 提出了未来的研究议程, 旨在建立一个具有凝聚力的框架, 推动旅游业中增强现实和虚拟现实研究的发展。


本研究通过对增强现实和虚拟现实技术在旅游业中应用的文献进行单独和比较审查, 有助于阐明每种技术的具体研究方向, 同时让人们更好地了解如何使用每种技术来产生有效的旅游体验。

Book part
Publication date: 30 September 2010

Aljosa Puzar

An autoethnographic account is given in order to depict the building of the author's musical subjectivity through the specific modes of cross-generational and peer-to-peer…


An autoethnographic account is given in order to depict the building of the author's musical subjectivity through the specific modes of cross-generational and peer-to-peer interaction involving material and emotional investments, discursive constraints, and transgressions. The event of discovering the “sound of silence” is brought in contrast to the more encoded experiences of classical music, especially operatic. Emotionally charged musical events and rituals are revisited (narrated) together with accounts of transgressing the boundaries of inherited musical environments and learned patterns of musical appreciation.


Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-0-85724-361-4

Publication date: 10 January 2022

Halim Budi Santoso, Jyun-Cheng Wang and Nila Armelia Windasari

The use of extended reality (XR) to create memorable experiences has attracted considerable attention, especially in tourism. Multisensory XR offers a new way of virtually…




The use of extended reality (XR) to create memorable experiences has attracted considerable attention, especially in tourism. Multisensory XR offers a new way of virtually previewing a destination before physical holidays. This study aims to explore how multisensory XR can be used at each stage of the tourism experience journey. This study established a model for how destination-image formation is affected by multisensory XR in each phase of tourism experience.


The authors followed the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses guidelines to review studies published between 2013 and 2020, gathered from four research databases. The authors identified the predominant XR technology and sensory stimuli based on the characteristics of various tourism domains. The authors synthesized the previous studies to explain destination-image formation by using multisensory XR.


This study summarized the XR study distribution among the three stages of the tourism experience journey. The authors identified the predominant sensory stimuli and dominant XR application and developed a destination-image formation model by using multisensory XR.


This study highlights the holistic approach of multisensory XR in the tourism experience journey in relation to various tourism domains. It also contributes to destination-image formation in the virtual environment by providing multisensory experiences of predominant sensory stimuli at each stage.





本研究遵循了系统评价的首选的报告项目对由四份数据库综合提取的2013 到2020 年间发表的文章用系统文献综述和荟萃分析方法进行了梳理。基于不同旅游领域我们发现了首要的XR技术和感官刺激因素。本研究综合了之前文章用多感官XR来解释目的地形象的产生的文章。


我们总结了XR 基于旅游体验三个阶段的研究的分布. 我们确定了主导的感官刺激因素和主导的XR应用技术并且用多元感知XR研发了目的地形象形成的模型。





A Circular Argument
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80071-385-7

Publication date: 1 May 1996

Martin Fojt

Like it or not, change is inevitable if you are to survive. Far better to instigate change than allow other people to inflict it on you. To anticipate the future has to be good…



Like it or not, change is inevitable if you are to survive. Far better to instigate change than allow other people to inflict it on you. To anticipate the future has to be good to allow time to implement change rather than having to react to it. This appears quite simple, but is it? This special themed issue of Management Decision contains a number of examples of how organizations have managed change. Lessons can be learned from other industries than your own with regard to best practice and basic principles which can then be applied to your own organization..


Management Decision, vol. 34 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747

1 – 10 of 94