This paper addresses the issues arising from the current demographic trends. There is an attempt to highlight the problems arising from a shortage of nurses, how that will affect…
This paper addresses the issues arising from the current demographic trends. There is an attempt to highlight the problems arising from a shortage of nurses, how that will affect the work of other health care professionals, and how the problem can be dealt with.
We have become accustomed to thinking of the United States of America as a big country where it is normal to find things being done in a big way. We have supposed that their…
We have become accustomed to thinking of the United States of America as a big country where it is normal to find things being done in a big way. We have supposed that their methods of control over the sale of foods and drugs fitted into this generalization, and that our own ways in this country were perhaps a little antiquated, and suffered somewhat from their being tied up too closely with local administration, as compared with the more centralized transatlantic organization. The writer is not competent to make comparisons of this kind and, indeed, they would serve no very useful purpose; our thoughts were directed on these lines, however, through reading the 1955 Annual Report of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and in particular the section of the Report concerned with the Food and Drug Administration.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
At the end of the year there is to be an upheaval at the headquarters of the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions. Mr Edward Britton moves downstairs in Hamilton…
At the end of the year there is to be an upheaval at the headquarters of the Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions. Mr Edward Britton moves downstairs in Hamilton House to take up his appointment as general secretary designate of the NUT and is to be succeeded as ATTI Secretary by Mr Tom Driver; at the same time the ATTI acquires two new assistant secretaries, Mr William Boaden and Mr Peter Dawson. These changes will have important consequences for both the NUT and the ATTI.
At the commencement of this decade, leaving behind the “striking seventies”, we christened it the “anxious eighties”, for there was a profound disquiet and uncertainty among most…
At the commencement of this decade, leaving behind the “striking seventies”, we christened it the “anxious eighties”, for there was a profound disquiet and uncertainty among most of the population, a fear that things were going to get worse, but they could have hardly expected the catastrophic events of the year 1981. The criteria of quality of life are its richness, grace, elegance; by the promise it contains; inspiration and purpose, hope, determination (to survive, to make certain that the evildoer is not permitted to succeed), love of one's country — pro patria, of other days.
Things seem to be going desperately wrong with the concept of the “brave new world” predicted by the starry‐eyed optimists after the Second World War finally came to an end. To…
Things seem to be going desperately wrong with the concept of the “brave new world” predicted by the starry‐eyed optimists after the Second World War finally came to an end. To those who listen only to what they want to hear, see everything, not as it is, but as they would like it to be, a new society could be initiated and the lusty infant would emerge as a paragon for all the world to follow. The new society in truth never really got off the ground the biggest mistake of all was to cushion millions of people against the results of their own folly; to shelter them from the blasts of the ensuing economic climate. The sheltered ones were not necessarily the ordinary mass of people; many in fact were the victims and suffered the consequences. And now that the state has reached a massive crescendo, many are suffering profoundly. The big nationalised industries and vast services, such as the national health service, education, where losses in the case of the first are met by Government millions, requests to trim the extravagant spending is akin to sacrilege in the latter, have removed such terms as thrift, careful spending, value for money from the vocabulary.
THE catalogue, as a library appliance of importance, has had more attention devoted to it than, perhaps, any other method or factor of librarianship. Its construction, materials…
THE catalogue, as a library appliance of importance, has had more attention devoted to it than, perhaps, any other method or factor of librarianship. Its construction, materials, rules for compilation and other aspects have all been considered at great length, and in every conceivable manner, so that little remains for exposition save some points in the policy of the catalogue, and its effects on progress and methods. In the early days of the municipal library movement, when methods were somewhat crude, and hedged round with restrictions of many kinds, the catalogue, even in the primitive form it then assumed, was the only key to the book‐wealth of a library, and as such its value was duly recognized. As time went on, and the vogue of the printed catalogue was consolidated, its importance as an appliance became more and more established, and when the first Newcastle catalogue appeared and received such an unusual amount of journalistic notice, the idea of the printed catalogue as the indispensable library tool was enormously enhanced from that time till quite recently. One undoubted result of this devotion to the catalogue has been to stereotype methods to a great extent, leading in the end to stagnation, and there are places even now where every department of the library is made to revolve round the catalogue. Whether it is altogether wise to subordinate everything in library work to the cult of the catalogue has been questioned by several librarians during the past few years, and it is because there is so much to be said against this policy that the following reflections are submitted.
In the continuation of the work previously described, experiments were conducted, according to the general plan already described, to determine the effects of benzoic acid and…
In the continuation of the work previously described, experiments were conducted, according to the general plan already described, to determine the effects of benzoic acid and benzoates upon health and digestion. This investigation is of special importance because of the opinion held by many manufacturers, food officials, and consumers that benzoic acid and benzoates are probably the least harmful of the preservative substances employed. It is believed that for this reason there has been a very large increase in the use of these preservatives in the United States in the last few years, with a corresponding decrease in the amount of other preservative substances employed. It has also been claimed that there can be no reasonable objection to the use of benzoic acid by reason of its natural occurrence in many food products, either in traces or in considerable quantities. Among the products cited the cranberry occupies the most prominent position because of the notable amount of benzoic acid it contains. These considerations, however, had no determining influence on the choice of this substance for the experimental work, inasmuch as it was included in the original scheme which was prepared before the experimental work on preservatives previously reported was begun.
Safety precautions in the use of raw materials, in manufacturing and processing, marketing and enforcement of food and drug law on purity and quality may appear nowadays to be…
Safety precautions in the use of raw materials, in manufacturing and processing, marketing and enforcement of food and drug law on purity and quality may appear nowadays to be largely a matter of routine, with manufacturers as much involved and interested in maintaining a more or less settled equilibrium as the enforcement agencies. Occasionally the peace is shattered, eg, a search and recovery operation of canned goods of doubtful bacterial purity or containing excess metal contamination, seen very much as an isolated incident; or the recent very large enforcement enterprise in the marketing of horseflesh (and other substitutions) for beef. The nationwide sale and distribution of meat on such a vast scale, only possible by reason of marketing methods — frozen blocks of boneless meat, which even after thawing out is not easily distinguishable from the genuine even in the eye of the expert; this is in effect only a fraud always around in the long ago years built up into a massive illicit trade.
Recently a statement has been issued and circulated privately to interested parties by a Committee composed of the Food Manufacturers' Federation and a few Public Analysts…
Recently a statement has been issued and circulated privately to interested parties by a Committee composed of the Food Manufacturers' Federation and a few Public Analysts, containing suggested standards for the composition of jams. The suggestions are that jams are to be divided into two grades, first quality and second quality respectively, each grade to contain generally a minimum amount of soluble solids, and fruit or fruits individually. Each grade is to include all varieties of jams, pure and mixed, with different fruit standards for each variety. At the same time particular attention is to be paid to correct labelling of each jam. The scheme is a step in the right direction, but it is open to severe criticism on several points on which many Public Analysts and local authorities will agree. The question of correct labelling will be satisfactory to all parties including the consuming public, but it is to be regretted that the suggestion is made that first quality jams may contain not only other added fruit juices, but also such substances as citric, tartaric and malic acids and pectin, without declaration. Second quality jams containing these or other substances must, on the other hand, have a label declaring the additions, therefore what possible objection can be raised to the declaration of added fruit juices, etc., in first quality jams, especially when it is claimed that any such addition is for the improvement of the consistency of the jams? The consuming public are certainly entitled to know the composition of the jam which they purchase—it is unlikely that objection would be taken to such jam if the procedure adopted was honestly and openly intimated to the purchaser, and a declaration of this nature, binding on all manufacturers, ought to be compulsory. As every housewife knows, good jams can be made without the addition of other fruit juices or pectin. Further, in the proposals issued there is no suggestion as to the amount of added substances which are to be permitted. Standards of such a nature constitute a severe and serious handicap to those manufacturers who produce what are after all the genuine and superior articles, namely, jams made by boiling fruit with sugar without additions of any kind whatever.