We have great pleasure in announcing the appointment — for a two‐year period — of Professor Gerry Fowler as President of ABE. As a former Minister of State at the Department of…
We have great pleasure in announcing the appointment — for a two‐year period — of Professor Gerry Fowler as President of ABE. As a former Minister of State at the Department of Education & Science in the last government, nobody could be better qualified for the position, and Gerry has been a good friend of the Association — and of Education & Training to which he is a regular contributor. Although he is well known to most of our readers, it is nevertheless hoped to include a Profile at an early date.
Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar, Tom Fowler, Karen Saunders and Sam Ramaiah
Health inequalities exist between ethnic groups, an important example of this being infant mortality with babies of mothers born in Pakistan having double and babies of mothers…
Health inequalities exist between ethnic groups, an important example of this being infant mortality with babies of mothers born in Pakistan having double and babies of mothers born in the Caribbean having 63% higher rates than the national average. West Midlands Ethnic Minority Liaison Committee (WELCOME) and partners organised a conference to arrive at consensus among experts and stakeholders and to make recommendations around reducing infant mortality. One key area discussed, which is often contentious, was cousin marriage: its potential impact on infant and perinatal mortality and what health service response to this should be. Recommendations included: the setting up of a community genetic service in areas with higher risk of recessive disorders as a consequence of cousin marriage; genetic education to the wider public and health professionals; and community engagement, including community and religious leaders. This paper outlines how these recommendations were arrived at, the potential barriers identified in addressing this issue and the process by which service change was achieved with an aim to improve the outcome of infant and perinatal health among groups with higher burdens of genetic disorders in Walsall.
John M. Friend and Bradley A. Thayer
Purpose – Acknowledging that the field of neuroscience is expanding rapidly and the implication of recent neuroscientific advances on the study of politics is…
Purpose – Acknowledging that the field of neuroscience is expanding rapidly and the implication of recent neuroscientific advances on the study of politics is equally vast, this chapter will focus primarily on three key areas of convergence that have influenced the direction of neuropolitics: first, decision-making (emotions, preferences, and voting behavior); second, research on in-group/out-group relations, such as coalitional groupings and discrimination and prejudice; and, third, the rise of neuroeconomics.
Approach – This chapter is concerned with the intersection of political science and neuroscience and discusses how recent technological and theoretical developments in the latter are greatly contributing to the field of neuropolitics.
Findings – The insights generated by neuroscience permit the study of politics to be anchored on a scientific foundation for the first time. In turn, this opens the door to a renaissance in the political psychology subfield of political science, as the scientific origins of political behavior are revealed.
Research implications – The ongoing revolution in neuroscience is producing insights into international political behavior that is largely unacknowledged by political scientists.
Value – The implications for domestic and international policy are major. Fundamentally, this is because neuroscience allows us to comprehend better the origins of human political behavior.
Though contemporary Genre Studies, and especially American Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS), has made great progress through prioritizing the functional aspect of genre, there is…
Though contemporary Genre Studies, and especially American Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS), has made great progress through prioritizing the functional aspect of genre, there is now much to be gained by giving renewed space to the formal and thematic sides of genre as well, granting the concrete utterances, making up particular genres, equal weight in the theory and analysis of genre. The purpose of this shift is emphatically not to take anything away from current Genre Studies; I admire what is being done in genre research today and want to add to it and expand it by demonstrating some of the possibilities enabled by a modified approach.
Current Genre Studies, as encountered in RGS, is an impressive and highly organized body of knowledge. By re-introducing literary and high rhetorical subject matter, which has been under-studied in RGS, into it, the chapter demonstrates some of the complexities involved when Genre Studies confront genres whose utterances are more complex than the “homely discourses” usually discussed in RGS. Formal and thematic features play a far too significant role in literary works to be explicable simply as derivations from function alone. But this is not limited to works of literature. The chapter finds that though more complex genres, literary and high rhetorical, most consistently invite utterance-based interpretations, other genre-based studies can benefit from them as well.
The chapter offers a perspective on genre which gives renewed weight to formal and thematic interpretations of genre, by allowing the utterances themselves to re-enter center stage. This enables an improved understanding of complex genres. It also revives close reading as a viable approach to understanding genre and thus to inform the rhetorical, linguistic, and sociological perspectives dominant in current genre scholarship. Finally, it improves our understanding of genre in both a systematic and a historical perspective. The chapter demonstrates, thus, that an understanding which puts as much weight on a genre’s utterances, as it does on its function is viable as an interpretation of genres, and is fruitful as an approach to them.
Anup Kumar Saha, Theresa Dunne and Rob Dixon
This study aims to investigate the carbon emission disclosures (CED) and performance of UK higher educational institutions (HEIs) and the associated impact on their environmental…
This study aims to investigate the carbon emission disclosures (CED) and performance of UK higher educational institutions (HEIs) and the associated impact on their environmental reputation. The paper argues that HEIs possess distinct characteristics that make comparisons with profit-oriented companies problematic and misleading.
The green score published by the People and Planet organisation provided the population for this analysis. All universities with a 2012 score were entered into the initial sample. The association between green reputation, CED and carbon performance was examined using a robust least squared regression model. The green score published in 2019 was then compared with this to confirm whether the findings still held.
CED, carbon emissions and carbon audit were found to have highly significant determinant relationships with HEIs’ green reputation status at a 1% significance level.
Research limitations/implications
The impact of CED and carbon performance indicators needs to have a clear relationship with reputation to motivate HEIs to act and disclose.
The study is distinct in investigating the impact of CED and carbon performance by UK HEIs on their environmental reputation. The study shows whether, and how, the HEI CED and carbon performances contribute towards their environmental reputation. HEIs have distinct characteristics from profit-seeking organisations and thus tailored research is required.
It was the German poet Goethe who once said: Nothing is as terrifying as ignorance in motion. It is pleasant, therefore, to note the maintenance of overall standards in the…
It was the German poet Goethe who once said: Nothing is as terrifying as ignorance in motion. It is pleasant, therefore, to note the maintenance of overall standards in the results of the December 1979 examinations — and the very great improvement in the results of the Accounting & Finance examination. When recording the June 1979 results, I did refer to the possibility that the course content of that particular subject might be spread over two examination papers instead of one. After careful study of the syllabus content it was decided that this split was not justified. The decision was proved to be correct by the increase in the pass rate in that particular subject from 24% in June 1979 to 48% in December 1979, which seems to be an indication of the realisation of all concerned of the need for more careful preparation in Accounting & Finance since the standard at which the examination paper was set remained unchanged.
You will have read in last month's issue that I have taken over from Tom Coffin as Director of Administration. As you can probably imagine, it was with some trepidation that I sat…
You will have read in last month's issue that I have taken over from Tom Coffin as Director of Administration. As you can probably imagine, it was with some trepidation that I sat down to write my first edition of ABE News. However my primary duty is quite clear; this is to thank Tom Coffin very sincerely on behalf of all members for everything that he has done for the Association during his time as Director of Administration. I know you would like to wish him a very long and happy retirement. I am sure that he won't mind my recording the fact that this is his third and, as he himself put it, hopefully his final retirement.
Anming Li, Eric W.T. Ngai and Junyi Chai
– The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach recommending friends to social networking users who are also using weight loss app in the context of social networks.
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach recommending friends to social networking users who are also using weight loss app in the context of social networks.
Social network has been recognized as an effective way to enhance overweight and obesity interventions in past studies. However, effective measures integrating social network with weight loss are very limited in the healthcare area. To bridge this gap, this study develops a measure for friend recommendation using the data obtained by weight loss apps; designs methods to model weight-gain-related behaviors (WGRB); constructs a novel “behavior network;” and develops two measurements in experiments to examine the proposed approach.
The approach for friend recommendation is based on Friend Recommendation for Health Weight (FRHW) algorithm. By running this algorithm on a real data set, the experiment results show that the algorithm can recommend a friend who has a healthy lifestyle to a target user. The advantages of the proposed mechanism have been well justified via comparisons with popular friend recommenders in past studies.
The conventional methods for friend recommenders in social networks are only concerned with similarities of pairs rather than interactions between people. The system cannot account for the potential influences among people. The method pioneers to model a WGRB as recommendation mechanism that allow recommended friends to simultaneously fulfill two criteria. They are: first, similarity to the target person; and second, ensuring the positive influence toward weight loss. The second criterion is obviously important in practice and thus the approach is valuable to the literature.