Since August 2009, the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole sub‐region has been one of 13 areas in England working on a pilot project called Total Place. This government‐funded…
Since August 2009, the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole sub‐region has been one of 13 areas in England working on a pilot project called Total Place. This government‐funded initiative is focused on understanding how services can be improved and provided at less cost by bringing together all public sector partners in an area around a specific theme. The Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole pilot was the only one that focused exclusively on older people. This paper details how the project worked and some of our findings to date.
Sixty‐two samples of medicines and drugs taken from supplies for the Colonies were examined as to conformity with the specification. Four samples of foods were also submitted as…
Sixty‐two samples of medicines and drugs taken from supplies for the Colonies were examined as to conformity with the specification. Four samples of foods were also submitted as to their purity and suitability for export to hot climates.
Nada Korac‐Kakabadse, Alexander Kouzmin and Andrew Kakabadse
Spirituality is a long‐neglected dimension in the leadership issue as it is in the psychological contract implicit in work organizations. Traditionally rooted in religion, there…
Spirituality is a long‐neglected dimension in the leadership issue as it is in the psychological contract implicit in work organizations. Traditionally rooted in religion, there are wider spiritualities that the organizational actor can draw upon and a burgeoning literature on personal meaning and transformative leadership. This paper reviews leadership praxis from the frames of wider spiritualities, links spirituality search with contemporary managerialist practices and surveys the breadth of, and commonalities within, varied philosophic positions with regard to the spiritual search.
A survey of these records shows that while in a number of the larger factories work has been carried out under conditions likely to insure the production of sound and wholesome…
A survey of these records shows that while in a number of the larger factories work has been carried out under conditions likely to insure the production of sound and wholesome materials, in many others of this class the opposite has been the case. In a very large number of the smaller factories and food preparing places the conditions found were unsatisfactory in the extreme.
That the health of the body is very closely connected with the nature and quantity of the food we take is a statement in the nature of a self‐evident proposition. When we desist…
That the health of the body is very closely connected with the nature and quantity of the food we take is a statement in the nature of a self‐evident proposition. When we desist from eating food, starvation sets in after a longer or shorter period, according to the individual; when we eat too much or drink too much, distressing symptoms as inevitably supervene. Moreover, the quantity of food or drink consumed is not the only factor. The quality also is a matter of supreme importance, as in cases of malnutrition, while the various forms of blood disease, more or less loosely classed together as anæmia, appear to be associated to some extent with the question of nourishment. Without going so far as extreme partisans do who would seek to prove that all diseases are ultimately due to the consumption of unsuitable food, as witness, for instance, the views of the more advanced vegetarians and fruitarians, who attribute cancer and other maladies to the eating of meat, it is obvious that a very close connection exists between the health of the body and the nature of our food supply.
Robert N. Eberhart, Stephen Barley and Andrew Nelson
We explore the acceptance of new contingent work relationships in the United States to reveal an emergent entrepreneurial ideology. Our argument is that these new work…
We explore the acceptance of new contingent work relationships in the United States to reveal an emergent entrepreneurial ideology. Our argument is that these new work relationships represent a new social order not situated in the conglomerates and labor unions of the past, but on a confluence of neo-liberalism and individual action situated in the discourse of entrepreneurialism, employability, and free agency. This new employment relationship, which arose during the economic and social disruptions in the 1970s, defines who belongs inside an organization (and can take part in its benefits) and who must properly remain outside to fend for themselves. More generally, the fusing of entrepreneurship with neo-liberalism has altered not only how we work and where we work but also what we believe is appropriate work and what rewards should accompany it.
The Corporation of the City of London are about to appoint a Public Analyst, and by advertisement have invited applications for the post. It is obviously desirable that the person…
The Corporation of the City of London are about to appoint a Public Analyst, and by advertisement have invited applications for the post. It is obviously desirable that the person appointed to this office should not only possess the usual professional qualifications, but that he should be a scientific man of high standing and of good repute, whose name would afford a guarantee of thoroughness and reliability in regard to the work entrusted to him, and whose opinion would carry weight and command respect. Far from being of a nature to attract a man of this stamp, the terms and conditions attaching to the office as set forth in the advertisement above referred to are such that no self‐respecting member of the analytical profession, and most certainly no leading member of it, could possibly accept them. It is simply pitiable that the Corporation of the City of London should offer terms, and make conditions in connection with them, which no scientific analyst could agree to without disgracing himself and degrading his profession. The offer of such terms, in fact, amounts to a gross insult to the whole body of members of that profession, and is excusable only—if excusable at all—on the score of utter ignorance as to the character of the work required to be done, and as to the nature of the qualifications and attainments of the scientific experts who are called upon to do it. In the analytical profession, as in every other profession, there are men who, under the pressure of necessity, are compelled to accept almost any remuneration that they can get, and several of these poorer, and therefore weaker, brethren will, of course, become candidates for the City appointment.