A major change is taking place in the strategy for fighting fraud. The emphasis is shifting from 20% prevention/deterrence and 80% detection/investigation to the opposite ratio…
A major change is taking place in the strategy for fighting fraud. The emphasis is shifting from 20% prevention/deterrence and 80% detection/investigation to the opposite ratio. The high returns on investment being achieved by companies that fight fraud vigorously suggest that an ounce of prevention is worth at least a pound of cure. Among the mistakes organizations make in their fraud prevention efforts are not assigning specific responsibility for fraud prevention; not defining clear fraud management goals or policies; under‐assessing fraud risks, particularly catastrophic ones; missing opportunities to save money through fraud reduction; and relying excessively on ineffective controls.
SYMPATHY will be extended to our colleagues in the beautiful lands of Denmark and Norway, whose civilisation is so far in advance in all its political and social qualities of that…
SYMPATHY will be extended to our colleagues in the beautiful lands of Denmark and Norway, whose civilisation is so far in advance in all its political and social qualities of that of the invaders. Denmark has for years had a library service unequalled in Europe, in particular for its country services, and its town libraries have been administered with a liberality that becomes a country where a happy, cultured and lovable people dwell—or did so dwell until the catastrophe. Norway, too, has much the same liberality of spirit, and amongst its librarians are many who are valued personal friends of their British comrades, who have studied in our library schools and worked in our libraries. We hope they and their libraries will come through safely.
The question of reprinting notable novels which have been allowed to fall out of print is somewhat different from the one discussed in previous articles. In that case the question…
The question of reprinting notable novels which have been allowed to fall out of print is somewhat different from the one discussed in previous articles. In that case the question was as regards keeping in print popular modern novels whose titles appeared in many Public Library catalogues, to invite attention and draw inquiries from readers as to their existence. In the present case, the question concerns the advantage or utility of reprinting novels which are of some literary value, and are frequently mentioned in histories of literature, magazine articles, &c. A very considerable number of the novels mentioned below are translations of foreign works which have not yet found their way into English Public Libraries, while many are American standard novels which have not been introduced to any extent in England. Both varieties, however, will be found in the Public Libraries of the United States. But, in addition to these American and foreign works, there are certain novels which are named and described in every extensive history of English literature; which are quoted by later writers; which possess considerable claims to remembrance; and yet, so far as I can learn, are not to be had in good modern editions either in England or in America. There are first, the novels which mark the dawn of prose fiction in English literature, and which are worth reprinting if only for the use of students. Such works as Barclay's “Argenis,” Sidney's “Arcadia,” Lyly's “Euphues,” Lodge's “Rosalind,” and all the early attempts at romance are deserving of reproduction in a decent modern dress which would place them within reach of students, libraries, and the general public. The novels of Samuel Richardson are not now obtainable in a handy form, and it is surprising that no publisher of good reprints has thought of issuing nice illustrated editions of these classics. Mrs. Aphra Behn's novels are not perhaps the very best of their kind, but they are celebrated, and should be obtainable. Other well‐known (or rather notable) novels are Johnston's “History of a Guinea,” Greaves' “Spiritual Quixote,” a very clever satire on the early Methodists which has considerable value; Brooke's “Fool of Quality,” Amory's “John Buncle,” and all the best novels of this period, which have been allowed to drop into oblivion. Brooke's “Fool of Quality,” it is true, was issued in the edition prepared by Kingsley, but a cheaper one‐volume edition is also wanted, especially as I believe the other is now out of print. Then it is very remarkable that such a powerful book as Godwin's “Caleb Williams” is not to be had in a worthy edition. Mrs. Shelley's “Frankenstein,” which is a very early and good example of the horrible in fiction, has yet to be issued in a properly illustrated and handy form. Hope's “Anastasius” does not appear in a modern form, and is not easy to obtain in a nice edition; and such Eastern tales as Fraser's “Kuzzilbash,” seem to have dropped completely out of notice. Morier's “Hajji Baba” has been reissued, so far as the Persian part is concerned, but the sequel, containing the humorous account of the embassy to England, also awaits issue. To many minds, the picture of the conflict between Eastern and Western ideas presented in “Hajji Baba in England” makes it much more interesting than the original Persian story. More recent works, like Croly's “Salathiel” and Savage's “Bachelor of the Albany,” should certainly be reprinted, and kept in print, as they deserve. The latter is a work which is frequently quoted, and yet it seems to have been forgotten. It would be possible to specify many good and deserving books which are worth reprinting, but, as they are mentioned in the accompanying list, it is needless to repeat their titles.
In the last‐issued volume of his monumental History of the Novel, Dr. E. A. Baker remarks that librarians do not expect to be thanked for their services and then…
In the last‐issued volume of his monumental History of the Novel, Dr. E. A. Baker remarks that librarians do not expect to be thanked for their services and then, characteristically, proceeds to thank some dozen or so. Whatever our expectations are, we are none the less appreciative when a writer does express his debt; it helps us, it justifies our work. Few tributes of late have been more graceful than this paid by Mr. J. D. Griffith Davies in his useful and attractive Honest George Monk, which has lately come from Mr. John Lane: “What I should do without the kindly help of my friend, R. J. Gordon, Librarian of the Leeds Public Libraries, I really don't know. Like some fairy godmother he produces for my use the rarest books; and his keen personal interest in all forms of research, and the unfailing courtesy of his colleagues, makes the Reference Library at Leeds one of the homeliest places for work.” It is worth while to compare the expression here with the words Mr. Berwick Sayers has written at the end of his preface to the 1937 edition of Brown's Manual.
THE Library Association Record will, no doubt, produce the appropriate account of the initiation of Mr. Charles Nowell, at Manchester, as President of the Library Association…
THE Library Association Record will, no doubt, produce the appropriate account of the initiation of Mr. Charles Nowell, at Manchester, as President of the Library Association. Only a few words are necessary here to assure the new president of our satisfaftion with the recipient of our highest honour and our assurance of our loyalty. He has had the full apprenticeship from his youth up in the ways of public librarianship and the great work he has done since he has been Chief Librarian of Manchester has had the approval both of the citizens there and, we venture to assert, of the nation. It was specially appropriate that the ceremony, as was the case with Mr. Cashmore at Birmingham, should take place in his own city where the citizens, his Lord Mayor—who entertained the guests splendidly—his Committee and fellow City Officers could share in our tribute. It was even more fitting that that city should be the cradle of librarianship, having our pioneer of pioneers, Edward Edwards, as its first Librarian, and having also had a succession of fine library committees served by a series of quite eminent librarians. One word more; the speeches were worthy of the occasion and Mr. Gordon transferred his own powers to Mr. Nowell with the grace and eloquence he has shown consistently. Our readers will have seen the capital portrait—a speaking likeness—of Mr. Nowell in the January Record.
SINCE we wrote last the African victories have changed the atmosphere in a remarkable way. Lately pessimism had been absent and a calm confidence existed but now there is a sense…
SINCE we wrote last the African victories have changed the atmosphere in a remarkable way. Lately pessimism had been absent and a calm confidence existed but now there is a sense of expectation. But we have been warned that the really tough conflict is still before us. However that may be, there is scarcely a library where the externals of the conflict are not reflected in the eyes and words of our readers, even affecting to an extent their reading. It must, of course, be so because it is a commonplace that books are good or bad in our estimation in accord with the mood in which we read.
OF all the delightful recreations classed, for divers professional reasons, under the general designation of work, which cause the librarian's existence to be regarded with…
OF all the delightful recreations classed, for divers professional reasons, under the general designation of work, which cause the librarian's existence to be regarded with envious eyes as one of the most joyous and irresponsible on earth, the most delectable is surely that of cataloguing ; and the moments when the cataloguer feels himself fullest of enthusiasm, when he knows it would be impossible to exchange his lot with any human being, are those spent in the absorbing occupation of correcting proofs, for then to the more sensuous delights of the game are added the zest and ardour of combat. Some day I may, with the editor's sanction, make a few observations on the pleasures of cataloguing in general: for the present I am going to consider only this final phase. A curious feature of the pastime or “work,” to adopt the conventional phraseology, is that some people are unable to see the fun of it and innocently suppose the term “work” to be meant seriously. Still, when one reflects that every sport is looked upon by outsiders either as a deadly form of depravity, or as idiotically tedious and laborious, it is clear that this feature is neither wonderful nor exceptional. Golf, angling, football, punting, mountaineering, even book‐collecting, are each looked upon as “work” by those who love other kinds of recreation, which may yet be in reality not a whit less arduous.
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the…
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the Afro‐American experience and to show the joys, sorrows, needs, and ideals of the Afro‐American woman as she struggles from day to day.