Describes the application of high‐velocity machining by Bell Helicopter Textron in order to produce parts below a certain wall thickness.
Describes the application of high‐velocity machining by Bell Helicopter Textron in order to produce parts below a certain wall thickness.
Chris Fox, Samantha Mackay and Tim Hope
This article summarises and discusses the main findings from a recently completed Independent Review of Crime Statistics. The Review focused upon the use of crime statistics and…
This article summarises and discusses the main findings from a recently completed Independent Review of Crime Statistics. The Review focused upon the use of crime statistics and their fitness for purpose with particular attention paid to the needs of ‘the public’. The main conclusion was that the ongoing development of crime statistics is hampered by a confusion of means (technical discussions about crime statistics that focus on their interpretation and reliability) and ends (conceptual discussions about the purposes and interests of different groups in using crime statistics).
This paper aims to look at two recently published studies from the UK that report on using geo‐engineering solutions
This paper aims to look at two recently published studies from the UK that report on using geo‐engineering solutions
The paper examines the geo‐engineering solutions suggested by the two publications: to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, or reflect solar radiation back into space.
The paper finds that using geo‐engineering solutions to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, or reflect solar radiation back into space, may well be needed in order help avoid dangerous temperature increases and climate change. The publications agree that certain solutions, ranging from artificial trees and algae covered buildings to fleets of sea salt spraying cloud ships are technically possible, could be effective and so need to be investigated further. However, both studies also emphasize that geo‐engineering is no silver bullet that can combat climate change in isolation. Moreover, it must not be seen as a diversion from efforts to reduce carbon emissions through mitigation. However, as reduction efforts to date have yet to deliver anything like what is needed, the studies state that geo‐engineering solutions of the type they propose should be further investigated, and those with merit invested in and used to buy the world time to decarbonize the global economy.
The two recently published studies from the UK provide useful information on geo‐engineering solutions to help avoid dangerous temperature increases and climate change.