Historically, libraries have always included special features in their catalogs to meet local needs. This trend has changed over the years as cataloging standards have been…
Historically, libraries have always included special features in their catalogs to meet local needs. This trend has changed over the years as cataloging standards have been developed and accepted. The sheer volume of materials and the rising costs of operations have also curtailed the customizing of local records. However, the desirability of enhancing local records has been readdressed at Carnegie Mellon University. It has undertaken an experimental project to enhance catalog records for new books that meet defined criteria: for example, the books contain “citable” references in the table of contents; chapter titles, while not separately citable, do contain additional useful information; and exhibition catalogs cover 25 or fewer artists. The criteria for and process of enhancing records are discussed, and sample screen displays are illustrated.
In 1981, the Carnegie‐Mellon University Libraries began to expand their usage of CMU's central computing facilities. This paper describes the utilization of three software…
In 1981, the Carnegie‐Mellon University Libraries began to expand their usage of CMU's central computing facilities. This paper describes the utilization of three software packages resident on the University's central computers: text editing, text formatting, and electronic mail. The advantages of utilizing central computing resources, the introduction and training in computing systems within the Libraries, and specific computing applications are described. The advantages of electronic mail for organizational communication are discussed, as well as the problems.
Gregory M. Diskin and Thomas J. Michalak
The LS/2000 integrated library system at Carnegie‐Mellon University has been enhanced to include an Information Function. Existing, as well as planned functions, screen displays…
The LS/2000 integrated library system at Carnegie‐Mellon University has been enhanced to include an Information Function. Existing, as well as planned functions, screen displays, and selection options are described and illustrated. Options include announcements, guides to book locations, library hours, access to library guides and bibliographies, library policies and services, and information describing the use of the LS/2000 online catalog.
This bibliography covers materials published during 1976, with some 1975 entries omitted from last year's listing. Citations from a number of foreign countries are included if…
This bibliography covers materials published during 1976, with some 1975 entries omitted from last year's listing. Citations from a number of foreign countries are included if published in English. A few items were not available for annotation. The growing interest in library use instruction is evident from the fact that the number of entries has doubled over those included in the bibliography for 1975.
EURILIA, which is part of the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) Libraries Programme, aims to enhance the libraries' research, development and education process which…
EURILIA, which is part of the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) Libraries Programme, aims to enhance the libraries' research, development and education process which underpins the aerospace sector by establishing a new service based on a standardised pan‐European system for information access, retrieval, image browsing and document delivery. This will, in turn, extend the access and availability of major aerospace collections. The paper outlines work undertaken on the information needs of aerospace engineers and scientists. Also the development of the EURILIA system for OPAC searching and document delivery is described.
IT and society There oughta be a law. Too much of the UK legal profession is in the dark when it comes to information technology, says Professor Brian Napier. Speaking at his…
IT and society There oughta be a law. Too much of the UK legal profession is in the dark when it comes to information technology, says Professor Brian Napier. Speaking at his inaugural lecture as the first holder of the Digital chair at Queen Mary and Westfield College, itself the first established chair in IT at a British University, Napier called for law reformers to wake up to the ramifications of IT.
Jill A. Diskin and Patricia FitzGerald
The Macintosh computer, using Mac‐Paint, is a flexible, easy to use and powerful tool for producing informational, instructional and promotional signage. Specific applications at…
The Macintosh computer, using Mac‐Paint, is a flexible, easy to use and powerful tool for producing informational, instructional and promotional signage. Specific applications at Carnegie‐Mellon University Libraries are illustrated.
Richard Majors, Llewellyn E. Simmons and Cornelius Ani
Black males often are raised in poverty, exposed to violence and toxic environments that create different levels of trauma that can cause social emotional problems which lead to…
Black males often are raised in poverty, exposed to violence and toxic environments that create different levels of trauma that can cause social emotional problems which lead to mental health problems. These problems along with a lack of adequate relationships with teachers can affect their schooling and attainment. No wonder, black males often suffer disproportionately from poor achievement, high suspension, exclusions, and drop-out rates. Young people who struggle in school often lack the social and emotional skills (or “soft skills”) needed to succeed academically, deal with anger, make sound choices, and handle challenging situations constructively, ethically, and manage behaviors that prevent them from being suspended/excluded from school. It does not help that teachers who are often afraid of them, and do not know how to relate to them and lack emotional literacy (EL) themselves. Unfortunately, because of these challenges schools will often place black males in special education classes.
There is a cognitive/non-cognitive divide in education. Most of the school curriculum/pedagogy focus on cognitive aspects of education/learning (e.g., memory-based education) when compared to non-cognitive aspects of learning (social and emotional skills/learning). If our young people are to realize their full potential in our schools, it is crucial we begin educating the “whole child” and increase social and emotional provisions in our schools. It is the cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of learning combined that make young people successful. We need a new educational paradigm/mind shift. After all, educating the whole child makes good sense of course, all learning has an emotional base.
While there has been a proliferation of social and emotional learning programs in schools in recent years, social and emotional learning programs that focus on black males and cultural competence are limited. Therefore, we propose a new framework for social and emotional development/learning model for black males that focus on cultural competence. Our EL/cultural competence model is called teacher empathy, which focuses on relationship black males have with their teachers and therefore focuses on both the pupil/student EL and the teachers. The aim/goal of our model/curriculum is to: improve academic performance, motivate and help both black males and teachers, regulate and manage their behaviors more effectively, and reduce suspensions, exclusions, and drop-outs.
Tessa Withorn, Carolyn Caffrey, Joanna Messer Kimmitt, Jillian Eslami, Anthony Andora, Maggie Clarke, Nicole Patch, Karla Salinas Guajardo and Syann Lunsford
This paper aims to present recently published resources on library instruction and information literacy providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of…
This paper aims to present recently published resources on library instruction and information literacy providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of publications covering all library types.
This paper introduces and annotates English-language periodical articles, monographs, dissertations, reports and other materials on library instruction and information literacy published in 2018.
The paper provides a brief description of all 422 sources, and highlights sources that contain unique or significant scholarly contributions.
The information may be used by librarians and anyone interested as a quick reference to literature on library instruction and information literacy.
Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ashlea C. Troth, Sandra A. Lawrence and Peter J. Jordan
Scholars and practitioners in the OB literature nowadays appreciate that emotions and emotional regulation constitute an inseparable part of work life, but the HRM literature has…
Scholars and practitioners in the OB literature nowadays appreciate that emotions and emotional regulation constitute an inseparable part of work life, but the HRM literature has lagged in addressing the emotional dimensions of life at work. In this chapter therefore, beginning with a multi-level perspective taken from the OB literature, we introduce the roles played by emotions and emotional regulation in the workplace and discuss their implications for HRM. We do so by considering five levels of analysis: (1) within-person temporal variations, (2) between persons (individual differences), (3) interpersonal processes; (4) groups and teams, and (5) the organization as a whole. We focus especially on processes of emotional regulation in both self and others, including discussion of emotional labor and emotional intelligence. In the opening sections of the chapter, we discuss the nature of emotions and emotional regulation from an OB perspective by introducing the five-level model, and explaining in particular how emotions and emotional regulation play a role at each of the levels. We then apply these ideas to four major domains of concern to HR managers: (1) recruitment, selection, and socialization; (2) performance management; (3) training and development; and (4) compensation and benefits. In concluding, we stress the interconnectedness of emotions and emotional regulation across the five levels of the model, arguing that emotions and emotional regulation at each level can influence effects at other levels, ultimately culminating in the organization’s affective climate.