Kirk discusses the history and development of the library instruction movement and of the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Instruction section, especially in…
Kirk discusses the history and development of the library instruction movement and of the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Instruction section, especially in relation to course‐related instruction as practiced at Earlham College. He reflects on the context, content, methods and terminology of course‐related instruction over the past 25 years.
Thirty‐two years after he became Earlham College's director of libraries, Evan Farber retired on 30 June 1994. It was his seventy‐second birthday but not a birthday present he…
Thirty‐two years after he became Earlham College's director of libraries, Evan Farber retired on 30 June 1994. It was his seventy‐second birthday but not a birthday present he welcomed. Evan loves his work and will continue to be of service to Earlham College.
The participants in this forum were asked to respond in 500 words or less to a hypothetical question: why have a bibliographic or library instruction program? posed by an equally…
The participants in this forum were asked to respond in 500 words or less to a hypothetical question: why have a bibliographic or library instruction program? posed by an equally hypothetical administrative superior. An editorial assistant, upon receipt of all responses, sent copies of each to all participants so that they might comment further in 500 words or less. The copies that were sent for comment were made totally anonymous, in order to assure that comments would not be ad hominem, but rather based on substance. (Names have been inserted in the printed comments by the editor.) Another consideration in preserving initial anonymity was the editor's desire to not know which response had been authored by which of the participants until after his own comment was written and submitted.