In the field of applied chemical process engineering, a great number of fundamentally different unit operations is known. In practice, they frequently overlap and sometimes also…
In the field of applied chemical process engineering, a great number of fundamentally different unit operations is known. In practice, they frequently overlap and sometimes also influence each other. One of these unit operations is dispersing, which means the uniform distribution of solid particles in a liquid phase. Dispersing technology is by no means a new development. In the early days and also in some special cases today, the term ‘dispersing’ stands for an additional process of communication of solid particles carried out at the same time as the process of distribution in the liquid phase. For this reason, dispersing is sometimes erroneously considered to be synonymous with the term ‘milling’ or ‘grinding.’
ANOTHER new year, in which we wish our readers continued prosperity in our chosen profession, finds most of us with a new diary and all the aspirations which that suggests. It…
ANOTHER new year, in which we wish our readers continued prosperity in our chosen profession, finds most of us with a new diary and all the aspirations which that suggests. It should be a good year culminating in interest with the Folkestone Conference in September. Under the presidency of Mr. Edward Sydney, whose chairmanship has always a certain vigorous individuality, we should do well. As the pleasant sketch of his career in the Library Association Record for December suggests, he has come to the head of the profession by the strenuous way of life‐long work and unceasing self‐education and always with a burning desire to bring the service and light books afford to the widest number of people. In this missionary sort of spirit the public librarian has opportunities vouchsafed to no other type of librarian, but these demand the desire just mentioned. Edward Sydney possesses it in a degree that may infect us all. In saying this we are not balancing the parts of librarianship. He would be a bold man who asserted the superior values of any one type.