Andrew M. Jefferson, Nai Hla Yin, Lynn Tar Yar, Nwe Thar Gi, Bihlo Boilu and San Tayza
This chapter explores the question of how Myanmar prisons are administered, with specific focus on bureaucracy, rules, and the distribution of authority. We attend to the question…
This chapter explores the question of how Myanmar prisons are administered, with specific focus on bureaucracy, rules, and the distribution of authority. We attend to the question of who runs the prison with focus on the supervisory and disciplinary roles designated to prisoners and the figure of the prison Superintendent. We examine the multiplicity of rules and the various ways in which they are learned, experienced, arbitrarily enforced, and inevitably broken. We demonstrate the value of thinking about everyday prison governance as a bureaucratic, authorising endeavour that involves practices of registration, ordering, sequencing, queueing, and organising, informed by values like facelessness, invisibility, and apparent neutrality. Attending to rules – to their inculcation and their effects – reveals the value of conceiving of them as ordering technologies that contribute to the organisation and regulation of everyday prison life.
Jianfei Yu, Li Jiang and Fuxing Gan
This paper aims to study the corrosion behavior of carbon steel and stainless steel in white oil with naphthenic acid under high temperature.
This paper aims to study the corrosion behavior of carbon steel and stainless steel in white oil with naphthenic acid under high temperature.
The weight‐loss method and surface analysis were used to study the corrosion behavior of steel in white oil with naphthenic acid.
Naphthenic acids corrosion rates were directly related to experimental temperature, immersion time and total acid number (TAN). The activation energy was calculated and the process kinetics could be represented by Arrhenius‐type equation. The relationship between the isothermal line in liquid phase and that in vapor phase at different TAN values had a significant distinction with the change of temperature.
The findings have important implications for assessing the corrosivity of crude oils with high TAN value from various resources.
J.F. Flores, B. Valdez S., M. Schorr and J.J. Olaya
To investigate the protective properties of tantalum nitride (TaN) thin films deposited on to various steels immersed in a 3 per cent NaCl solution.
To investigate the protective properties of tantalum nitride (TaN) thin films deposited on to various steels immersed in a 3 per cent NaCl solution.
TaN thin films with a thickness of 250 nm were deposited on UNS G10180, UNS S30400 and UNS T11302 steels by means of magnetron sputtering technique. The electrochemical behaviour has been studied in 3 per cent NaCl solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization. The crystalline structure of the films was investigated by X‐ray diffraction. Surface analysis of the corroded samples was performed using scanning electron microscopy and light optical microscopy. The electrochemical impedance spectra were analysed in the context of equivalent circuit models (ECs).
The ECs incorporate a charge transfer process representing the TaN film on UNS G10180 steel, two time constants for that deposited on UNS T11302 and diffusion behaviour for the TaN film on UNS S30400 steel. TaN films demonstrate their protection properties, which were evidenced by increase of the electrochemical properties compared with the substrate. The major corrosion damage of coatings is caused by defects, pores, droplets and pinholes that allow the electrolyte penetration through the films.
Practical implications
Corrosion protections of steels by TaN thin films.
The information related to corrosion behaviour of TaN films in a chloride solution is poor. This paper presents not only a completely electrochemical characterization, but also the surface analysis of the corroded samples.
Andrew M. Jefferson, Nai Hla Yin, Lynn Tar Yar, Nwe Thar Gi, Bihlo Boilu and San Tayza
The way relationships are organised and regulated in prisons makes all the difference. This chapter unpacks the range of different relationships that constitute prison life in…
The way relationships are organised and regulated in prisons makes all the difference. This chapter unpacks the range of different relationships that constitute prison life in Myanmar with focus on the instrumentality of relationships and the debasing and sustaining dependencies that are generated. We document the ways everyday prison governance is mediated, mitigated, and exacerbated through encounters with others, and illustrate the importance of conceiving of prisons as fundamentally relational institutions. We demonstrate the inevitable and unavoidable interdependence of prisoners caught up in profoundly challenging relations of violence and subjection. This involves looking explicitly at forms of entangled relationships, and how these are lived and experienced. In a concluding discussion, we examine the resonance between the debasing, sociality-threatening carceral landscapes that frame penal encounters in Myanmar and the notion of social death.
This chapter is based on more than a decade of art world research in Singapore but offers a single case of a composer who has composed a work for an orchestra. This study presents…
This chapter is based on more than a decade of art world research in Singapore but offers a single case of a composer who has composed a work for an orchestra. This study presents the creative reputation dilemma faced by many artists who attempt to be more entrepreneurial. Most countries promote their creative economy, and that has generated a class of artist entrepreneurs or ‘artrepreneurs’. Professional artists are encouraged and challenged to be economically independent and also to make their practice more profitable. For many artrepreneurs, maintaining their creative reputation comes with emotional costs. The thick description in this chapter demonstrates how an artist negotiates with the patron in finalising a new piece of commissioned music. But they failed to close the deal. This case deviates from studies that focus on successes in the creative industries. Creativity entails experimentation and creating new things, but new things may not be well-received. Nonetheless, these ‘unsuccessful’ works are part of the art world and contribute to creating cultural value in society.
Human resource management
Subject area
Human resource management
Study level/applicability
This case is suitable for use for advanced-level undergraduate students (e.g. in their third or fourth year of study) and graduate-level students enrolled in human resource management, industrial relations, organizational behavior and legal courses (e.g. business law and ethics, employment law). It can be used also in training courses and sexual harassment workshops for employees, particularly those with supervisory responsibilities or who are involved in personnel, training, or industrial relations activities. The case has been class tested with MBA students enrolled in a course on organizational behavior.
Case overview
In March 2014, William Wong, the CEO of Zejaya Corporation faced a dilemma. He had just been told some disturbing news about Larry Pang, his executive director, which may or may not have legal implications for the company in relation to sexual harassment. Two of his managers had confided in him that Linda Tan, one of his managers who had recently resigned, had asked them to tell him about Pang's repeated attempts to court her in the past several months. He was undecided on how he should handle the problem.
Expected learning outcomes
This case was developed for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case provides students the opportunity to learn about the potential ethical and legal issues surrounding workplace romance and sexual harassment at work.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
See Kwnog Goh, Julio Diéguez-Soto and Jing Yi Yong
This case is based on a family business in the retail industry located in various cities in Malaysia. Celebrating its 33rd anniversary in 2023, the company was officially…
This case is based on a family business in the retail industry located in various cities in Malaysia. Celebrating its 33rd anniversary in 2023, the company was officially established by Tan Lee Hong in 1990, who later invited his brothers and sisters to join the business, making it a family business. Tan Lee Hong started the stationary store business because he was determined to provide his family a better life. Similar to most family businesses, there were challenges that the CEO needed to cope with in addressing family and business. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, all the stores were temporarily closed which affected the performance of the business, and they had to come up with a solution to overcome the situation.
The chapter examines the evolution of individual attitudes of the national political (parliamentarian) elite towards a supranational entity such as the European Union in the…
The chapter examines the evolution of individual attitudes of the national political (parliamentarian) elite towards a supranational entity such as the European Union in the changing political context during times of economic crisis. General attitudes towards the European integration process and federal/intergovernmental preferences for governance are analysed with a hierarchical approach taking into account individual level data, party characteristics and the country context with a comparative perspective across three time points during the period of the economic crisis. Contrary to expectations, results show that supranational attitudes of the national political elites remained quite stable and the increasing presence of extremist parties in national parliaments did not have a significant effect, while individual drivers of attitudes, such as an instrumental evaluation of the benefits of EU membership and attachment to Europe remained key determinants.
Andrew M. Jefferson, Nai Hla Yin, Lynn Tar Yar, Nwe Thar Gi, Bihlo Boilu and San Tayza
This chapter delves into the everyday dynamics of prison life with specific focus on mundane survival and exchange economies showing how governance plays out differentially…
This chapter delves into the everyday dynamics of prison life with specific focus on mundane survival and exchange economies showing how governance plays out differentially depending on prisoners’ relative positions in hierarchies of worth. We focus on the prevailing climates that prisoners inhabit and must negotiate if they are to survive. We examine the temporal routines that structure prisoners’ days and nights, and the spatial arrangements of the wards showing how set routines and strict arrangements of sleeping space serve to regulate and limit possibilities based on prisoners’ perceived value. Relatedly, we look at how exchange economies based on money, labour, and sex contribute to making prisons (more or less) survivable. Essentially, everyday prison governance is hierarchical and position in the hierarchy is determined by relative worth. If the prisoner does not add value, they are treated as worthless.
Researchers have long been interested in understanding why and how corporate managers issue earnings guidance and the effect of such guidance on stakeholders’ (investors’ and…
Researchers have long been interested in understanding why and how corporate managers issue earnings guidance and the effect of such guidance on stakeholders’ (investors’ and managers’) behavior. Several recent studies have employed the experimental approach to address these issues. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and synthesize the literature on experimental studies of management earnings guidance. Consistent with the literature, I organize the synthesis to reflect (a) whether, why and how management issues guidance; (b) investors’ reactions to guidance; (c) the effect of guidance on management behavior. In addition, I provide institutional information (e.g., nature and timing of guidance) about guidance as well as provide several directions for future research. The synthesis reveals that the experimental studies have made a unique contribution to this literature by (i) providing evidence on process variables that underlie some empirical associations, (ii) directly measuring managers’ personal attributes and, (iii) closing the causality gap in the guidance literature.