In the post‐war years 1945–50, university and other large research libraries were confronted both by new problems and new opportunities. First, university libraries had to provide…
In the post‐war years 1945–50, university and other large research libraries were confronted both by new problems and new opportunities. First, university libraries had to provide for greatly increased student populations, swelled by returning ex‐servicemen and women; secondly, the supply of foreign books was uncertain, unreliable and subject to the bureaucratic delays of import controls; and thirdly, the atmosphere of post‐war reconstruction called for new and more structured approaches to the provision of scientific information. For their effective resolution, these challenges required group consideration and communal action. Amongst academic librarians, there was a widespread but ill‐focused feeling that if the problems of the day were to be successfully tackled and the opportunities seized, the Library Association was not the most suitable medium through which to address them. It was evident that public library affairs had achieved an overwhelming dominance in its collective attitudes and actions. The University and Research Section, the principal channel through which academic libraries input their views, cut little ice with the powerful Council of the Association. Indeed, the Section was at loggerheads with the Council over several matters and itself was far from united. Although it could still be said to represent the university library interest, in the fast‐growing post‐war educational scene its membership had become more diffuse and its purposes less distinct. A number of librarians had come to believe that there was a positive need for an authoritative body that could speak for large national and university libraries and represent their collective views to governmental and other organizations.
Avant d'aborder une étude qui ne peut, disons‐le tout de suite avoir le même contenu que l'excellent article de Mr Bowyer, paru en 1963 dans cette mme revue pour la…
Avant d'aborder une étude qui ne peut, disons‐le tout de suite avoir le même contenu que l'excellent article de Mr Bowyer, paru en 1963 dans cette mme revue pour la Grande‐Bretagne, il convient de rappeler brièvement les grandes lignes de la structure universitaire française et de marquer les limites de notre enquête.
The extent to which university libraries should provide curricular books for undergraduate readers has long been a matter of debate among both librarians and university teachers…
The extent to which university libraries should provide curricular books for undergraduate readers has long been a matter of debate among both librarians and university teachers in this country. The debate continues. Over the years it has become more diffuse as new elements emerge for consideration and old ones are modified. For example, academic paperbacks were of less account ten years ago than they are now and the social background and habits of students have changed considerably over, say, the last thirty years. But probably the most significant variable of all has been the increasing size and complexity of universities themselves. The aim of these notes is to help clear the way for further discussion by surveying some of the factors involved in the provision of books for undergraduates in the libraries of British universities and the attitudes of librarians and academic staff towards these factors.
This Finding list records the holdings of twenty‐eight libraries in Liverpool, chiefly in departments of the University. It contains 7,600 entries and is printed in octavo format…
This Finding list records the holdings of twenty‐eight libraries in Liverpool, chiefly in departments of the University. It contains 7,600 entries and is printed in octavo format by offset lithography from plates photo‐reduced from computer print‐out. It is now being sold by the University Library for 5/‐, and is proving very popular.
RJ Bennett, TH Bowyer and Klaus Menzinger
When the National Lending Library for Science and Technology was set up in 1960 one of its key concerns was with the formation of a comprehensive stock of Russian scientific…
When the National Lending Library for Science and Technology was set up in 1960 one of its key concerns was with the formation of a comprehensive stock of Russian scientific periodicals, and, to complement this, a comprehensive stock of Russian scientific and technical monographs. The increased interest of Western scientists in Russian science and technology, brought about particularly by the successful Russian space programme, assured a demand for this material.
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked *, which may be consulted in the Library.
To describe the part played by Maurice Line in the use of survey evidence and performance information in the management of academic libraries, commencing with the publication of…
To describe the part played by Maurice Line in the use of survey evidence and performance information in the management of academic libraries, commencing with the publication of the “Parry Report” in 1967.
The Parry Committee found little practical evidence in 1963, and had to commission some work. Two studies carried out by Line at Southampton University were available, and this and other work by Line featured significantly in the committee's work. The emergence of Line as a major figure in the development of academic and research libraries, the further development of the use of an evidence‐based approach to the management of academic libraries, and the links between these two factors are outlined.
The advance of Line's professional career was accompanied by a substantial output of highly‐regarded professional writing, which incorporated original thought and an evidence‐based approach to a degree which was unusual for that time, especially from somebody in a relatively junior post. The paucity of similar work prior to 1970 is outlined and the development of the empirical approach, especially through the work of the newly‐founded Library Management Research Unit (LMRU) is described. The 1976 report of the Atkinson Committee is portrayed as confirming the importance of evidence for the future management of academic libraries.
Sketches the early stages of a career which has had a profound impact on the development of academic and research libraries since 1960.
This work proposes to help life science libraries co‐ordinate bibliographic information produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) with that emanating from the Library of…
This work proposes to help life science libraries co‐ordinate bibliographic information produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) with that emanating from the Library of Congress (LC) and convert from one system to the other.
The British Library of Political and Economic Science, of which Geoffrey Woledge was Librarian from 1944 to 1966, and which was the major interest and achievement of his…
The British Library of Political and Economic Science, of which Geoffrey Woledge was Librarian from 1944 to 1966, and which was the major interest and achievement of his professional life, was from the outset intended to serve as a national collection of materials for research in the social sciences, serving all who need this material, while also acting as the working library of the London School of Economics.
The British Library Lending Division came into being in 1973 when the National Central Library was integrated with the stock and services of the National Lending Library for…
The British Library Lending Division came into being in 1973 when the National Central Library was integrated with the stock and services of the National Lending Library for Science and Technology at Boston Spa. The original buildings have been added to by specially designed accommodation. The loan/photocopy service, based on the use of a pre‐paid three‐part request form, has been supplemented by computer requesting, links through database operators such as DIALOG, and the telephone for urgent requests. Road/rail transport links with many parts of the country have been introduced and now account for over half of all items dispatched. A rapid growth in demand in the first seven years was followed by a decline and then a levelling off in 1982/83. The proportion of demand accounted for by International Services increased from 9% in 1973/74 to 21% in 1982/83. The Division has developed close connections with IFLA and the European Communities. As a result of a British Library Ad hoc Working Party on Union Catalogues, which reported in 1982, the Division's stock records and union catalogues are being automated. The British Union Catalogue of Periodicals ceased to be issued and its bibliographic function was replaced by Serials in the British Library, issued by the Bibliographic Services Division from 1981. Certain libraries with large or important stocks were designated to serve as backup collections; from 1979 more requests went to backups than were provided with locations. The British Library Reference Division has not only supplied photocopies as a backup but begun to lend items held in the Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books and the Science Reference Library. Close relations have been maintained with users and with relevant organizations. The acquisitions policy established in 1973 has changed little, though music scores were added in 1974, and rationalization of resources with Reference Division has resulted in a small drop in the number of serials acquired. The British National Book Centre activities of the NCL were merged with the donations activities of the NLLST to form the Gift and Exchange Section. Until 1982 the service was free but economies on staff and resources led to a restricted and priced service. Courses in the use of the scientific literature were extended to other subjects but had to be terminated as an economy measure in 1980. For similar reasons the ad hoc translating service was discontinued at the end of 1981. The cover‐to‐cover translations of (mainly Russian) scientific and technical journals sponsored by the NLLST have continued as part of the Division's extensive publication programme, which now recovers all its costs. Cost recovery increased from a quarter to a half of all expenditure over the period. The Division has kept up with relevant developments in automation and electronic publishing.