In many Asian countries, education systems are competitive based on high-stakes examinations. Additionally, due to the traditional one-way teaching styles, classroom practices can…
In many Asian countries, education systems are competitive based on high-stakes examinations. Additionally, due to the traditional one-way teaching styles, classroom practices can be highly authoritarian. The issue in such education systems is the alienation of students. They do not learn about themselves; rather, they work toward and/or get distracted by securing their positions according to the standards set by other people and institutions. Many students are thus disengaged from learning and share one common reason for their disengagement: their sense of loss about the meaning of learning is unheeded and they have no opportunity to voice their opinions. Consequently, various sentiments are prevalent, even extremely negative ones, almost equivalent to mutual hostilities. This chapter conceptually discusses the importance of listening in school reform, with special reference to the cases initiated by Manabu Sato and his fellow school leaders, such as Toshiaki Ose and Masaaki Sato. Their approach is known as school as a learning community (SLC) or lesson study for learning community (LSLC); the latter is used herein. LSLC is now widely practiced in various countries in Asia, including China, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. LSLC aims to overcome the negative sentiments described above and establish communal relationships for mutual learning and well-being. To achieve this, teachers in the schools running LSLC always start listening to each other. This chapter discusses how listening transforms hostilities into trust.
Teerawat Luanrit, Eisuke Saito and Vorachet Saejea
In every decade, there tends to be a major economic crisis affecting the entire world. Recent decades have seen the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s and the global financial…
In every decade, there tends to be a major economic crisis affecting the entire world. Recent decades have seen the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s and the global financial crisis in the 2000s. Also, natural disasters and pandemics frequently impact the socioeconomic conditions of the people. The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) is one such crisis. In such situations, the socially disadvantaged are usually the worst hit, marginalizing the disadvantaged even further. Zygmunt Bauman describes this as “collateral damage.” In schooling, as well, such collateral damage is observed across countries. The aim of this chapter is to investigate responses by one secondary school leader in Bangkok, Thailand, to COVID-19 in order to minimize the collateral damage to the students. For this aim, self-study was employed as a research method. In the midst of great confusion, a caring mind and heart for students in difficulty was at the heart of strategies that encouraged them to remain constant with respect to the world of learning.
Takahiro Sato and Kota Watanabe
There are few reports that evolutional topology optimization methods are applied to the conductor geometry design problems. This paper aims to propose an evolutional topology…
There are few reports that evolutional topology optimization methods are applied to the conductor geometry design problems. This paper aims to propose an evolutional topology optimization method is applied to the conductor design problems of an on-chip inductor model.
This paper presents a topology optimization method for conductor shape designs. This method is based on the normalized Gaussian network-based evolutional on/off topology optimization method and the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy. As a target device, an on-chip planer inductor is used, and single- and multi-objective optimization problems are defined. These optimization problems are solved by the proposed method.
Through the single- and multi-objective optimizations of the on-chip inductor, it is shown that the conductor shapes of the inductor can be optimized based on the proposed methods.
The proposed topology optimization method is applicable to the conductor design problems in that the connectivity of the shapes is strongly required.
Zhen Sun, Takahiro Sato and Kota Watanabe
Topology optimization (TO) methods have shown their unique advantage in the innovative design of electric machines. However, when introducing the TO method to the rotor design of…
Topology optimization (TO) methods have shown their unique advantage in the innovative design of electric machines. However, when introducing the TO method to the rotor design of interior permanent magnet (PM) synchronous machines (IPMSMs), the layout parameters of the magnet cannot be synchronously optimized with the topology of the air barrier; the full design potential, thus, cannot be unlocked. The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel method in which the layout parameters PMs and the topology of air barriers can be optimized simultaneously for aiding the innovative design of IPMSMs.
This paper presents a simultaneous TO and parameter optimization (PO) method that is applicable to the innovative design of IPMSMs. In this method, the mesh deformation technique is introduced to make it possible to make a connection between the TO and PO, and the multimodal optimization problem can thereby be solved more efficiently because good topological features are inherited during iterative optimization.
The numerical results of two case studies show that the proposed method can find better Pareto fronts than the traditional TO method within comparable time-consuming. As the optimal design result, novel rotor structures with better torque profiles and higher reluctance torque are respectively found.
A method that can simultaneously optimize the topology and parameter variables for the design of IPMSMs is proposed. The numerical results show that the proposed method is useful and practical for the conceptual and innovative design of IPMSMs because it can automatically explore optimal rotor structures from the full design space without relying on the experience and knowledge of the engineer.
Hidenobu Matsuki, Taishi Nishiyama, Yuya Omori, Shinji Suzuki, Kazuya Masui and Masayuki Sato
This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of a fault-tolerant flight control method by using simple adaptive control (SAC) with PID controller.
This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of a fault-tolerant flight control method by using simple adaptive control (SAC) with PID controller.
Numerical simulations and flight tests are executed for pitch angle and roll angle control of research aircraft MuPAL-α under the following fault cases: sudden reduction in aileron effectiveness, sudden reduction in elevator effectiveness and loss of longitudinal static stability.
The simulations and flight tests reveal the effectiveness of the proposed SAC with PID controller as a fault-tolerant flight controller.
Practical implications
This research includes implications for the development of vehicles’ robustness.
This study proposes novel SAC-based flight controller and actually demonstrates the effectiveness by flight test.
Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh and Waël Louhichi
This chapter analyzes the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) into different prices for 12 euro area (EA) countries. We provide new up-to-date estimates of ERPT by paying attention…
This chapter analyzes the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) into different prices for 12 euro area (EA) countries. We provide new up-to-date estimates of ERPT by paying attention to either the time-series properties of data and variables endogeneity. Using VECM framework, we examine the pass-through at different stages along the distribution chain, that is, import prices, producer prices, and consumer prices. When carrying out impulse response functions analysis, we find a higher pass-through to import prices with a complete pass-through (after one year) detected for roughly half of EA countries. These estimates are relatively large compared to single-equation literature. We denote that the magnitude of the pass-through of exchange rate shocks declines along the distribution chain of pricing, with the modest effect recorded for consumer prices. When assessing for the determinant of cross-country differences in the ERPT, we find that inflation level, inflation volatility, and exchange rate persistence are the main macroeconomic factors influencing the pass-through almost along the pricing chain. Thereafter, we have tested for the decline of the response of consumer prices across EA countries. According to multivariate time-series Chow test, the stability of ERPT coefficients was rejected, and the impulse responses of consumer prices over 1990–2010 provide an evidence of general decline in rates of pass-through in most of the EA countries. Finally, using the historical decompositions, our results reveal that external factors, that is, exchange rate and import prices shocks, have had important inflationary impacts on inflation since 1999 compared to the pre-EMU period.
Miwa Tobita, Hamed Eskandari and Tetsuji Matsuo
The authors derive a nonlinear MOR based on the Cauer ladder network (CLN) representation, which serves as an application of the parameterized MOR. Two parametrized CLN…
The authors derive a nonlinear MOR based on the Cauer ladder network (CLN) representation, which serves as an application of the parameterized MOR. Two parametrized CLN representations were developed to handle the nonlinear magnetic field. Simulations using the parameterized CLN were also conducted using an iron-cored inductor model under the first-order approximation.
This work studies the effect of parameter variations on reduced systems and aims at developing a general formulation for parametrized model order reduction (MOR) methods with the dynamical transition of parameterized state.
Terms including time derivatives of basis vectors appear in nonlinear state equations, in addition to the linear network equations of the CLN method. The terms are newly derived by an exact formulation of the parameterized CLN and are named parameter variation terms in this study. According to the simulation results, the parameter variation terms play a significant role in the nonlinear state equations when reluctivity is used, while they can be neglected when differential reluctivity is used.
Practical implications
The computational time of nonlinear transient analyses can be greatly reduced by applying the parameterized CLN when the number of time steps is large.
The authors introduced a general representation for the dynamical behavior of the reduced system with time-varying parameters, which has not been theoretically discussed in previous studies. The effect of the parameter variations is numerically given as a form of parameter variation terms by the exact derivation of the nonlinear state equations. The influence of parameter variation terms was confirmed by simulation.
Raife Meltem Yetkin Özbük, Duygu Aydin Ünal and Büşra Oktay
There have been significant developments in the field of retailing with digitalization. One of these developments is the emergence of omnichannel retailing. Although this has…
There have been significant developments in the field of retailing with digitalization. One of these developments is the emergence of omnichannel retailing. Although this has affected both firms and consumers considerably, the literature is dominated by the studies dealing with omnichannel retailing from the firms’ perspectives. The studies dealing with omnichannel retailing from the consumers’ perspectives have recently begun to attract the attention of researchers. For this reason, this study conducted a literature review to examine various consumer behaviors mentioned in the studies aimed at explaining consumer behaviors in the omnichannel retailing context. The distribution of these studies according to years and journals, research methods used, theories adopted, and the related five-stage consumer decision-making stages are summarized. Additionally, this review addresses future research avenues.
Naoki Saito, Takanori Sato, Takanori Ogasawara, Ryo Takahashi and Toshiyuki Sato
The purpose of this paper is to describe a mechanical equilibrium model of a one‐end‐fixed type rubberless artificial muscle and the feasibility of this model for control of the…
The purpose of this paper is to describe a mechanical equilibrium model of a one‐end‐fixed type rubberless artificial muscle and the feasibility of this model for control of the rubberless artificial muscle. This mechanical equilibrium model expresses the relation between inner pressure, contraction force, and contraction displacement. The model validity and usability were confirmed experimentally.
Position control of a one‐end‐fixed type rubberless artificial muscle antagonistic drive system was conducted using this mechanical equilibrium model. This model contributes to adjustment of the antagonistic force.
The derived mechanical equilibrium model shows static characteristics of the rubberless artificial muscle well. Furthermore, it experimentally confirmed the possibility of realizing position control with force adjustment of the rubberless artificial muscle antagonistic derive system. The mechanical equilibrium model is useful to control the rubberless artificial muscle.
This paper reports the realization of advanced control of the rubberless artificial muscle using the derived mechanical equilibrium model.
Tomoko Kubo, Toshiki Yamamoto, Michihiro Mashita, Misao Hashimoto, Konstantin Greger, Tom Waldichuk and Keisuke Matsui
Drawing on a case study in Hitachi City, Ibaraki prefecture, this chapter aims to analyze the relationship between community support and the behavior of residents after the Tohoku…
Drawing on a case study in Hitachi City, Ibaraki prefecture, this chapter aims to analyze the relationship between community support and the behavior of residents after the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake in the regions affected by the disaster. The chapter will examine residents’ behavior and the community’s roles by way of the following process: (1) We will review Japan’s natural disaster prevention regimes; (2) we will examine the result of a field survey conducted in Hitachi City detailing the city’s natural disaster prevention procedures and the operation of some neighborhood evacuation sites; (3) the behavior of residents following the earthquake is analyzed. In this part, questionnaires were sent to 2000 households, of which 492 (24.6%) were collected and used for this analysis. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed lifelines such as water supply for several days in the city. According to the city, a total of 65 buildings were judged to be in dangerous condition, 251 as requiring care, and 478 were only partially damaged. The most serious damage was found mainly in the city’s coastal areas, where a total of 85 houses were entirely or partly damaged, and 483 houses were flooded above the floorboards by the tsunami. On March 11, a total of 69 evacuation sites opened, and 13,607 residents rushed into them. After the disaster, residents initially tried to go back to their homes. Depending on the damage done, they either stayed there or moved to a relative’s or friend’s house, or to a neighborhood evacuation site. Due to the failure of the lifelines, transportation systems, and the damage caused by the disaster, most residents had to stay within an area more limited than usual, around which they could walk or ride by bicycle. Residents had only the human and physical resources of their neighborhoods. Therefore, the characteristics of their local communities affected how residents behaved during and after the earthquake.