Casey A. Holtz and Robert A. Fox
Behavior problems are common in toddlers and preschoolers. Richman, Stevenson, and Graham (1975) identified difficulties with eating, sleeping, toileting, temper, fears, peer…
Behavior problems are common in toddlers and preschoolers. Richman, Stevenson, and Graham (1975) identified difficulties with eating, sleeping, toileting, temper, fears, peer relations, and activity as typical in this young population. While all young children should be expected to experience behavior problems as part of their normal development, an ongoing challenge in the field has been to determine when these “normal” developmental problems rise to the level of being considered “clinical” behavior problems (Keenan & Wakschlag, 2000). For example, when does a two-year-old child's tantrum behavior, a three-year-old's urinary accidents, and a four-year-old's defiance become clinically significant? To answer these questions, clinicians must examine the frequency, intensity, and durability of these difficulties, their potential to cause injury to the child or others, the extent to which they interfere with the child development, and the degree to which they disrupt the lives of their siblings, caregivers, peers, teachers, and others.
Neville T. Millen, Chris L. Peterson and Roslyn Woodward
Discusses chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is a “contested disease”, that is, it is not recognized by the medical profession as a legitimate illness and, consequently, people…
Discusses chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is a “contested disease”, that is, it is not recognized by the medical profession as a legitimate illness and, consequently, people suffering from the illness are not eligible for support/aid. Explores what this non‐recognition means and the impact it has on both the sufferers and their families. Refers to repetitive strain injury and Alzheimer’s disease – neither of which were recognized by medical professionals until recent times – as examples of illnesses that have gained medical legitimacy. Reports that sufferers of CFS, who did not receive an adequate medical diagnosis, were under pressure to become active again, whereas sufferers who received a diagnosis of persistent fatigue gained a lot more support from family and friends. Investigates also the strains involved in coping with a family member with an illness such as Alzheimer’s disease or CFS – as ever economic resources figure prominently. Raises the issue of management of illness in modern society. Recommends that, as health care is pushed ever more onto families and the community, so they should be the recipients of financial support.
Whitney A. Buccicone and Kristin Browning Leaman
Outreach in libraries has traditionally been considered the realm of public services, where librarians interact one-on-one with our patrons at the reference desk, run social media…
Outreach in libraries has traditionally been considered the realm of public services, where librarians interact one-on-one with our patrons at the reference desk, run social media accounts, and other activities of a similar vein. In today's evolving library world, it is time to challenge outreach in its traditional sense and consider technical services work and its associated duties as outreach. This article delves into technical services work (including cataloging, archival processing, shelf maintenance, etc.) and how the results (bibliographic records, metadata, authority control etc.) are in themselves outreach.
This paper reflects on the evolution of implicit and explicit behavioral ideas in the field of strategic management using Herbert Simon’s scholarship as a starting point, that is…
This paper reflects on the evolution of implicit and explicit behavioral ideas in the field of strategic management using Herbert Simon’s scholarship as a starting point, that is, his emphasis on empirically driven; interdisciplinary theorizing allowing and enabling two-way street learning. We argue that historically, there were plenty of behavioral ideas embedded in the field and, together with the recent movement towards explicit “behavioral strategy,” these provide several possible paths for future developments in strategic management research. In the spirit of broadening the tent for behavioral strategy in the future (Hambrick & Crossland, 2018), we suggest some topics and approaches for behavioral strategy in empirically driven, interdisciplinary directions which allows also for two-way street learning between concepts and real-world strategic phenomena.
Allaa Barefah, Elspeth McKay and Sulaiman Alqahtani
There is continual evidence of ineffective e-Learning programmes that are set amid emerging information and communication technology (ICT) tools by higher education (HE…
There is continual evidence of ineffective e-Learning programmes that are set amid emerging information and communication technology (ICT) tools by higher education (HE) providers. While many of the existing accounts outline the potential of integrating such educational technology into their teaching and learning practice, other studies point out the adoption challenges of such programmes. This chapter tackles this dilemma in two respects. Firstly, through an examination of the limitations surrounding the instructional systems design (ISD) models while urging the need for empirical evidence and ratification processes to substantiate these models as they relate to online instructional environments. Secondly, through the investigation of the effectiveness offered by ICT tools under different instructional environments in order to facilitate the effective application of e-Learning. Field evaluation in the form of a series of 2×3 factorial quasi-experiments was conducted at four higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia. The empirical results confirm the validity of the ISD model and reliably captured its effects in improving learners’ performance under three instructional delivery modes. The empirical evidence reveals the extent of effectiveness of the proposed prescriptive ISD model enabling an improved design of ICT-based HE instructional strategies. On a managerial level, the findings facilitate the delivery mode decision making by HE providers in terms of the congruence of technology integration under each of the three learning experiences. The calibrated assessment measures provide a discussion to extend the practical implication of the current e-Pedagogical practice in the e-Learning industry.
Gianluca Brunori, Jet Proost and Sigrid Rand
This chapter aims at building a conceptual framework that could inspire innovation policies able to take into account the emerging agricultural and rural agenda, based on a…
This chapter aims at building a conceptual framework that could inspire innovation policies able to take into account the emerging agricultural and rural agenda, based on a comprehensive conceptualization of the innovation system. The systems of innovation and the broader processes of knowledge creation (and co-creation), transfer and adoption represent a crucial set of conditions influencing family farms' trajectories in response to the various opportunities and drivers of change, as well as their capability to contribute to sustainable food systems and FNS. This chapter analyzes the concept of innovation in relation to transition towards new configurations with a non-linear and multidimensional vision based on actors assembling themselves in a geographical space where resources and information are used to generate change. This leads to consider knowledge as an asset co-generated by the interaction of different actors within agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) (Leeuwis & van den Ban, 2004). Agriculture and countryside are experiencing deep transformations towards concentration and globalization on one side and post-productivism and rural development on the other (Van der Ploeg et al., 2000). These processes of change require innovation policies aimed at pursuing ‘second-order’ innovation based on new goals and new rules. From a transition perspective (Geels, 2004) these radical innovations can develop within niches to a certain extent protected from mainstream market forces, to be then progressively embodied into higher structuration levels (the ‘regimes’).
Michael J. Maloni, Stacy M. Campbell, David M. Gligor, Christina R. Scherrer and Elizabeth M. Boyd
Despite a pervasive workforce shortage, existing research has provided limited guidance about job satisfaction and commitment of the supply chain workforce. Moreover, few studies…
Despite a pervasive workforce shortage, existing research has provided limited guidance about job satisfaction and commitment of the supply chain workforce. Moreover, few studies explore the effects of workforce level on such satisfaction and commitment. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
To address this gap, the authors apply person-organization fit theory to study the critical work value drivers of supply chain job satisfaction and industry commitment across workforce levels through structural modeling of practitioner survey data.
Job satisfaction and industry commitment are impacted differently across workforce levels, particularly for executives, suggesting the potential for conflicts in the workplace and that a “one size fits all” approach for recruitment and retention will be ineffective.
Practical implications
The results reveal how proactive organizations can not only hire and retain the best people but also help employees at different workforce levels understand one another’s motivations, empowering these organizations to become employers of choice.
This study is among the first empirical papers to directly address the labor shortage in supply chain. It also strikes new ground by assessing differences in work values across workforce levels.
Rune Höglund and Ralf Östermark
Previous evidence suggests that the relationship between different stock markets is unstable over time. In particular, the Finnish and Japanese financial economies are…
Previous evidence suggests that the relationship between different stock markets is unstable over time. In particular, the Finnish and Japanese financial economies are interrelated and exhibit non‐linear behaviour. Presents an approximation of the influence of the Japanese stock market on the Finnish derivatives market by an adaptive recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm. The parameters are allowed to change over time through a discounting factor, thus providing a convenient means for recognizing past information to a specified degree. Following the reasoning of Bera et al. (1992), shows that the RLS algorithm is, theoretically, able to cope with conditional heteroscedasticity. Compares the results with different values on the discount factor and when choosing a suitable value the ARCH‐like effects in the residuals seem to vanish. On the other hand, some new peculiarities in the RLS residuals emerge when ARCH effects are eliminated. The results indicate that the standard RLS algorithm combined with a proper specification of the discount factor could be useful in studying relationships of this kind.
This paper presents an historical reconstruction of the radicalisation of Alan Fox, the industrial sociologist and a detailed analysis of his early historical and sociological…
This paper presents an historical reconstruction of the radicalisation of Alan Fox, the industrial sociologist and a detailed analysis of his early historical and sociological writing in the classical pluralist phase.
An intellectual history, including detailed discussion of key Fox texts, supported by interviews with Fox and other Biographical sources.
Fox’s radicalisation was incomplete, as he carried over from his industrial relations (IR) pluralist mentors, Allan Flanders and Hugh Clegg, a suspicion of political Marxism, a sense of historical contingency and an awareness of the fragmented nature of industrial conflict.
Recent academic attention has centred on Fox’s later radical pluralism with its “structural” approach to the employment relationship. This paper revisits his early, neglected classical pluralist writing. It also illuminates his transition from institutional IR to a broader sociology of work, influenced by AH Halsey, John Goldthorpe and others and the complex nature of his radicalisation.