The transcript is of one from a number of interviews with disaster risk reduction (DRR) “pioneers” carried out in 2022 as a part of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk…
The transcript is of one from a number of interviews with disaster risk reduction (DRR) “pioneers” carried out in 2022 as a part of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) project to record the history of the field. It aims to enable one of the “pioneers” to explain his role in the emergence of disaster studies and provide critical commentary on what he considers is wrong with current DRR approaches.
Terry Cannon was interviewed to explain the beginnings of his involvement in disasters research and to comment on his views on progress in the field of disaster risk reduction since his early work in the 1980s. The transcript and video were developed in the context of the UNDRR project on the history of DRR.
The interview provides an account of the origins of the book “At Risk” and why it was considered necessary. This is put into the context of how the field of DRR has emerged since the 1980s. It elicits opinions on what he considers the gaps in both his early work (especially in the book “At Risk” of which he was a co-author) and in the field of DRR recently.
It provides historical context on how early disaster research developed the alternative framework of “social construction” of disasters, in opposition to the idea that they are “natural”. It challenges some of the approaches that have emerged as DRR and has been institutionalised, including its increasing difficulty in supporting the ideas of social construction.
Argues that the distinction between the two distinct, but interrelated areas of management in international trade is not neat – exporters being differentiated from the…
Argues that the distinction between the two distinct, but interrelated areas of management in international trade is not neat – exporters being differentiated from the international marketer by the foreign, or alien, nature of his products in the market sought, while the international marketer can eliminate this in many circumstances. Highlights the Ford Motor Company, with manufacturing capability in a number of countries, exclusive distributorships and distinctive, national promotional policies as a multinational. States that smaller firms' options are restricted by comparison – particularly with regard to overseas entrepreneurs. Discusses further the reasons for trading overseas and gives four distinct phases for this. Looks at management and export marketing, stating that UK industry has had to face competition with lower costings in areas from textiles to commercial vehicles and tyres. Sums up that while international trade poses recurrent issues for marketing management a stock of knowledge exists which aids the solving of problems pertaining to the issues posed.
The purpose of this paper is to make an argument that there are different types of social construction of disasters.
The purpose of this paper is to make an argument that there are different types of social construction of disasters.
The focus is on disasters triggered by natural hazards.
It is now widely accepted that disasters are a product of a natural hazard having an impact on a vulnerable population. But the value of the concept of vulnerability is in danger of becoming less meaningful because it is removed from the political and economic processes that generate some vulnerabilities. On the other hand, there are some types of disasters that are relatively “innocent”, in the sense that people live in places that are exposed to risk for purposes of access to their livelihood, and not because social forces or power relations have forced them to live there, or made some groups more vulnerable than others.
Practical implications
If it is the case that some vulnerability is “innocent”, then forms of explanation are needed of people's willingness to expose themselves to risk that go beyond the “strong” forms of social construction (where power relations are a key factor in generating the social construction of disasters). Instead, it is essential to examine “cultural” and psychological explanations of people's behaviour, including an understanding of group behaviour, religious beliefs and other aspects that often distinguish the perspective on risk taken by “insiders” compared with the supposedly rational and policy‐oriented approach of “outsiders” who see it as their role to help reduce disaster risks.
The discussion of different types of social construction of disasters is original. Debate on the need to include analysis of cultural and psychological aspects in disaster risk reduction is not very well developed and, according to this paper, is of absolutely crucial importance in reducing the impact of natural hazards.
John Stanworth and Celia Stanworth
Under the Thatcher Government′s “EnterpriseCulture”, the size of the small business sector hasfrequently been taken as a key indicator ofeconomic success in Britain. Measurement…
Under the Thatcher Government′s “Enterprise Culture”, the size of the small business sector has frequently been taken as a key indicator of economic success in Britain. Measurement of achievement in such terms does indeed indicate a high degree of economic buoyancy. However, a deeper examination of available data indicates that much of this success may be illusory and dependent for its survival on substantial levels of state intervention. At the same time, an examination of regional patterns of small business success reveals a picture somewhat similar to that pertaining to the economy as a whole. Far from raining down success selectively on economically deprived areas, as had been hoped in some circles, it appears that it is the most prosperous areas which tend to support the highest levels of enterprise.
Considers an area of growing importance in marketing research. Small to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) are continuing to play an increasing role in the development of western…
Considers an area of growing importance in marketing research. Small to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) are continuing to play an increasing role in the development of western economies. Puts forward the argument that existing approaches to conducting marketing research in SMEs are rooted in the big firm mindset and, therefore, in positivist thinking, tending to focus mainly on survey methods. Examines the various orientations that predominate in and shape the SME context. Develops a research position with a syncretised qualitative research methodology outlined and applied to a research project carried out by one of the authors into 57 small firms in the UK. All of the orientations of the SMEs appeared rooted, to a large extent, in one or more highly influential individuals who fashion the culture and direction of these firms. Argues for an approach to research in SMEs that recognises the various influencing orientations including the impact on marketing research and the role of the entrepreneurial individual.
To validate conceptual frameworks for strategic management development. Also, to test the hypothesis that the objectives and design of a strategic management development programme…
To validate conceptual frameworks for strategic management development. Also, to test the hypothesis that the objectives and design of a strategic management development programme need to match the organisation's level of commitment to strategic management and the degree of maturity of its strategic management processes and competencies, in order that the programme can be effective in enhancing the strategic capability of the organisation.
Earlier work by the author (based on literature review and one case study) had generated two conceptual models which could help in the understanding of strategic management development. One provides a life‐cycle typology matching an organisation's level of commitment to strategic management with the design of an effective strategic management development programme. The second provides a causal network showing how strategic management capability may be developed. In this paper case study research is reported from six organisations to provide data, which are mainly qualitatative, to test the hypothesis and conceptual models.
Both the life‐cycle typology and the conceptual models are supported by the further case study work. It was also found that the dominant strategy‐making mode in the organisation can influence the potential for strategic management development. Where the command mode of strategy making is dominant the strategic aspects of a management development programme are inhibited because this is not consistent with the command culture.
Research limitations/implications
The generalisability of the findings is constrained by the small sample size of six organisations. However, given the paucity of theory in the field of strategic management development, the findings contribute to the conceptual understanding of this subject.
The models proposed give insights into the complexities of strategic management development and can be used to inform analysis and planning of more effective strategic management development interventions.
The research adopts a case study approach (in higher education) to investigate how strategic capabilities might be developed in an organisation through strategic management…
The research adopts a case study approach (in higher education) to investigate how strategic capabilities might be developed in an organisation through strategic management development (SMD). SMD is defined as “Management development interventions which are intended to enhance the strategic capability and corporate performance of an organisation”. Causal networks, showing how strategic capability and strategic management processes can be developed, are constructed, and a hypothesis is proposed. This postulates that to be effective, SMD programmes need to be matched with the organisation's level of commitment to strategic management and the degree of maturity of its strategic management processes and competences. This is explored in a tentative typology which shows how four different levels of commitment to strategic management might be matched with key characteristics of SMD programmes.
The aim of this paper is to focus on the history of cost accounting, costing, and time and motion studies, which were initially developed for industry and private sector…
The aim of this paper is to focus on the history of cost accounting, costing, and time and motion studies, which were initially developed for industry and private sector organisations, in libraries. At the same time, the article attempts to deal with the question of when and why the need for the evaluation of costs and the standardisation of different library work processes emerged.
The data used in this paper are based on reviewing and summarising relevant studies, which have been conducted in libraries, and was inspired by the ideas of scientific management and cost accounting.
The implementation of cost accounting systems and scientific management ideas in libraries has historically been treated as a technical innovation rather than an organisational or management innovation. The most important consideration is that librarians are not machines, which can be set at a given speed and expected to produce a uniform product. Fortunately, there is no indication that production standards for libraries are going to be set up.
This article raises a perspective in library management that has not been dealt with before. Namely, it explores how the profession of a librarian as an erudite scholar changed into a profession requiring routine work and considers the impact that the ideas of scientific management and cost accounting research had on library employees when they reached libraries.