Suzanne Quinney and Leo Richardson
Part One of this duo of papers outlined the appreciative inquiry (AI) philosophy, a strengths-based “positive psychology” and organisational development (OD) approach which is…
Part One of this duo of papers outlined the appreciative inquiry (AI) philosophy, a strengths-based “positive psychology” and organisational development (OD) approach which is intrinsically creative and generative, and has been found to work well in many fields. The purpose of this paper is to describe its application in homeless hostels and demonstrates the benefits of using AI with the staff and residents, as both a personal development and an OD tool for hostels who want to become a psychologically informed environment (PIE).
This is a case study exploring a new approach to the development of a PIE. The background of the approach and the way it contributes to a PIE as described in Part One is briefly summarised, and the implementation pilot project is discussed; the appreciative conversation and the 5 D cycle are key AI “tools” which were used. The inclusion of positive psychology approaches is referenced. In addition, in the spirit of evidence-generating practice in PIEs, preliminary quantitative and qualitative findings are reported to identify the outcomes of the approach – including client motivation, desire to build positive relationships, and increased emotional awareness.
Residents responded very well to the approach, and a high proportion continued to apply their learning, making major steps towards independent living. This was backed up by quantitative data demonstrating effective outcomes for the supported housing sector, and qualitative themes start to illuminate the psychological processes behind the outcomes. The openness of PIEs to alternative psychologies is further demonstrated. The model was rolled out to other Westminster hostels.
AI is well-established as an OD process and less well known as a personal development approach; but has not previously been articulated as a tool for working with hostel residents or for developing PIEs. This strength-based approach is an alternative to some of the problem-based psychological approaches that have been used. In addition, the AI intervention illustrated defining features of a PIE such as reflective awareness.
Suzanne Quinney and Leo Richardson
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) has its roots in the world of Organisational Development (OD), however, as a strength-based approach which is intrinsically creative and generative, it…
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) has its roots in the world of Organisational Development (OD), however, as a strength-based approach which is intrinsically creative and generative, it has been found to work well in many other fields. The purpose of this paper, Part 1 of 2, is to provide an introduction to AI and suggests its potential in homeless work. Part 2 reports a pilot study of implementation and evaluation.
This is a conceptual paper suggesting a new approach to the development of a Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE). The background of the approach (AI) is given, the pilot project described, and the way it contributes to a PIE is discussed. The beneficial and practical link with Positive Psychology is also explored. Part 2 will describe the outcomes of the implementation of AI in pilot at a homelessness hostel in Westminster.
AI has its roots in the world of OD, however, it has been found to work well in many other fields. The paper highlights some of the aspects of AI and Positive Psychology which could be meaningful to hostel residents, and give it robustness and psychological sophistication when used by staff and residents. The paper also considers the benefits of using AI with staff as a tool for organisational learning, there by making it an ideal approach for hostels which want to become a PIE.
AI is well-established as an OD process and less well known as a personal development approach and has not previously been articulated as a tool for working with hostel residents or for developing PIEs. The openness of PIEs to alternative psychological approaches is indicated. AI is a strength-based approach, and a well-structured alternative to some of the problem-based psychological approaches that have been used. In addition, AI supports defining features of a PIE such as reflective awareness.