Suzannah Clark and Leila Jackson
The purpose of this paper is to detail the Wellbeing Project that was developed by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, in partnership with Manchester City Council.
The purpose of this paper is to detail the Wellbeing Project that was developed by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, in partnership with Manchester City Council.
A group‐based cognitive behavioural therapy intervention (“Be Well, Age Well”) was written specifically to help improve the mood and wellbeing of older adults.
A preliminary evaluation showed promising results and in response to a significant increase in demand for continued delivery of the intervention, there are now plans to examine the feasibility of non mental health qualified staff facilitating the course. Funding is currently being sought for a more definitive study.
The Wellbeing Project believes that if older adults are educated via the approach as adopted by the “Be Well, Age Well” course, the level of resilience will improve for those individuals who would otherwise have experienced compromised wellbeing.