Suzana Xavier Ribeiro and Marcelo Seido Nagano
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how certain characteristics of the university–industry–government collaboration facilitate knowledge creation and management, hence…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how certain characteristics of the university–industry–government collaboration facilitate knowledge creation and management, hence innovation focusing on particularities of the Brazilian scenario.
As a conceptual basis, there are correlations between theories of knowledge management and the Triple Helix, a model referenced to university–industry–government cooperation. The research was conducted through a multiple case study at two National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs in Portuguese).
The main results show the importance of participation in the INCT program, as it enables the creation of an organizational structure with the coordinator’s leadership, who directs the flow of knowledge among organizations and stimulates innovation.
The choice of the topic is justified by the lack of studies on the identification and analyses of the main aspects of this type of collaboration in an integrated way.
Igor Junqueira de Castro, Marcelo Seido Nagano and Suzana Xavier Ribeiro
The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors for an academic research project in electrical engineering to become relevant.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors for an academic research project in electrical engineering to become relevant.
As a conceptual basis, a few theories of entrepreneurial university and triple helix were correlated, seeking to determine the main critical factors and the successful criteria of an academic research project. The research was conducted through four cases of electric engineering that succeed in generating social and economic impact.
When analyzing the available bibliography, it is clear that the connection among the companies, the market and the research that happens at the university is very important. Not only that, but also, according to the results, this is the key to generating revenue and impact on society. In addition, operational policies and competent leaders promoting this impact inside the universities are extremely important.
The topic was selected because of the reduced number of articles related to the identification and analyses of the main aspects that make an academic research project relevant to the society. Furthermore, the paper is significant because it analyzes the main factors that help develop a better society and country through academic research.
Suzana Xavier Ribeiro and Marcelo Seido Nagano
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how knowledge management and university-industry-government collaboration – including the triple helix – relate with each other in…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how knowledge management and university-industry-government collaboration – including the triple helix – relate with each other in influencing organizations’ performance. In the competitive environment nowadays, an organization’s ability to create and use knowledge becomes ever more essential in the search for sustainable competitive advantage, even leading to the search for new forms of inter-organizational arrangements.
The representatives of such collaborations selected for this study are the National Institutes of Science and Technology. The categorical content analysis technique was used for the qualitative analysis of the data.
The principal contribution was the proposal of an analytical model relating the knowledge management and triple helix theories and the proposed dimensions (namely, structural, relational, cognitive and the context), considering the peculiarities of the Brazilian context. The findings show that the organizational structure (structural) influences not only the relationship among members (relational) but also the flow of knowledge (cognitive), as well as how relational elements (collaborative culture, trust and leadership) facilitate knowledge sharing. Moreover, the context affects these three other dimensions. The main obstacles identified were cultural differences, bureaucracy and the socio-economic reality, while facilitators were the existence of technology parks and incubators, government incentives and geographical proximity between universities and industry.
This topic was chosen as there are few empirical studies that comprehensively relate the topics of knowledge management and university-industry-government cooperation focusing on the Brazilian context.
Tânia Mara Campos de Almeida, Kátia Tarouquella Brasil, Dianne Magalhães Viana, Simone Aparecida Lisniowski, Maura Angélica Milfont Shzu, Valérie Ganem, Suzana M. Ávila and Aline S. De Paula
The sexual division of labor remains a strong, discriminatory aspect of Brazilian society, with a high percentage of women engaged in precarious, caregiving, and service work that…
The sexual division of labor remains a strong, discriminatory aspect of Brazilian society, with a high percentage of women engaged in precarious, caregiving, and service work that is devalued within the traditional patriarchal family and school socialization. This chapter relates and analyzes the development of a multidisciplinary, intersectional, and interinstitutional project, Fast Girls, which addresses this situation of inequality and exclusion by promoting and strengthening learning in STEM and psychosocial dimensions for adolescent female students. It is currently deployed in three public schools on the outskirts of Brazil’s capital, Brasilia, but the focus here will be on the pioneering initiative, in one high school which has reached 150 participants since 2013. This project was conducted by professors and researchers from the engineering, social sciences, and humanities departments of the University of Brasilia (UnB) in Brazil and France’s Sorbonne Paris North University who are the authors of this autoethnography, which is based on interventions, interviews, and field observations. Principle academic results included articles, dissertations, and expositions at related national and international events characterized by the integration of various scientific fields. The intervention prepared participants for college attendance who was both unprecedented in their families and contributed to their occupying a social and subjective place quite different from the majority of youths in black and poor communities around the capitals of Brazil.