Susan Laiming and Paul Laiming
The importance of insurance is frequently recognized only after a major loss. The attitude that fire and other hazards never happen “at home” has led to the faulty reasoning that…
The importance of insurance is frequently recognized only after a major loss. The attitude that fire and other hazards never happen “at home” has led to the faulty reasoning that insurance coverage and loss systems should be acquired at moderate cost. But the cost of protection is relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to the possible losses that might be incurred. The very nature of insurance is based on the laws of probability and the estimates of the risk of loss.
Dorothy Nelkin and Mark Michaels
Looks at the contemporary debate on US immigration, focusing particularly on the increasing articulation of eugenics. Notes that, at times of economic and moral crisis, biological…
Looks at the contemporary debate on US immigration, focusing particularly on the increasing articulation of eugenics. Notes that, at times of economic and moral crisis, biological generalizations tend to resurface to provide support for the existing system of privilege and rights, and that the information superhighway provides the perfect vehicle for rapidly spreading beliefs and information. Addresses three specific issues – the genetically determined traits and behaviours of specific racial groups, culture as an expression of biological characteristics, and immigration destroying the racial purity of American society. Outlines briefly US history of immigration. Airs the current concerns on US immigration – pinpointing that concern lies not in immigration per se., which has declined in the last decade, but in the changing national origin of new immigrants, that is immigrants are now mainly Latin American or Asian, which is seen as a threat to Anglo‐Saxon hegemony. Refers to the work of the Pioneer Fund, exploring human variation through the racial basis of intelligence and propensity to violence and/or crime. Claims that scientific language has been adapted to reinforce worries about immigration reducing the supremacy of America’s culture.