Simarjit Kaur, Suresh Rajabhau Bhise, Amarjeet Kaur and K.S. Minhas
The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit…
The present study was carried out to standardize the method for preparation of naturally carbonated fermented paneer whey beverage by incorporating pineapple and strawberry fruit juice and to check their suitability in the beverage by evaluating the organoleptic characteristics and shelf life of product.
Beverage was inoculated with yeast culture Clavispora lucitaniae at 0.5 per cent v/v and fermented at 35 ± 1°C for 36 h aerobically. Standardization of total soluble solids (TSS) (16, 15, 14, 13 and 12oBrix) and juice concentration (15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent) of beverage was done on the basis of organoleptic evaluation, and the beverage with TSS 12oB and 30 per cent juice was selected best for further storage study. Two types of beverages were prepared: paneer whey beverage blended with pineapple juice and paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice, and were stored at refrigerated (4 ± 1oC) and ambient (25 ± 5oC) conditions. Effect of storage on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory attributes were studied periodically after every 15 days for 90 days of storage period.
There was significant decrease in brix:acid ratio (p = 0.0008) from 12.0 to 9.3, total sugar (p = 0.017) from 10.8 to 6.8, ascorbic acid (p = 0.002) from 17.8 to 9.3 mg/100 mL and lactose (p = 0.037) from 3.1 to 0.6 per cent content over 90 days of ambient storage period. Total yeast count increased during the initial stages of fermentation and started declining after 60 days of storage. The alcohol production started after 15 days and reached 0.7 per cent after 90 days for paneer whey beverages blended with strawberry juice. The more variations were found in the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of the beverage at ambient storage than refrigeration storage. Highest score for color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability was found on third days, which decreased further during the storage. The comparative study of the paneer whey beverage blended with strawberry juice stored at ambient and refrigeration temperature showed that maximum decrease was found for score of appearance/color, flavor, mouthfeel and overall acceptability at ambient temperature as compared to refrigeration temperature. Beverage stored at refrigeration temperature was found more acceptable than the beverage which was stored at ambient temperature irrespective of all types of beverages.
The refrigerated beverage was found more acceptable up to 90 days, whereas beverage stored under ambient conditions was found acceptable up to 60 days. The products so obtained had naturally produced CO2, and little alcohol content added effervescence, sparkle, tangy taste and flavoring characteristics.
Suresh Bhise, A. Kaur, Preeti Ahluwali and S. S. Thind
The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find out the best level of texturized protein from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed on the basis of…
The purpose of the present study was to plan with the objectives to optimize and find out the best level of texturized protein from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed on the basis of quality and overall acceptability of the cookies.
Defatted meal from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was texturized using extruder. Texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was blended at 10, 20, 30 and 40 per cent levels with wheat flour for making cookies using standard procedure.
Functional properties such as water absorption index, foaming capacity and protein digestibility were increased, while water solubility index and fat absorption capacity decreased with increased levels of texturized defatted meal in wheat flour. Spread ratio, sensory, colour and overall acceptability of cookies were negatively affected when level of texturized flour increased as compared with the control. The force required for breaking cookies decreased with increased level of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed incorporation. Cookies with 10 per cent texturized sunflower, soybean and flaxseed flour received the highest sensory scores. The result showed that texturized defatted meals serve as good substitute to wheat flour with increased protein content in cookies production and utilization.
The study demonstrated that deoiled cake, a byproduct obtained from sunflower, soybean and flaxseed oil industry, offers great potential for supplementation of proteins in food products.