The value of qualitative empirical research in the management and accounting disciplines lies in its “conceptual framing” of organizational actions, events, processes, and…
The value of qualitative empirical research in the management and accounting disciplines lies in its “conceptual framing” of organizational actions, events, processes, and structures. Argues that the possibilities for conceptual framing extend beyond the highly abstract schema generally considered as “theories” by academics. In support of this argument, distinguishes five different forms of theorization. Explores the relationship between these theoretical “levels” and the different issues that empirical research explores, arguing that, as the “level” of theorizing “rises”, issues of agency give way to a focus on practice and, in turn, to a concern with structure. As this happens, research aims directed towards abstraction and explanation supersede those for contextualization and understanding. Concludes that views on “what counts as theory” are, currently, too narrow to conceptualize agency, emergence and change adequately in organizational life and, hence, the full range of significant empirical phenomena that characterize the management and accounting areas are not being researched.
Sue Llewellyn, Ron Eden and Colin Lay
Management accounting, inter alia, gives information on how resources are allocated within organisations. If managers wish to change patterns of resource allocation, accounting…
Management accounting, inter alia, gives information on how resources are allocated within organisations. If managers wish to change patterns of resource allocation, accounting knowledge is pivotal to any change processes. In health care organisations resources follow decisions made by clinicians, hence to have an impact on resource allocations managers must influence them. Direct managerial control over clinicians is not possible or desirable in health care organisations. This article suggests that incentives are an alternative to control in health care and investigates the impact of financial incentives within hospitals, utilising a naturally occurring experimental situation that has arisen between the UK and Canada.
Sanda Kaufman and George T. Duncan
Recognizing fertile ground and preparing ground not yet ready is an essential skill of an effective intervenor. This sequence of diagnosis and action is studied in a theoretical…
Recognizing fertile ground and preparing ground not yet ready is an essential skill of an effective intervenor. This sequence of diagnosis and action is studied in a theoretical framework in which mediators examine and alter four classes of disputants' perceptions. These classes are (1) the available set of actions, (2) the class of possible consequences, (3) the likelihoods of uncertain events and consequences of actions, and (4) preferences over consequences. Denver's increasing demand for water led to the Foothills environmental dispute in 1977. This dispute featured various forms of third party intervention. U.S. Representative Patricia Schroeder's failure to mediate the Foothills conflict, and U.S. Representative Timothy Wirth's success, are compared in terms of the disputants' key beliefs affected by the two self‐appointed intervenors' actions. Using the technique of counterfactual case analysis, an exploration is made of a range of possible timing and ground preparation decisions. Although the particular circumstances of any dispute play a key role in its resolution, the proposed perspective extracts features that are general and therefore transferable to other contexts, thereby enabling mediators to belter develop, transmit, and apply intervention skills.
Daniel Folkinshteyn and Jordan Moore
Momentum strategies exhibit quarterly seasonality, earning significantly higher average strategy returns in the third month of the quarter than the first month. The authors…
Momentum strategies exhibit quarterly seasonality, earning significantly higher average strategy returns in the third month of the quarter than the first month. The authors evaluate the magnitude of quarterly seasonality in various momentum strategies to examine the relation between quarterly seasonality and risk-adjusted monthly returns.
The authors construct long-short portfolios for various types of momentum strategies and calculate the average returns of these portfolios in the three months of the quarter. They also calculate the average changes in institutional ownership across the different portfolios.
The authors demonstrate that quarterly seasonality is directly associated with quarterly changes in net purchases by institutional investors. Additionally, they show that near-term price momentum exhibits more seasonality than other momentum strategies, consistent with institutional investor incentives.
Research limitations/implications
Researchers studying momentum should understand that quarterly seasonality increases the standard deviation of monthly returns for different types of momentum strategies.
Practical implications
Individual investors and investment managers should consider whether it is early or late in the calendar quarter when implementing momentum strategies.
Quarterly seasonality explains several seemingly independent findings in the momentum literature. In cases where researchers show one momentum strategy outperforms another on a risk-adjusted basis, the authors find that the superior strategy exhibits less quarterly seasonality. This pattern holds across types of momentum strategies, strategy formation periods and asset classes.
“Companies, particularly those which sell goods or services direct to the public, regard their trade marks (whether brand names or pictorial symbols) as being among their most…
“Companies, particularly those which sell goods or services direct to the public, regard their trade marks (whether brand names or pictorial symbols) as being among their most valuable assets. It is important therefore for a trading nation such as the United Kingdom to have a legal framework for the protection of trade marks which fully serves the needs of industry and commerce. The law governing registered trade marks is however fifty years old and has to some extent lost touch with the marketplace. Moreover it causes some of the procedures associated with registration to be more complicated than they need be.” This introductory paragraph to the Government's recent White Paper on “Reform of Trade Marks Law” indicates that reform is in the air. The primary pressure for reform has emanated from Brussels with the need to harmonise national trade mark laws before the advent of the Single European market on 1st January 1993. To this end the Council of Ministers adopted a harmonisation directive in December 1988 which must be translated into the national laws of member states by 28th December 1991.
IT is always something of an embarrassment for a West German librarian to address his British colleagues on the problems of public libraries. What is there of interest in a system…
IT is always something of an embarrassment for a West German librarian to address his British colleagues on the problems of public libraries. What is there of interest in a system which in almost every respect is years behind the development of the English libraries? When I begin to think along these lines of the considerable and, indeed, natural role which the library plays in British society (almost a traumatic experience for a German librarian), then the inequalities of the situation become particularly clear. Even though there are many historical and political causes for this state of affairs, it is still impossible for any correspondent to free himself of a certain psychological handicap.
The Corporation of the City of London are about to appoint a Public Analyst, and by advertisement have invited applications for the post. It is obviously desirable that the person…
The Corporation of the City of London are about to appoint a Public Analyst, and by advertisement have invited applications for the post. It is obviously desirable that the person appointed to this office should not only possess the usual professional qualifications, but that he should be a scientific man of high standing and of good repute, whose name would afford a guarantee of thoroughness and reliability in regard to the work entrusted to him, and whose opinion would carry weight and command respect. Far from being of a nature to attract a man of this stamp, the terms and conditions attaching to the office as set forth in the advertisement above referred to are such that no self‐respecting member of the analytical profession, and most certainly no leading member of it, could possibly accept them. It is simply pitiable that the Corporation of the City of London should offer terms, and make conditions in connection with them, which no scientific analyst could agree to without disgracing himself and degrading his profession. The offer of such terms, in fact, amounts to a gross insult to the whole body of members of that profession, and is excusable only—if excusable at all—on the score of utter ignorance as to the character of the work required to be done, and as to the nature of the qualifications and attainments of the scientific experts who are called upon to do it. In the analytical profession, as in every other profession, there are men who, under the pressure of necessity, are compelled to accept almost any remuneration that they can get, and several of these poorer, and therefore weaker, brethren will, of course, become candidates for the City appointment.
Malcolm J. Morgan and Diane J. Ruskell
Little knowledge is needed to be able to make a copy of a disk. Software piracy and pilfering cost the industry billions in sales. A protection strategy, to prevent duplication or…
Little knowledge is needed to be able to make a copy of a disk. Software piracy and pilfering cost the industry billions in sales. A protection strategy, to prevent duplication or changes to the programe that would allow access to a company's own ideas and expertise, is formulated. Methods adopted, including hardware and software devices, and legislation are described.
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) can be used for monitoring environmental degradation. A comprehensive review of…
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) can be used for monitoring environmental degradation. A comprehensive review of academic and professional literature indicates that the IFRS regime provides useful conceptual and practical frameworks for monitoring firms that are operating in environmentally sensitive industries.
Using qualitative and case study research methods, the financial statements of three environmentally sensitive companies were studied.
The sustainability reports produced by the companies contained both information and propaganda. The credibility of published sustainability reports is unclear. The size and adequacy of the contributions of the companies towards sharing the costs of decommissioning, rehabilitation and restoration of the environment are not disclosed. A new statement is proposed.
Practical implications
Policy implications at national and international level are many.
Social implications
The paper shows that environment has both financial and non‐financial implications. The effects of environmental degradations on the habitat and society are serious.
The paper contributes to new knowledge in several ways. There are at least three major conclusions from this paper, and the ideas are original.