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1 – 2 of 2The purpose of this paper is to characterize a commutative ring R with identity which is not an integral domain such that ZT(R), the total zero-divisor graph of R is connected and…
The purpose of this paper is to characterize a commutative ring R with identity which is not an integral domain such that ZT(R), the total zero-divisor graph of R is connected and to determine the diameter and radius of ZT(R) whenever ZT(R) is connected. Also, the purpose is to generalize some of the known results proved by Duric et al. on the total zero-divisor graph of R.
We use the methods from commutative ring theory on primary decomposition and strong primary decomposition of ideals in commutative rings. The structure of ideals, the primary ideals, the prime ideals, the set of zero-divisors of the finite direct product of commutative rings is used in this paper. The notion of maximal Nagata prime of the zero-ideal of a commutative ring is also used in our discussion.
For a commutative ring R with identity, ZT(R) is the intersection of the zero-divisor graph of R and the total graph of R induced by the set of all non-zero zero-divisors of R. The zero-divisor graph of R and the total graph of R induced by the set of all non-zero zero-divisors of R are well studied. Hence, we determine necessary and sufficient condition so that ZT(R) agrees with the zero-divisor graph of R (respectively, agrees with the total graph induced by the set of non-zero zero-divisors of R). If Z(R) is an ideal of R, then it is noted that ZT(R) agrees with the zero-divisor graph of R. Hence, we focus on rings R such that Z(R) is not an ideal of R. We are able to characterize R such that ZT(R) is connected under the assumptions that the zero ideal of R admits a strong primary decomposition and Z(R) is not an ideal of R. With the above assumptions, we are able to determine the domination number of ZT(R).
Research limitations/implications
Duric et al. characterized Artinian rings R such that ZT(R) is connected. In this paper, we extend their result to rings R such that the zero ideal of R admits a strong primary decomposition and Z(R) is not an ideal of R. As an Artinian ring is isomorphic to the direct product of a finite number of Artinian local rings, we try to characterize R such that ZT(R) is connected under the assumption that R is ta finite direct product of rings R1, R2, … Rn with Z(Ri) is an ideal of Ri for each i between 1 to n. Their result on domination number of ZT(R) is also generalized in this paper. We provide several examples to illustrate our results proved.
Practical implications
The implication of this paper is that the existing result of Duric et al. is applicable to large class of commutative rings thereby yielding more examples. Moreover, the results proved in this paper make us to understand the structure of commutative rings better. It also helps us to learn the interplay between the ring-theoretic properties and the graph-theoretic properties of the graph associated with it.
The results proved in this paper are original and they provide more insight into the structure of total zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring. This paper provides several examples. Not much work done in the area of total zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring. This paper is a contribution to the area of graphs and rings and may inspire other researchers to study the total zero-divisor graph in further detail.
The purpose of this article is to determine necessary and sufficient conditions in order that (D, K) to be an S-accr pair, where D is an integral domain and K is a field which…
The purpose of this article is to determine necessary and sufficient conditions in order that (D, K) to be an S-accr pair, where D is an integral domain and K is a field which contains D as a subring and S is a multiplicatively closed subset of D.
The methods used are from the topic multiplicative ideal theory from commutative ring theory.
Let S be a strongly multiplicatively closed subset of an integral domain D such that the ring of fractions of D with respect to S is not a field. Then it is shown that (D, K) is an S-accr pair if and only if K is algebraic over D and the integral closure of the ring of fractions of D with respect to S in K is a one-dimensional Prüfer domain. Let D, S, K be as above. If each intermediate domain between D and K satisfies S-strong accr*, then it is shown that K is algebraic over D and the integral closure of the ring of fractions of D with respect to S is a Dedekind domain; the separable degree of K over F is finite and K has finite exponent over F, where F is the quotient field of D.
Motivated by the work of some researchers on S-accr, the concept of S-strong accr* is introduced and we determine some necessary conditions in order that (D, K) to be an S-strong accr* pair. This study helps us to understand the behaviour of the rings between D and K.