Louise Birkett and Steve Doswell
The European Directive on Information and Consultation will come into force in the UK on 6th April, 2005 for all undertakings employing 150 people or more. In 2007 this threshold…
The European Directive on Information and Consultation will come into force in the UK on 6th April, 2005 for all undertakings employing 150 people or more. In 2007 this threshold reduces to 100 employees or more and in 2008 to 50 or more employees. By that stage, 56.3 per cent1 of the UK workforce will enjoy a legal right to formalised information and consultation (I&C) in the workplace. This paper assesses the challenges and opportunities for communicators and assesses their role in implementing the new regulations.
This chapter focuses on visualization. Seeing the humanities differently is one of the amazing benefits of working with tools mentioned within this category. Whether it be more…
This chapter focuses on visualization. Seeing the humanities differently is one of the amazing benefits of working with tools mentioned within this category. Whether it be more traditional visualizations like images or video or that which is considered a bit more advanced like augmented or virtual reality, the enhanced perspective gained through the use of these tools offers digital humanities scholars unprecedented disciplinary perspectives while helping to shape new research areas, questions, and understanding of humanity and culture. In addition to visualization and issues related to it, this chapter also examines gaming and how games and play are impacting the digital humanities in exciting ways.
This Chapter is all about communication and the ways we are now able to reach out to others around the world from our personal computers or mobile devices, which were never…
This Chapter is all about communication and the ways we are now able to reach out to others around the world from our personal computers or mobile devices, which were never available before. One might initially consider this section more in line with productivity tools instead of those impacting the digital humanities. I will, however, demonstrate that it is through these tools that the field is expanding, offering interesting ways in which scholars can communicate ideas with one another, share thoughts, research, and collaborate. Additionally, it is through the use of these tools that our ideas are being shared with students and interestingly how students are, in turn, reciprocating our efforts. The chapter focuses on video broadcasting tools, audio conferencing, audiocasting, and collaboration applications, offering examples of how they can be used in a classroom setting.