In realizing the problems of the protection of life environment and of the modern tourism it is indispensable to start from the fact that the tourism is a specific consumer of the…
In realizing the problems of the protection of life environment and of the modern tourism it is indispensable to start from the fact that the tourism is a specific consumer of the nature, but it has to be treated as an important factor of its protection. The tourism has made possible the valuation of some parts and elements of the nature, which are of no particular value for other activities. In this sense, it is important to accord the degree and the form of the tourism in individual touristic localities, regions and countries with the objects of the protection of life environment. In order to be able to solve the existing problems and the series of causal relations between the protection of nature and tourism, it is indispensable to observe the principles of the conception of the active protection of life environment. It means that the protection of life environment for touristic needs must not be reduced to the protection of individual natural rarities of isolated wholes only, but the nature has to be considered as a whole.
29e Congrès AIEST, 2 au 8 septembre 1979 en Bulgarie Le vol. 20 des Publications de l'AIEST «Tourisme et emploi — Manpower in Tourism — Beschäftigung im Tourismus» avec les…
29e Congrès AIEST, 2 au 8 septembre 1979 en Bulgarie Le vol. 20 des Publications de l'AIEST «Tourisme et emploi — Manpower in Tourism — Beschäftigung im Tourismus» avec les rapports de base et une partie des rapports spéciaux du 29e congrés vient de paraitre. Les autres rapports spéciaux ainsi que la synthèse des travaux du congrès seront publiés dans les nos 3 et 4 de la Revue.