Stephanie Black, Laura Guerrero and Donna Maria Blancero
This conceptual paper seeks to contribute to the literature on Hispanics in the workplace by applying the job demand-resource (JD-R) model to better identify some of the unique…
This conceptual paper seeks to contribute to the literature on Hispanics in the workplace by applying the job demand-resource (JD-R) model to better identify some of the unique demands, resources and outcomes that have been studied within Hispanic populations. Specifically, we apply moderators that uniquely differentiate Hispanic workers from the more dominant White culture.
Our search revealed peer-reviewed papers from 1970 to 2019. This timeframe was chosen because earlier studies did not report findings specifically about Hispanics. We excluded papers that: (1) focused on measurement equivalence, were qualitative or conceptual, (2) were not related to workers or employees (3) examined outcomes not resulting from demands and resources, (4) studied Hispanics not living in the US or (5) did not report independent findings on Hispanics. Based on our parameters, a total of 82 articles have been included in our study.
Our literature review revealed a tendency to treat Hispanics as a homogeneous group rather than delving into their distinct characteristics. Consequently, our model and propositions offer a framework to thoroughly investigate the unique attributes of Hispanics in the workplace.
Practical implications
This paper aims to encourage further research on Hispanics in the workplace, fostering a deeper understanding among organizations and managers to create a work environment that is more inclusive and conducive to productivity.
This paper enhances the literature on Hispanics in the workplace by presenting a model and propositions grounded in JD-R theory, with a specific focus on exploring factors that impact the job-related outcomes of Hispanics.
This paper aims to identify how white preservice teachers’ inability to imagine an equitable space for Black and Brown children contributes to the ubiquity of whiteness in English…
This paper aims to identify how white preservice teachers’ inability to imagine an equitable space for Black and Brown children contributes to the ubiquity of whiteness in English education. Further, the authors contend that the preservice teachers’ responses mirror how the larger field of English education fails to imagine Black and Brown life.
Using abolitionist teaching as a guide, the authors use reflexive thematic analysis to examine the rhetorical moves their preservice teachers made to defer responsibility for anti-racist teaching.
The findings show preservice teachers’ rhetorical moves across three themes: failure to imagine Black and Brown humanity, failure to imagine a connection between theory and practice, and failure to imagine curriculum and schooling beyond whiteness.
By highlighting how preservice teachers fail to imagine spaces for Black and Brown youth, this study offers another pathway through which teacher educators, teachers and English education programs can assist their faculty and students in activating their imaginations in the pursuit of anti-racist, abolitionist teaching.
The decline in attendance at historically Black colleges and universities and their existence is as much about the theoretical frameworks of social knowledge that exist within a…
The decline in attendance at historically Black colleges and universities and their existence is as much about the theoretical frameworks of social knowledge that exist within a putative post-racial society as it is about the systemic destabilization of educational institutions that produce a critical mass of Black and Brown professional through, inter alia, neoliberal narratives of individualism. What impact does framing have on erroneous beliefs about the efficacy of HBCUs? In the context of America's historical and current sociopolitical environment, HBCUs are more than educative spaces for Black students. HBCUs are places where the transformative practices of rhetorical criticism and collective action can uproot attitudes and theories that lead Blacks students to believe the marginalized outcomes they experience are their own fault over systemic racial discrimination.
Goldie S. Byrd and Christopher L. Edwards
HBCUs are significant in their number and in the number of minority students they graduate annually. They are located across Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, District of…
HBCUs are significant in their number and in the number of minority students they graduate annually. They are located across Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. They make up approximately 3% of the nation's institutions of postsecondary education. In 2001, they enrolled more than 14% of all Black students in higher education, and more than 30% of Blacks graduated with a baccalaureate degree, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (2004). There are 40 four-year public institutions, 49 four-year private institutions, 11 two-year public institutions, and 5 two-year private institutions. North Carolina has 11 HBCUs, more than any other state. Alabama has nine HBCUs, and Georgia and South Carolina have eight each. Both Mississippi and Texas have seven HBCUs. The first HBCU, Cheyney University, was founded in 1837. It was followed by two other historically Black institutions, Lincoln University in Pennsylvania (1854) and Wilberforce University in Ohio (1856).
Julio C. Canedo, Dianna L. Stone, Stephanie L. Black and Kimberly M. Lukaszewski
Although there has been considerable research on entrepreneurship (Rauch and Frese, 2000), there has been limited research on Hispanic entrepreneurs (e.g. Peterson, 1995; Shinnar…
Although there has been considerable research on entrepreneurship (Rauch and Frese, 2000), there has been limited research on Hispanic entrepreneurs (e.g. Peterson, 1995; Shinnar and Young, 2008; Zarrugh, 2007), and much of the literature has been atheoretical or fragmented. Therefore, this paper uses an existing model of entrepreneurship (Baron and Henry, 2011) to understand and explain the factors related to the behaviors of Hispanic entrepreneurs. The purpose of this paper is to consider the literature on Hispanic entrepreneurs relevant to each stage in the model, and presents testable hypotheses to guide future research on the issue.
In order to uncover the research on Hispanic entrepreneurs several databases were searched including ABI Inform, PsyArticles, and ProQuest. In addition, a review of key entrepreneurship and Hispanic journals (e.g. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science) was conducted. Relevant papers from 1980 to date were included.
Significant research on ethnic entrepreneurship has been conducted, especially on the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs. The extant literature, however, has been primarily atheoretical and lacks empirical evidence to support a consensus regarding the findings. The authors provide a model to guide research on Hispanic entrepreneurs.
Practical implications
Research revealed that Hispanics may be more likely to start new businesses, but also more likely to fail than Anglos (Sullivan, 2007). As a result, this paper highlights the potential obstacles affecting the behavior of Hispanic entrepreneurs, and considers a number of practical implications for enhancing their success rates.
Social implications
Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the USA, and entrepreneurship often provides a springboard for their economic advancement and social integration (Wang and Li, 2007). As a result, the present paper has important implications for increasing the success rates and integration of Hispanics in US society. It may also have key implications for policy makers who are trying to identify strategies for increasing the number of Hispanic new business ventures in our society.
The authors believe that this paper adds value to the literature because it uses a theoretical model to explain the factors thought to affect the behavior of Hispanic entrepreneurs. Also, it identifies a number of avenues for future research on the topic. Even though there has been some research on Hispanic entrepreneurs, the authors believe that the current framework will identify the key gaps in the literature and foster additional research.
Since the creation of the trivium and quadrivium as the core for a post- secondary education, education itself has undergone substantive change, particularly since the end of the…
Since the creation of the trivium and quadrivium as the core for a post- secondary education, education itself has undergone substantive change, particularly since the end of the eighteenth century. Unspoken is the change in the population seeking such advanced knowledge, as well as the idea that the original elements might be recast as liberal studies and STEM (science/technology/engineering/mathematics); unspoken, too, are the ramifications. This paper aims to discuss these issues.
The increased emphasis on STEM and its applications has reduced funding for liberal studies, leading to the potential for seriously reducing the perceived importance of the humanities and related liberal studies. This creates a feedback loop, as the increasing cost of education shifts the focus towards “practical” knowledge.
As with the trivium and quadrivium, where it was expected that the latter was focused on work-related skills, there may be an increasing split in society between those who have the fiscal resources and obtain a liberal education, and the balance who enter the applied professions, amplifying the increasing socioeconomic gap in today's society. It also becomes problematic for members of society to effectively participate in the political process.
An innovative look at the need for liberal education in the modern world.