Srinivasan Alavandar and M.J. Nigam
The purpose of this paper is to present the control of a six degrees of freedom (DOF) robot arm (PUMA robot) using fuzzy PD + I controller. Numerical simulation using the dynamic…
The purpose of this paper is to present the control of a six degrees of freedom (DOF) robot arm (PUMA robot) using fuzzy PD + I controller. Numerical simulation using the dynamic model of six DOF robot arm shows the effectiveness of the approach in trajectory tracking problems. Comparative evaluation with respect to PID and fuzzy PID controls are presented to validate the controller design. The results presented emphasize that a satisfactory tracking precision could be achieved using fuzzy PD + I controller combination than fuzzy PID controller.
Control of a six DOF robot arm (PUMA Robot) using fuzzy PD + I controller.
The performance of fuzzy PD + I controllers improves appreciably compared to their respective fuzzy PID only or conventional PID counterparts.
Complexity of the proposed fuzzy PID controller is minimized as possible and only two design variables are used to adjust the rate of variations of the proportional gain and derivative gain.
Tushar Jain, Srinivasan Alavandar, Singh Vivekkumar Radhamohan and M.J. Nigam
The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel algorithm which hybridizes the best features of three basic algorithms, i.e. genetic algorithm, bacterial foraging, and particle…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel algorithm which hybridizes the best features of three basic algorithms, i.e. genetic algorithm, bacterial foraging, and particle swarm optimization (PSO) as genetically bacterial swarm optimization (GBSO). The implementation of GBSO is illustrated by designing the fuzzy pre‐compensated PD (FPPD) control for two‐link rigid‐flexible manipulator.
The hybridization is carried out in two phases; first, the diversity in searching the optimal solution is increased using selection, crossover, and mutation operators. Second, the search direction vector is optimized using PSO to enhance the convergence rate of the fitness function in achieving the optimality. The FPPD controller design objective was to tune the PD controller constants, normalization, and denormalization factors for both the joints so that integral square error, overshoots, and undershoots are minimized.
The proposed algorithm is tested on a set of mathematical functions which are then compared with the basic algorithms. The results showed that the GBSO had a convergence rate better than the other algorithms, reaching to the optimal solution. Also, an approach of using fuzzy pre‐compensator in reducing the overshoots and undershoots for loading‐unloading and circular trajectories had been successfully achieved over simple PD controller. The results presented emphasize that a satisfactory tracking precision could be achieved using hybrid FPPD controller with GBSO.
Simulation results were reported and the proposed algorithm indeed has established superiority over the basic algorithms with respect to set of functions considered and it can easily be extended for other global optimization problems. The proposed FPPD controller tuning approach is interesting for the design of controllers for inherently unstable high‐order systems.